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Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

It is now?
After some quick digging it does sorta match NATO designation rules. Usually you stop at the G for general naming conventions. The US did have DDG(X) as a name for a while, DDGN is a nuclear powered destroyer. So sure DDGH Guided missile destroyer with attached helicopter.
After some quick digging it does sorta match NATO designation rules. Usually you stop at the G for general naming conventions. The US did have DDG(X) as a name for a while, DDGN is a nuclear powered destroyer. So sure DDGH Guided missile destroyer with attached helicopter.
You can add as many modifiers behind DD as you want, but most countries just stop with the third letter. Practically, around NATO, the River Class will be DDGs.
After some quick digging it does sorta match NATO designation rules. Usually you stop at the G for general naming conventions. The US did have DDG(X) as a name for a while, DDGN is a nuclear powered destroyer. So sure DDGH Guided missile destroyer with attached helicopter.
Please please please let’s not open the door to adding acronyms or you know exactly what will happen under this government.
You are almost correct, Saint Laurent vice Saguenay
Also the Land Based Testing Facility at Hartlen Point will be called Assiniboine
I’m glad they got Mackenzie in there before the river dries up.
One interesting thing I saw in the video was with the top down and stern down views it looked like the ExLS launcher has twinned from previous versions. If I'm correct (its very hard to see and I may be applying hopium to this), the would double the CIADS capability
I think that is the first time that I have seen reference to the River Class receiving Rolling Airframe Missile for point Defence. No mention of CAMM, which is vey interesting.
Very interesting indeed. It doesn't appear in any of the photos though.
I think that is the first time that I have seen reference to the River Class receiving Rolling Airframe Missile for point Defence. No mention of CAMM, which is vey interesting.
Its very odd. I wonder if this is an Aegis integration change or perhaps a ExLS integration change. Either way RAM is a step down in my current understanding from Sea Ceptor. Perhaps the overlap with ESSM was just to much as well.
Very interesting indeed. It doesn't appear in any of the photos though.
RAM can be launched from the ExLS, on a slight angle.
I wonder if any will be named after the Niagara or Welland rivers. And if the hull numbers will continue from the Tribal class DDG and start at 284.
I wonder if it came down to weight/cost? A couple of RAM launchers gives you 42 ready (cheaper) missiles at a substantial weight saving over 24 CAMM cells? Plus, you get a reload at sea capability with RAM.
The other thing is that you can launch Nulka from ExLS as well. I suppose RAM makes more sense as the CIADS then CAMM did. But I'm done defending the missile loadout this ship has at this point. RAM is not equal to CAMM .

Its a powerful ASW platform that can defend itself well. It's kinetic air defense is on the low end for DD's.
Official release!

That's just lame. Yet another opportunity lost to give our warships names that actually sound like we mean it lost, and will likely have soft and generic ships badges and mottos to go along with it.

I can't believe the only warship like names and badges are now on... Artic patrol ships that are non-combatants.

Oh well, will match well with the reality of 'fitted for but not with' ammunition and ROEs.
Sorry, can't see 12 EXLS silos, I think they're still six, for 24 quad-packed missiles. Even if they are RAMs, it does not seem easy to reload at sea. If they could be reloaded, so could the CAMMs, I guess.