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Ive heard, they calling off all major tours / operations for a wile. Once they boys get back from kabul.
Originally posted by Ex-Dragoon:
[qb] I think Brent has been playing too much Ghost Recon [/qb]
Are you sure about that. I think upon reflection that the War on Terrorism, Middle East stability, oil, and the spread of democracy to an area dominated by militant autocracies are legitimate security interests for Canada and its citizens.Why dont you go and join the US Army or even the Royal Marines if you really want to go fight a war that is‘nt even in the interests of Canada or its citizens.
I am sure the 25 million liberated people of Iraq think that....Iraq, as the Americans are seeing it now, is one big waste of time, money, and most of all LIFE!
You‘re right...that does present us with a problem. Why do we say we have three Brigade‘s in the Army when I personally heard from the mouth of the Chief of Defence Staff that we could not deploy one. Someone should be accountable for the poor level of our preparedness. The Aussies and Brits can sustain such commitments, so there is no excuse for us to shirk from duties as a world leader (Australia isn‘t even a member of the G-8)Do you honestly believe that the CF is in the position for such a deployment??
FUBAR must right dialouge for the Toronto Sun, because a few days ago someone said that exact paragraph, or atleast all the key points on a report. The report may have said the other parts of what fubar said, but I specificaly remember that exact part.Originally posted by FUBAR:
Confronted by these nasty facts, Bush tried to rebrand the unprovoked war by claiming it was justified because Saddam was such a horrid man. That is arrant hipocrisy. When Saddam comitted his worst atrocities - in the 80‘s - he was a close U.S. ally keeping the fundamentalist revolution at bay for the U.S., secretly supported with weapons and intelligence.
And your point is? Regardless of what the original intention was, does it change the fact that an Iraqi citizen doesn‘t have to worry about Uday and Qusay cruising by and shooting him and taking his daughter to their sex palace.And, yes Infanteer, the people of Iraq must be overjoyed with their present situation. Recently David Kay admitted that everyone was wrong, about WMD‘s and the threat Iraq posed. Turns out Bush and Rummy lied with premeditation and the Pentagon fed false and wildly exaggerated reports about Iraq.
Your trying to prove a point by painting the world in black and white. Do you consider the Allied Lend Lease Act with the Soviet Union to defeat the Nazi‘s to be an act of errant hypocrisy, despite the fact that Stalin turned out to be a bigger monster?Confronted by these nasty facts, Bush tried to rebrand the unprovoked war by claiming it was justified because Saddam was such a horrid man. That is arrant hipocrisy. When Saddam comitted his worst atrocities - in the 80‘s - he was a close U.S. ally keeping the fundamentalist revolution at bay for the U.S., secretly supported with weapons and intelligence.
Yes, I do, because I‘ve seen first hand what 90% of the world is like.Do you honestly still believe in what you are saying? Aren‘t you ashamed of yourself? How could you say bombing some country for no reason is in the interest of Canadian citizens.
And the difference between Afghanistan and Iraq was what, US led coalition to replace an unfriendly an unacceptable regime in the Middle East? I find it scary that people like you have the moral cowardice to sit and hide under the umbrella of freedoms you were fortunate to be accorded by living here, and yet say that we‘re wrong to bring them to others.Though I strongly detest Saddam, I hate propaganda of any kind - especially when it comes from a western democracy. It‘s good that Canadians did not join the U.S., at least we still have our honor and reputation serving a worthy cause in Afghanistan. But it is scary that people like you approve aggression that violates international law nad basic norms of civilized behaviour.
Geez, maybe you shouldn‘t pay attention to the propaganda than, eh?Back in March I supported the war. I knew it was not to "liberate" the poor people of Iraq, but getting rid of Saddam sounded like the right thing to do at the time. But when I first saw M1A1‘s raiding Baghdad (CNN gun camera footage), blowing HEAT shells into every building, and anything that moved I could recall the Warsaw uprising in 1944, when Nazi armour acted in the same way trying to suppress the insurgency. That just wasn‘t right. My support slowly started to deteriorate.
FUBAR, you raise good points, but your passages are word for word from Eric Margolis‘ article, as noted in another post above. Are you Eric Margolis? If not, I would suggest that when you decide to plagiarize something you give full credit where credit is due. I‘m sure Mr. Margolis is flattered by your choice to use his words, but I‘m sure he would be even happier to know you noted where they came from.Originally posted by FUBAR:
[qb] ... Confronted by these nasty facts, Bush tried to rebrand the unprovoked war by claiming it was justified because Saddam was such a horrid man... [/qb]