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SupersonicMax said:
GW: PiL was actually procesed rather quickly at our unit and base.  Most are still waiting for the money.  My point is that delegation of tasks down to the base level would increase efficiency in the process.

I have to agree; the decision flowchart for "does file go to Ottawa" should have included more than "is member requesting more than 50% now?".  Also, Units should have been given direction to submit completed files weekly/semi-monthly/something; mine 'held onto mine' for 4 months.  ::)
Eye In The Sky said:
I have to agree; the decision flowchart for "does file go to Ottawa" should have included more than "is member requesting more than 50% now?".  Also, Units should have been given direction to submit completed files weekly/semi-monthly/something; mine 'held onto mine' for 4 months.  ::)

I think that may be the largest source of grief with this process. I still haven't been able to find/figure out why unit OR's kept files until the last day of election. People that elected on the first day should have had their files submitted in short order after that. Not several months later. I understand the OR has to put together a package for the team in Ottawa prior to a file being sent out but it shouldn't have taken four months for that to be done.
When personnel see or hear about the updates from Ottawa saying they are processing files received in March and they submitted their form in January to their unit OR. They are understandably confused as to why their file hasn't been processed. Then when they ask about it and find out the file sat in an inbox for three months before it even left the base. That just makes them angry.
SupersonicMax said:
I don't disagree with you.  Staff jobs are essential, but in the end, they are in support of the pointy end. 

I am pretty confident any infantry officer could do any infantry officer staff jobs, any MARS officer could do any MARS officer staff job, just like any pilot could do any Pilot staff jobs.
:off topic:

I would strongly disagree, based on some of the pilots and MARS officers (and engineers and logs and...) that are currently employed in staff jobs.

Some people are fantastic operators or otherwise working at hands on but terrible at doing policy and procedural kind of stuff, or thinking in terms of 5, 10 years or longer time frame.  Alternately, some people are useless at the helm but excellent at thinking about how to set up an organization over 20 years to do things better.... Good leadership recognizes that and employs people properly.

Back on topic, I just don't think a full audit of every members service record is an effective use of resources.  The number of over/under payments should be minimal.  They've probably now spent years and millions to prevent hundreds of thousands in cumulative overpayments, most of which would never be noticed or worth the effort to recover.  Not very effective use of tax payer dollars.
Navy_Pete said:
:off topic:

Back on topic, I just don't think a full audit of every members service record is an effective use of resources.  The number of over/under payments should be minimal.  They've probably now spent years and millions to prevent hundreds of thousands in cumulative overpayments, most of which would never be noticed or worth the effort to recover.  Not very effective use of tax payer dollars.

I don't necessarily disagree with you however even minimal over payments can make big headlines in the Ottawa Citizen.  Since this topic of full audits came up I asked around and it was also done in other departments.  The fact they seemed to be able to do them faster could be due to a number of factors.
I have to admit, my guys have been much happier since the updates have been published. This base will likely be one of the last to get paid out but at least they know there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I think their wives have stopped pestering them too. Thanks to the team for making everyone's lives a little easier.
Hello all, I was just wondering about the Sev pay. I'm in Pet, Reg force, no disruption in service. Waiting on my 100% pay out still. I'm seeing things and not sure if its rumors and the confusion is overwhelming. I hear that anything under 10K was paid out already, if this is true, I have not yet been paid. What should I do? Or is this normal? Most my friends and neighbors have been paid out already.
RParachoniak said:
Hello all, I was just wondering about the Sev pay. I'm in Pet, Reg force, no disruption in service. Waiting on my 100% pay out still. I'm seeing things and not sure if its rumors and the confusion is overwhelming. I hear that anything under 10K was paid out already, if this is true, I have not yet been paid. What should I do? Or is this normal? Most my friends and neighbors have been paid out already.
Have a read up through this thread.  There is a lot of good info it in.  As far as I can read, they weren't paying out based on value.  So, in short, this is normal, and may be dependant upon your unit.  (For example, they may be processing e.g. 1 RCR long before starting with e.g. 3 RCR)

Technoviking said:
Have a read up through this thread.  There is a lot of good info it in.  As far as I can read, they weren't paying out based on value.  So, in short, this is normal, and may be dependant upon your unit.  (For example, they may be processing e.g. 1 RCR long before starting with e.g. 3 RCR)

RParachoniak said:
Hello all, I was just wondering about the Sev pay. I'm in Pet, Reg force, no disruption in service. Waiting on my 100% pay out still. I'm seeing things and not sure if its rumors and the confusion is overwhelming. I hear that anything under 10K was paid out already, if this is true, I have not yet been paid. What should I do? Or is this normal? Most my friends and neighbors have been paid out already.

Step 1)  Don't worry.

Step 2)  Take a quick trip to your OR and verify they sent your package and what date they sent it on.

Step 3)  Logon to the DIN and go to the PiL Site. See what date they are currently working on. Remember they are processing by the order in which they received your application... in Ottawa. If your OR can't tell you when they sent your package then step 4.

Step 4) Send a short email to the Pil Team. They'll tell you if it was received and when. If they didn't receive it return to Step 1 and ask where it is in Step 2.

When in doubt look at Step 1.
Was told at our O-Group last night that we (my guess LFAA/37 CBG) should see the majority (50+1%) of us should see the Severance by May...all I would say is "Watch and Shoot"
NFLD Sapper said:
Was told at our O-Group last night that we (my guess LFAA/37 CBG) should see the majority (50+1%) of us should see the Severance by May...all I would say is "Watch and Shoot"

Yes, but did they state which May?  lol

As of January 22, 2014, the PIL Team has received over 45,000 files to be audited. Audits have been completed on 29,951 files or 65.8% comprised of both Regular Force and Reserve Force.

Files are being audited based on the date the file has been received by the PIL Team in Ottawa, not the date the member submits the application to the support unit. Currently the team is auditing files received on 28 March 2013.
The CANFORGEN that was released 20 December states that it is expected the PiL project be completed by June 2014.  I'm still waiting for my payment as well as the vast majority of my unit.  Our clerk sent in the files as she received them.  This is a VERY slow process, and as an esteemed colleague had forementioned... Don't Worry!!!
hmmm - most of ours have been paid.  Why the clks in some units held onto them baffles me as both briefings I attended by the Ottawa staff they did mention to send the files and not hold onto them.  Maybe those units that didn't listen were the ones that didn't consider it important enough to send a clerk to the briefings?
CountDC said:
hmmm - most of ours have been paid.  Why the clks in some units held onto them baffles me as both briefings I attended by the Ottawa staff they did mention to send the files and not hold onto them.  Maybe those units that didn't listen were the ones that didn't consider it important enough to send a clerk to the briefings?

I get the feeling that retention of the applications and submission in bulk at a later date was a local CoC decision, obviously not well thought out.
I know some of the clerks in our BOR were feeling overwhelmed with the volume of work thrust upon them. It would make sense for their supervisors to develop a plan to mitigate the stress on their staff. This is part of the reason they bulk submitted end of April.

Personally, I think it's unfair to assign any blame to this base or any other for waiting so long. They made a call based on the situation at the time. This is the nature of what we do.
As of February 3, 2014, the PIL Team has received over 45,000 files to be audited. Audits have been completed on 31,754 files or 69.76% comprised of both Regular Force and Reserve Force.

Files are being audited based on the date the file has been received by the PIL Team in Ottawa, not the date the member submits the application to the support unit. Currently the team is auditing files received on 4 April 2013. The majority of the files that were received prior to this date have been audited and returned for payment. Those requiring additional information from either units and/or archives are put on hold until the information comes in.

Well, for myself... it really does not feel good and the feeling keeps getting worse each month I don't get paid.  The reason the feeling is bad is because constant questions to myself that don't have answers.  Questions such as: Did I fill out my election form correctly?  Did my clerk file the proper paperwork?  Is there a problem with my file that the PiL Team received.... etc etc etc.  Without bothering the Team, and without pestering the clerks for an update, what's a guy to do but to keep on waiting with patience?  As I'm still the 30% that's not paid yet... patience continues to grow thinner and thinner.

My question to everyone else who has not been paid out yet is.... how are you feeling about this at this point in the process?
lcis00110 said:
Well, for myself... it really does not feel good and the feeling keeps getting worse each month I don't get paid.  The reason the feeling is bad is because constant questions to myself that don't have answers.  Questions such as: Did I fill out my election form correctly?  Did my clerk file the proper paperwork?  Is there a problem with my file that the PiL Team received.... etc etc etc.  Without bothering the Team, and without pestering the clerks for an update, what's a guy to do but to keep on waiting with patience?  As I'm still the 30% that's not paid yet... patience continues to grow thinner and thinner.

My question to everyone else who has not been paid out yet is.... how are you feeling about this at this point in the process?

Paranoid man, paranoid. I can't sleep. I'm breaking out in sweats. Bad dreams. Overmedicating. Depressed and snapping at people. My skin is crawling. I'm hearing voices but they're not answering my questions the way I want.

Oh wait, sorry, thought I was in the Recruiting threads.

As to the PIL. I can't change the process. I can't speed it up. I can't get emails and phone calls returned. So I wait.

It's out of my hands, there's nothing to be done but wait for my number to come up.

Ergo, I don't worry about something that's not in my control.