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Favorite Posting in Canada

If you could choose any posting in canada (out of the wings) what would it be?

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Thanks but that really doesn't answer my ? And its not like i am bran new to the military, i was in the armd core and from what i have seen from the air force is that they don't seem to be over worked by any means.And for my question, does anybody know the chances of getting on tour as a air force tech. Thank-you
josealbondo said:
from what i have seen from the air force is that they don't seem to be over worked by any means.


You dont know shit.

I dont manage more than 2 weeks at home in one stretch so "from what you have seen" is off the mark. I work with people i dont see in months because we are constantly deployed somewhere in the world on operations or exercises. We have less people to work with than we used to, yet the tempo has increased exponentialy.

josealbondo said:
Thanks but that really doesn't answer my ? And its not like i am bran new to the military, i was in the armd core and from what i have seen from the air force is that they don't seem to be over worked by any means.And for my question, does anybody know the chances of getting on tour as a air force tech. Thank-you

Bran new?  That Star Trek guy got to you too!

I see numerous Armourd Core fellas walking around at Air Force bases, how would you know what the Air Force does?  Climb over that combat arms wall and have a look at the CF again, there is much more going on around you.
josealbondo said:
And its not like i am bran new to the military, i was in the armd core and from what i have seen from the air force is that they don't seem to be over worked by any means.

Just because they arent running around with rucksacks on, or doing useless 'make work' projects, doesnt mean they 'do nothing all day'.  Maybe you should ask them a few questions about what they are doing and why they are doing it instead of pumping your 'nothing' opinion here?
Funny.  Last night, the night before...there was Seakings up flying until I went to bed...or later.  That means firefighters, AEC, AC Ops, AVN Techs, AVS Techs, ATIS Techs, Pilots, Navs, AES Ops, you name it are working, on call, or working thru shift rotations to keep aircraft in the air, keep the airfield running, you name it.  Thats not to count all the duty personnel from Wings Ops, TIS, the Sqns, 12 AMS, the MPs.

I am ex-army and I used to think more like you but...once I was on the Wing, I opened my eyes and saw all the activity going on. 

I got an email a few weeks ago from a member of a deployed MH crew I made acquaintance with, who was almost half way thru a 6 month deployment.  My father was aircrew in the Maritime Patrol world and when he was in a Crew, I'd say he was away as much or more than he was home.

The Air Force works, it just works "different".  This week, I've left work everyday at 1530hrs, but flight ops go on. 

Something to think about.
josealbondo said:
Thanks but that really doesn't answer my ? And its not like i am bran new to the military, i was in the armd core and from what i have seen from the air force is that they don't seem to be over worked by any means.And for my question, does anybody know the chances of getting on tour as a air force tech. Thank-you

If you were really in the Armoured Corps you would know its capitialized and spelled Corps and not Core. I smell BS.

You've been in the Air Force for 2 years and you don't know if Air Force people do tours or deploy?

I wore a black beret for many years, maybe we know some of the same people.  Feel free to PM me with some names/units.

Your posts aren't adding up to someone who was Armour Corps and is now Air Force for 2 years.  I've been Air Force for 1.5 years, on one of the smaller Wings, and I have 2 clues (sort of). 

From where I am sitting, 2+2=B with your posts WRT this thread.

Oh...just curious what PCFs you had when you were in the Corps.  Feel free to list, or include in your PM.

(just so you know...Ex-Dragoon means former RCD...)
Seems to me your one who is being touchy. Quite a few of the membership here are former combat arms gone Air Force, I am sure they will be in touch with you to set you straight.
Yeah almost 2 years and all of it in the training system. I do have kinda a clue but not really on which base goes where and how often, which was my question.I have been stuck in gagetown for the past 5 or so years.
josealbondo said:
and for you guys to even compare yourselfs to the combat arms is unreal.You guys say that your always deployed, big deal, cry me a river, at least your staying in a nice 5 star hotel instead of a tent or trench, you guys should be happy you get to go to all these wicked places.

Am I the only one who finds this statement odd?
josealbondo said:
Ok where do i start!!!!First off i am in the air force now and have been for almost 2 years and have yet to work past 4 o'clock! I love it in the air force and yeah for sure you work, You guys say that your always deployed, big deal, cry me a river, at least your staying in a nice 5 star hotel instead of a tent or trench, you guys should be happy you get to go to all these wicked places.Your the first air force guys i have ever heard complain

Who is complaining?  You come in here with this attitude that the Air force does nothing, then you start to get replies from individuals who are deployed right now.  They are not complaining they are trying to get you to see the big picture.

In the training system and not working a day past 1600 is no indication of how the ops tempo is for the Air Force.


Granted.  Some aircrew stay in hotels.  There are reasons for that.   However, not all Air Force personnel deploy to hotels.

Maybe this video will be the start of you seeing what some people in the Air Force do. Sure, its no FOB in the sandbox or combat outpost but it's not a hotel either.

I would suspect the Air Force people who ARE in hotels would much rather be home with their loved ones and families, the same as the guys chewing dirt and dust in the FOBs.  Missing your kids birthday is missing your kids birthday, afterall. 

* Question for those who know...at about the 50 second mark into the video, they are interviewing the CO, who I noticed is wearing the Engineer cap badge but is wearing a flightsuit.  Why the flightsuit?  He's obviously not an aircrew trade?
josealbondo said:
Not including my last 2 in the AF

Well with your 5yrs with the Army, that's a total of 7 in the CAF, is that all permanent or reserve.

I have a question for you, with this length of service, why do you hesitate to fill out your Profile ?.
Quote from: josealbondo on Today at 16:06:59
Ok where do i start!!!!First off i am in the air force now and have been for almost 2 years and have yet to work past 4 o'clock! I love it in the air force and yeah for sure you work, You guys say that your always deployed, big deal, cry me a river, at least your staying in a nice 5 star hotel instead of a tent or trench, you guys should be happy you get to go to all these wicked places.Your the first air force guys i have ever heard complain

I'm not even sure where that comment came from as I couldnt find the post, is it from another thread?

Being in the 'training system' is not the same as actually working, its more like attending school.  

The AF often get to stay in hotels, you bet, its a nice change from a tent in the snow.  So what?  Id rather have my pilot well-fed, well-rested, and in a good mood when he starts up the plane, not some tired nervous wreck whose hands are shaking from fatigue and lack of decent food.  

You sound like you are proud of being able to sleep in a tent or a trench.  Ive been there too (as have most others here), and it was fun when I was younger, and there's nothing wrong with being proud of facing and overcoming nature and the elements.  But its not a standard to measure the rest of the world by.
josealbondo said:
Yeah almost 2 years and all of it in the training system. I do have kinda a clue but not really on which base goes where and how often, which was my question.I have been stuck in gagetown for the past 5 or so years.

That little tidbit along with your email address means I know who you are and what courses you've been on over the past couple years.

Drop the attitude...you haven't earned it.

The Army.ca Staff
I erased my post and apologize,got a little angry with the way people were responding to my question.The only reason i came on this site was to try to get some info.I have nothin bad to say about the air force, actually all good things!And i do realize that the airforce do there part and can't wait to be apart of it.So no hard feelings!!!!!Later
Wow did that get off the rails quickly, I had no idea I was in the "Favorite Posting in Canada" thread