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Cali to potentially legalize marijuana for everyone.

Dean22 said:
In some states of the U.S. police can take blood tests in a road stop.

Many people have complained about this since they end up with infections, etc because the police officers are untrained individuals in taking blood and it is a huge violation of your rights. I only say the last part because in these States they can take the blood test without any pre-cursors to do so (ie you seem heavily intoxicated).

Personally, I think the marijuana legalization is a step in the wrong direction. Smoking a joint can equal the same amount of THC to about 10 cigarettes just because of the method of consumption (holding THC into your lungs). We need to be increasing laws against drugs and improving laws against smoking.

I would personally love to see more enforcement in Ontario about smoking laws. People smoking on the streets can be quite the nuisance.

Dean22 said:
I would personally love to see more enforcement in Ontario about smoking laws. People smoking on the streets can be quite the nuisance.

Before you become another McGuinty zealot, proselytizing for the star chamber in Moronto, the epicentre of Bantario, you should get your facts straight.

"Smoking a joint can equal the same amount of THC to about 10 cigarettes just because of the method of consumption (holding THC into your lungs)."

Delta-9 tetrahydracannaboid (THC), the active psychedelic in marijuana, is NOT present in tobacco cigarettes.

It's ignorant, do gooders, that don't have sufficient grasp of the facts, and kowtow to special interests and personal biases, that are fast becoming the ruination of the provinces and country. Imposing draconian and frivilous laws on the majority for their own smug self satisfaction.

Loachman said:
Not in my view, even without the evocation of Godwin's Law.

There is no difference, really, between alcohol and marijuana - except that somebody decided that one would be legal and the other not.

Legalize it and tax it, or at least set a reasonable limit on the number of plants that anybody can grow for personal consumption. Right now we're just funding organized crime and ruining houses used as grow ops. This is absurd.

It's likely that very few more people will use it if it was legal anyway.

In my post I was principally adressing the claim that people who consume marijuana do nothing wrong (since it's illegal at the present time) and I never said that alcohol and tobacco weren't harmful too. If marijuana became legal I'd have no more moral objection to it's consumption by the general populace than I have for tobacco or alcohol (or Salvia for that matter). In fact, I entirely agree with the fact that legalizing marijuana would most likely deny an importamt source of funding for organized crime.
Loachman said:
Not in my view, even without the evocation of Godwin's Law.

There is no difference, really, between alcohol and marijuana - except that somebody decided that one would be legal and the other not.

Legalize it and tax it, or at least set a reasonable limit on the number of plants that anybody can grow for personal consumption. Right now we're just funding organized crime and ruining houses used as grow ops. This is absurd.

It's likely that very few more people will use it if it was legal anyway.
I have since edited my post to reflect which part of the response I liked.

"Majority rules" is not necessarily a good thing.
I would hope that in the least, if my post achieved little else it would be that those people who believe marijuana should be kept illegal it's that they would read my link to quotes from the Senates Special Committee's report. Believe what you want about any particular persons opinion on a web forum but at least 'look' at what our nations "sober second thought" had to say upon extensive research into the matter. As I already said I won't respond to unsourced claims nor get into disagreements on web boards, been around long enough to know I can't change anyones opinion but maybe getting them to read something isn't to daunting a task, Thank you.
recceguy said:
Before you become another McGuinty zealot, proselytizing for the star chamber in Moronto, the epicentre of Bantario, you should get your facts straight.

"Smoking a joint can equal the same amount of THC to about 10 cigarettes just because of the method of consumption (holding THC into your lungs)."

Delta-9 tetrahydracannaboid (THC), the active psychedelic in marijuana, is NOT present in tobacco cigarettes.

It's ignorant, do gooders, that don't have sufficient grasp of the facts, and kowtow to special interests and personal biases, that are fast becoming the ruination of the provinces and country. Imposing draconian and frivilous laws on the majority for their own smug self satisfaction.

Sorry, I had a brain fart, I looked back at my text and it's acetaldehyde (with it's carcinogen's included) which, is found in both cigarettes and marijuana but put into the lungs heavier with a joint than a cigarette.

Also, because of its lower combustibility it contains 50% more carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons including naphthalene, benzanthracene, and benzopyrene, than tobacco smoke.

P.S. I did not figure you for a pro-marijuana person. Being an ex (or current?) member of the Canadian Forces which, looks down on said drugs and their users.
silverbirdtank said:
- overwhelming amount of facts supporting the idea that legalizing marijuana would be better for society...
- If anyone has a problem with some of the points i've posted...
- If somebody still wants to argue I request you use sourced facts...
- I wont respond to random "it's a gateway", "kills braincells"...
- I won't respond to unsourced claims nor get into disagreements on web boards
Lighten up Francis, we get it. Paranoia's a drag, isn't it

Besides at the end of the day it really should be about what the majority of people want.
I apparently missed the hoards of people demanding Parliament legalize drugs.
I must have had my head in a bag of Doritos

Dean22 said:
Sorry, I had a brain fart, I looked back at my text and it's acetaldehyde (with it's carcinogen's included) which, is found in both cigarettes and marijuana but put into the lungs heavier with a joint than a cigarette.

Also, because of its lower combustibility it contains 50% more carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons including naphthalene, benzanthracene, and benzopyrene, than tobacco smoke.

P.S. I did not figure you for a pro-marijuana person. Being an ex (or current?) member of the Canadian Forces which, looks down on said drugs and their users.

The military frowns upon those that break the laws of the land.

Free thinking, and opinions, are not illegal.


SupersonicMax said:
But it is the basis for democracy, what we fight for, isn't it?

"Democracy" is a polite term for "mob rule".

That is why Constitutions and Charters/Bills of Rights and, ultimately, privately-owned firearms exist.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin.

And no, I don't fight for democracy.
SupersonicMax said:
But it is the basis for democracy, what we fight for, isn't it?
That doesn't mean what most people want will be a good thing.  Imagine if the majority wanted to vote in Iggy as PM?  :o

the 48th regulator said:
I second that....

Moe, you hawling on some of the good stuff, and not sharing??


No, but maybe I should have been.  ;)

I'm with JM, I haven't seen a "majority" of people demanding that marijuana be legalized in Canada...........yet.
Dean22 said:
P.S. I did not figure you for a pro-marijuana person. Being an ex (or current?) member of the Canadian Forces which, looks down on said drugs and their users.
That's the thing about stereotypes. You may assume all CF pers are anti-marijuana. Some may be, some may not. Regular dwellers of this site, often military, may assume that non-military people just come here to repeatedly post things about which they know nothing and are too lazy to research. Darn those stereotypes.

Regardless, if you actually read, and let sink in, Recceguy's response to you
- you should get your facts straight.

It's ignorant, do gooders, that don't have sufficient grasp of the facts, and kowtow to special interests and personal biases, that are fast becoming the ruination of the provinces and country.
I don't see "pro-marijuana," I see "anti-stupid."

ps- I know there's no cash value for MilPoints, but are you trying to set some sort of record? Take a hint
PMedMoe said:
I'm with JM, I haven't seen a "majority" of people demanding that marijuana be legalized in Canada...........yet.

I don't see any larger number demanding that it be kept illegal and that its users continue to be stigmatized for no logical reason, either.
Loachman said:
I don't see any larger number demanding that it be kept illegal and that its users continue to be stigmatized for no logical reason, either.
This is true.  Guess you could make that argument about almost anything.  It just doesn't seem to be at the top of anyone's agenda, unlike abortion rights for instance.
Yeah, I’m also with JM and Moe; people will not protest to maintain the illegal status of pot until there is a debate to legalize it.
I do not believe that cannabis is harmless. My observation is that most people I know who suffer from depression or repetitive burnouts are or have been heavy pot smokers; they also tend to believe in the most ridiculous conspiration theories and have a harder time coping with some of life’s challenges.
And yes, mild paranoia is something I observed in these persons.

But these are just my observations; I am not a scientist or a psychiatrist… or a senator !!!
Jungle said:
But these are just my observations; I am not a scientist or a psychiatrist… or a senator !!!
Did you sleep at a Holiday Inn last night?  ;)  ;D
Loachman said:
I don't see any larger number demanding that it be kept illegal and that its users continue to be stigmatized for no logical reason, either.
Come on, you know that's a spurious argument. How often do you see protesters chanting, on any issue, "Don't change the law! Don't change the law!" Seldom, if ever.

For what it's worth though, note that I haven't weighed-in on either side of the debate (and not merely because California legislators haven't asked me).
My comments here have been directed solely at the lack of logic/structure some posters' bring to army.ca.

And yes, I do know how Sisyphus felt.  ;)
Dean22 said:
Sorry, I had a brain fart, I looked back at my text and it's acetaldehyde (with it's carcinogen's included) which, is found in both cigarettes and marijuana but put into the lungs heavier with a joint than a cigarette.

Also, because of its lower combustibility it contains 50% more carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons including naphthalene, benzanthracene, and benzopyrene, than tobacco smoke.

P.S. I did not figure you for a pro-marijuana person. Being an ex (or current?) member of the Canadian Forces which, looks down on said drugs and their users.

Nowhere in my post did I come out for or against the issue. Try reading it again, and perhaps remember it next time you want to try curb someones legal right, to a legal activity, because you perceive it to be an inconvenience and a nuisance to yourself.