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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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hi, i am wanting to reapply for the infantry. I have already done the CFAT once and failed....how many more shots do i have at it?? and are there any good books or other learning material to help me study for it?


Below is a link to an entry on this forum by George Wallace containing an extensive listing of CFAT aids.

Good luck!

You can get a ASVAB book form amazon or search google for online material. A GED book will work also.
Just wondering, I've looked all over and havent seen anyone ask...How much time are you given to write the test?
sgthavik said:
hi, i am wanting to reapply for the infantry. I have already done the CFAT once and failed....how many more shots do i have at it?? and are there any good books or other learning material to help me study for it?



Having recently completed my CFAT (and passed), the best advice I can give you without breaking any rules is to read alot of books (anything with big words and no pictures), do some origami, and solve a few equations.
Hi, I did a search but I didnt find anything so I am making this thread. What I am wondering is, Is there a link that shows what types of CFAT marks are required for trades?. I did my CFAT a few days ago and failed on the math portion only and the guy who told me said it was Below CF Standard so I dont qualify for anything (although originally I was told you cant fail the test).

I am wondering because my choices go as follow
1) Infantry
2) Naval Electric communicator operator
3) Field Artillery

but im wondering maybe if I do pass the test the second time I might get something other than that. So is there any link that I can check on?
Well, there is no way you'll know your mark anyways, I fail to see how pertinent that information would be of any use to you if it was available.

Edit:  Just do your best and work on areas to improve (hint:  Math)

No, there's nothing that links CFAT marks vs. trades - at least not publicly available, anyways.  If your math ability is that poor, then I suggest you focus on upgrading those skills.  Virtually every trade in the CF has a requirement for high school math at the general level.

By the way:
2) Naval Electric communicator operator

There is no such beast.
SupersonicMax said:
Well, there is no way for you'll know your mark anyways, I fail to see how pertinent that information would be of any use to you if it was available.

We'll Im currently in debate if I should re-write the test and in the event I did if I still score to low for infantry, but at the minimum standard that I qualify for something else. I just like to know my options.

Occam said:
No, there's nothing that links CFAT marks vs. trades - at least not publicly available, anyways.  If your math ability is that poor, then I suggest you focus on upgrading those skills.  Virtually every trade in the CF has a requirement for high school math at the general level.

By the way:
There is no such beast.

You're right, my mistake its "Naval Electronic Sensor Operator"
(although originally I was told you cant fail the test).

You can't fail the test but you can fail to meet the standard for your chosen trade(s).  The only trades lower in the CFAT than Infantry are Steward and Cook, think about it.

kincanucks said:
(although originally I was told you cant fail the test).

You can't fail the test but you can fail to meet the standard for your chosen trade(s).  The only trades lower in the CFAT than Infantry are Steward and Cook, think about it.

so cook is lower than infantry regarding the CFAT yet to even apply for cook one needs a high school diploma  :D and "You can't fail the test but you can fail to meet the standard for your chosen trade", then why have the test?

but hey I take what you're saying as truth and now I know hehe.
A Recruiter told me that you need a min of 18/60 which is alot less then 50% to qualify for Infantry.
You shouldn't really worry about it at all. Its alot of pressure but unless you cant do basic math or anythin, then you might want to start brushin up on it. I applied of Infantry and lost alot of sleep over it. I did it and pretty much qualified for everthin and my math skills are not the best, and I havent even completed school. SO just chill and do some grade 10 math problems. Next time when you go in to do it, just make sure you feel confident and that you know that you did everything you can do to prevail.
east123 said:
so cook is lower than infantry regarding the CFAT yet to even apply for cook one needs a high school diploma  :D and "You can't fail the test but you can fail to meet the standard for your chosen trade", then why have the test?


I can see why you didn't make the standards for many of the Trades.  It is as obvious as the nose on your face, after reading your comment.
George Wallace said:

I can see why you didn't make the standards for many of the Trades.  It is as obvious as the nose on your face, after reading your comment.

can you enlighten me to your findings plz?
east123 said:
can you enlighten me to your findings plz?

Sorry.  Your comments indicate that you don't understand, and that you should take the time to do some further studying in order to improve your CFAT score, should you decide to do so at some time in the future with a retest.
east123 said:
can you enlighten me to your findings plz?

Its an aptitude test. You failed to demonstrate and aptitude for any trade in the CF.

That the CF require a HS diploma is irrelevant.
The CFAT is designed to eliminate those who seek a certain trade within the CF if they aren't properly educated for it. Thus the CFAT sorts those seeking trades above thier capacity into something more suitable depending on thier scores. The rest is upto you.
