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CT -- Reserves into ROTP/RMC (merged)

I'm CT'ing to Armoured Officer under ROTP this year as wekk going into my 2nd year @Saint Mary's U and I talked to my contact in ottawa and no matter what experience you have you have to go to the RMC St.Jean for the orientation camp at the beginning of August, everyone going civyU in the maritimes is goin to St.Jean. he said all the formal CT offers will be emailed out by the end of April and then the CT takes affect at the beginning of August. until then I'm going to try and get a tasking in gagetown, I suggest you try to as well!
TheBlackCat said:
I'm CT'ing to Armoured Officer under ROTP this year as wekk going into my 2nd year @Saint Mary's U and I talked to my contact in ottawa and no matter what experience you have you have to go to the RMC St.Jean for the orientation camp at the beginning of August, everyone going civyU in the maritimes is goin to St.Jean. he said all the formal CT offers will be emailed out by the end of April and then the CT takes affect at the beginning of August. until then I'm going to try and get a tasking in gagetown, I suggest you try to as well!

Thanks for the info. I'm also CTing to Armoured Officer :) Maybe we'll cross paths in the future :)
Are you the OCdt with the sig det at the halifax armouries? if so you must kno dylan colbourne then ive met you already lol
TheBlackCat said:
Are you the OCdt with the sig det at the halifax armouries? if so you must kno dylan colbourne then ive met you already lol

No, sorry, I'm not - I'm in Ottawa, and I'm a Private  :)
Thanks TheBlackCat,

I had no idea when the formal offers would be coming out, or what the situation is for CT & Civy U. Nice to know a general guestimate. Second year MSVU student CTing to MPO.
I can corroborate TheBlackCat's info, as the PO handling my CT also told me the same thing WRT when letters will go out. 
Blenkarn said:
Thanks TheBlackCat,

Second year MSVU student CTing to MPO.

yeah my sister is goin to MSVU next year, wow congratulations! I talked to the recuiter when i was choosing secondary choices for trades and I asked her about MPO and she told me there was only 2 spots in canada, so I said screw that haha, although I am taking Criminology.
Thanks - Yeah, I was happy, I was especially worried with the only two spots. MSVU is a great school, I'd probably be taking Criminology at SMU, but I dislike Sociological type stuff. Headed to Gagetown tomorrow for course, so I hope I dont have to be in Halifax to deal with anything ROTP wise.
my home uniti s  The Ontario Reg't (RCAC), I was attached to the PLF for about 6 months, and then i got assigned to 33svc so i could train with the hailifax rifles (RCAC)
You've been around. I'm out in Gagetown atm on a Comm course - Hoping this letter gets here somewhat soon

I've been in CF for almost 2 years now. I joined as a reg. force NCM in the Weapons Tech (L). I'm currently on my QL3 course and I am doing good so far. However, I am not enjoying it as much as I had originally hoped. The idea of swapping parts the rest of my career (which a few senior members have the trade have told me is all I would be doing), does not appeal me. Overall though, I love the military and I can't imagine going back to the civvy world. I have been toying with the idea of becoming an officer in the combat arms, which was something I thought would interest me when I was applying, but thought it better to see if I even like the military life before going that route. What I am interested in knowing is, what is the process and how difficult would it be to move from NCM to the ROTP at this point, and, would it be better for me to finish my course and then bring this up the chain of command during my QL4's. On one hand my peers say that I'm so close I might as well finish. On the other, someone requesting a change of trade after just being trained might not be viewed as kindly as someone requesting before training is completed.
I thin the answer's going to be "you can't get there from here." IIRC, the three commissioning plans for Reg NCMs are: UTPNCM, SRCP, and CFR. I don't think ROTP is available to serving NCMs. Some else will point you at the reference, I'm sure. In any event, you still wouldn't qualify until you had career status: 3 years served and at least QL4, maybe QL5. SRCP requires you already have a degree, and CFR requires that you have significant experience.
Mike is absolutley correct.

ROTP is an entry plan. You are already in.
If you want to gain your Queen's Commission, you have to wait till minimum QL5 trade qualification and then look at the UTPNCM program. CFR is a longer route (potentially) while for SCP you need to be working on your degree part time for a number of years till complete. There is also the CEOTP program, which is similar to the UT.

You could always get out and reapply for ROTP in however many months it is now, but I would really do not think that is a good idea.

That all being said, don't let the bitter school staff disillusion you too much. Life in 2nd line units (Svc Bn) may be largley parts changing, but life in 1st line units is a different kettle of fish. As a gun plumber you will be diagnosing faults a lot more than you think. Don't let CFSEME and Borden get you down. Life gets better.

Looked and searched for this on the forum, found nothing.

I'm still in the application process for ROTP, but was told that I have a very good chance of being selected to become an Infantry Officer. I previously thought that training began in May if you were in University (I am finishing/completing my first year of civi uni this year), but that doesn't appear so. Instead of getting a summer job, I was hoping I could possibly advance a pay grade by going into the Reserves starting sometime during the second semester of university.

Essentially, my questions are:

Would I be able to continue working for the Reserves on weekends and select weekdays during the school year of ROTP?

How long would it take for me to upgrade a pay grade?
Well, to answer your questions, yes you can parade with a unit on weekends/training nights if you have the time and if the reserve unit is willing to train you.

As for pay grades, it is dependant on your rank and pensionable time in.

I've just gone through the CT a couple of months ago into ROTP, so I can direct you to a few references if needed.

Best of luck,

What prompted the recruiter to tell you that you had a very good chance of being selected for infantry officer? Strictly out of curiosity.
I was wondering what the process I would have to go through to CT from the reserves to ROTP would involve.
You do everything through the recruiting center as if you were fresh off the street.  Once Accepted, you fill out a Voluntary release and do a whole bunch of paperwork.