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Favorite Posting in Canada

If you could choose any posting in canada (out of the wings) what would it be?

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josealbondo said:
So how long is your type course in greenwood on the aurora?I heard it was like a year and a half with sucks ***!And how is the woman situation in comox?Is Courtenay a fair size city?
  I did my type course years ago... they've made them somewhat longer in the last few years, more practical.  The AVN type courses are split into Propulsion and Flight Systems...  prop is about 3.5 months now I believe, the flight course is maybe a month longer, but I'm not sure about the exact lengths, so a grain of salt there.  The AVS guys are split into Tactical and Navigation specialties....  I think their courses are of similar length, but that's heavy on guesswork for me.  I wouldn't worry about spending more than 6 months in Greenwood on course.

  I'm married, so I really don't know what the dating scene in Comox/Courtenay is like; but I have eyes and there are plenty of women walking around....  It's got to be better than Greenwood was in any event.  Courtenay is a decent size.... you can get most anything that you need.  The only thing I missed there was a large book store like Chapters.  Lots of places to go out and eat and pretty much any type of outdoor activity you would care to name.
the woman situation in Comox is beyond bleak.

It's a small town, people who grow up here know eachother, and are completely un-interested in meeting other people. 9 of 10 people you talk to in town, guys or girls, will try to avoid talking to you if you're not local. If you force the issue and start talking to them, they might get rude.
It's not just an anti-millitary thing, I've met several people who have moved to this town after they finished school, and they're good people and i hang out with them regularly... they say the same thing.
If you don't know Andrea and how she's cheating on her husband with Dave, you know Dave the tall guy who your gf dated when she was in highschool.. then you're not part of the gang.

If you do manage to meet someone, and get her to talk, expect a pre-fab family. Shack up with her and the kids are free.
I thought it was a joke when i got there.. it's not, and it's perfectly acceptable to ask the moment you meet someone.. "do you have kids? are you divorced?"

Small town.. people tend to stay.. born.. live.. die..
Proud_Newfoundlander said:
we dont have a movie theatre, and u cant spend ur life at timmies :P

They still haven't reponed the theatre in the Fraser mall?
CDN Aviator said:
Thats because Greenwood sucks dead donkey ***............

Oh, you can't hurt my feelings by insulting G-wood...nice try, though. ;)

I love the valley, and I've spent quite a bit of time in Greenwood (fiance was posted there until earlier this year) and thus, I think I would like to be posted there at some point. I'll take what I get, of course - and I have to get in first and foremost - but Greenwood will be my #1 preference when I do.  ;D
Celticgirl said:
but Greenwood will be my #1 preference when I do.  ;D

I love people who WANT to go to Greenwood. The more people like you, the better. Just decreases the chances of me ever having to go back there.
CDN Aviator said:
I love people who WANT to go to Greenwood. The more people like you, the better. Just decreases the chances of me ever having to go back there.

And the more people there are like YOU, the better my chances are of getting a posting there. Perfect! ;D  I have to agree about the Top Hat, though...it's kind of a skanky dive, eh. lol
Celticgirl said:
it's kind of a skanky dive, eh. lol

I have been to skanky dives that i like.......the Top Hat i dont like. Its THAT bad.
I supposed theres always "Legends" in Kentville, if you like driving at 60Km/h on the highway of death.

North and South mountain.............How can you call those "mountains"

Weekend in halifax ?  Whats the price of gas again ?

The mess hall in greenwood........yeah right

The Iron Pot Pub.......fantastic place on welafre wednesdays.......

Want to rent an appartment..........good luck with that

Like to buy trendy clothes ?  Guy Frenchies has nothing but the best clothes nobody wants  (theres 3 of them within 15 minutes of the base)

Tim Hortons........they only hire rude , abnoxious military brats and military wives

Now that the Robbin's coffee is closed, where is the motorcycle social club gathering ?

That makes it all so appealing!

I was down there about 4 weeks ago.  It was nice to get back to Halifax.   ;D

There are a few things I do like about the area...Cape Split, Falls Lake, Blomidon Park, and Keji but...I can drive to all those from Shearwater/Halifax.
CDN Aviator said:
I supposed theres always "Legends" in Kentville, if you like driving at 60Km/h on the highway of death.

North and South mountain.............How can you call those "mountains"

Weekend in halifax ?  Whats the price of gas again ?

The mess hall in greenwood........yeah right

The Iron Pot Pub.......fantastic place on welafre wednesdays.......

Want to rent an appartment..........good luck with that

Like to buy trendy clothes ?  Guy Frenchies has nothing but the best clothes nobody wants  (theres 3 of them within 15 minutes of the base)

Tim Hortons........they only hire rude , abnoxious military brats and military wives

Now that the Robbin's coffee is closed, where is the motorcycle social club gathering ?

I used to live in Kentville, so I am quite familiar with the area. ;)  Abnoxious military brats and military wives, huh? Nothing like a good negative stereotype to brighten the thread! lol I haven't had any issues with the service at either Tim's in Kingston/Greenwood. New Minas and Wolfville, on the other hand... ::)

By the way, the motorcycle peeps gather at the Coldbrook Timmie's on Tuesday nights. Not that I would know.  ;D

Eye In The Sky said:
That makes it all so appealing!

I was down there about 4 weeks ago.  It was nice to get back to Halifax.   ;D

There are a few things I do like about the area...Cape Split, Falls Lake, Blomidon Park, and Keji but...I can drive to all those from Shearwater/Halifax.

Shearwater is on my list as well. Lots of friends in Haffilax. ;)
CDN Aviator said:
Ah yes, the self-proclaimed shopping center of the Valley..........Walmart, Staples........DONE !!!

Hahahaha...I think you're a bit nuts, Aviator, but the entertainment value you provide on this site is priceless. ;)
Celticgirl said:
Hahahaha...I think you're a bit nuts, Aviator, but the entertainment value you provide on this site is priceless. ;)

I'm freakin serious..........Ok, i forgot theres a wacky Wheatley's there too....

Eye In The Sky said:
There is a Canadian Tire there too and KFC!

Yes and if you are looking for a fine dinning experience in Greenwood / Kingston there always pizza delight or the Kingston dinner.......
CDN Aviator said:
Yes and if you are looking for a fine dinning experience in Greenwood / Kingston there always pizza delight or the Kingston dinner.......

The Esso has good chicken sandwichs  ;D...what more could you want?
Eye In The Sky said:
The Esso has good chicken sandwichs  ;D...what more could you want?

Food poisoning.......

Oh wait, i already got that from those sanwiches.

Thats a Husky across from the KFC at the lights isnt it ?
Eye In The Sky said:
Hey, come on now!

There is a Canadian Tire there too and KFC!

I was going to mention Crappy Tire for you men folksies. ;)  Oh, and there is a Boston Pizza now, too!
Eye In The Sky said:
I don't look close enough...or it could be the speed trying to get out of there... 8)

Oh and lets not forget the wonderful choice of hotels when you are on your HHT

The Aurora Inn........If "best western" ever came down to see what they put their name to, the would take out a full page apology in the local newspaper

The Wandlyn Inn.......yeah whatever. I stayed there too  DUMP

Celticgirl said:
  Oh, and there is a Boston Pizza now, too!

Yup, its in New Minas across from the Harvey's / Swiss Chalet......again, the price of gas makes going there fun for the average person and again, you are taking your life in your hands on that freakin highway. There was a rumour that a BP was going to open behind the Husky on the 4 way intersection in Greenwood......but instead the openned just what they area needed......a shopper's drug mart   YAY !!!

Oh and did i forget the apple blossom festival and the Kingston Steer BBQ ?

Fun stuff
CDN Aviator said:
Oh and lets not forget the wonderful choice of hotels when you are on your HHT

The Aurora Inn........If "best western" ever came down to see what they put their name to, the would take out a full page apology in the local newspaper

Is that the one by the Tim's right off the highway? I had dinner there once...it was nice. :)

CDN Aviator said:
Yup, its in New Minas across from the Harvey's / Swiss Chalet......again, the price of gas makes going there fun for the average person and again, you are taking your life in your hands on that freakin highway.

I was about to correct you, but you saw the error. ;)  BP reminds me of the cinemas in New Minas...dinner and a movie. Greenwood does also have the Zedex as well...gotta love the Zedex!!