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CADPAT Rain Gear

Chapeski said:
I'll take a look Monday and see if you can in fact get a pack of smokes in or not, or even better, I could measure, guess how far out it comes and publish my findings.

Do that for me will ya please?  I'm curious now...
Will do. They look fantastic, but will look even better when we can get them out of the bins and onto the troops.
OldSolduer said:
I remember our CO in 97 would wear his rain jacket every day in the field, as Shilo gets kinda windy in October. The RSM thought it was a good idea.

That sounds like the troops here in Pet who insist on where a toque when it is above 0...always drove me crazy
I know this is kinda off topic here, but in response to Riggermade - there was this "fiasco" in the early 90's with the air pers wearing the wedge with combats (during stables) and a certain RSM absolutely VIBRATED!!!  Well, there was a few weeks where we all were told to carry our helmet (the old brain bucket) because it was expected that THIS was going to be our headdress if the AF pers didn't "conform" and wear the green berets while in cbts.  It never happened and about 6 months later they invented the AF blue beret!!

Don't even get me STARTED about smoking in the car!!!
Love793 said:
I foresee a clearance sale at unit kitshops on Stealth Suits ;D

I don't. There is a place for stealth suits and a place for the rain gear.
MedTech said:
I don't. There is a place for stealth suits and a place for the rain gear.

I think he is referring to something/someone making them be cleared out ::)
Chapeski said:
I have 2 bins in stores right now that do in fact have the new coat. ..... We don't have many of them, and we don't hand them out...Would you folks be happy with that...

Out of context its quite funny.....
I am sorry if you see it on the shelf but I can't give it to you because the computer says I have none in stock, or

I can't give you one because we only have 6 left.

I don't think we have the approval to hand them out. I'm sure there are more than six in stock, but we only have 2 sizes. For all I know we could have received them in error, or they could have been for those going overseas. I tend not to ask because it's out of my lane. When I'm told I can dish them out, then I dish them out. Anyway, for anyone that hasn't seen what the new coats look like, Sgt. Major Libby can be seen in one in the documentary "Life And Death In Kandahar". Again, I'll try and get some measurements on the pockets for you guys in the morning.
Chapeski said:
I don't think we have the approval to hand them out. I'm sure there are more than six in stock, but we only have 2 sizes.

Too big and too small.
Yeah, I think one size is something like 7652 or something, so unless you are a giant, then it's a no go. Haven't a clue what the other size is though.
Chapeski said:
Yeah, I think one size is something like 7652 or something, so unless you are a giant, then it's a no go. Haven't a clue what the other size is though.

We have a whole 2 people who wear that size jacket here. They exist ... and even I would not want to piss them off.  ;)

The tiny size is a 6426 --[pants] and we have quite a few who actually swim in it --- although I can't get the damn things over my friggin' feet!!
MCG said:
No, actually, the Air Force version was not the same.  The information you are disputing is correct for the way things are going now.  I can tell you for certain that some times different projects deliver the exact same item of kit, so the fact that separate Land & Air projects exist does not prove anything.

The Air Force version is still not the same.  Perhaps in the future, there will be one CADPAT raingear issued to both Army and Air Force, but thats not the case now and neither the CEMS or CTS project sites indicate that.  Sure different projects deliver the same kit, if it meets the requirements of both services, such as the LWCC, CWWG or CSS.  The Air Force and Army raingear are not the same at this time. 

If you have a source that indicates there will be 1 common CADPAT raingear issued to the Air Force via CEMS, and the Army via CTS, can you provide it?
Eye In The Sky said:
The Air Force version is still not the same.  Perhaps in the future, there will be one CADPAT raingear issued to both Army and Air Force, but thats not the case now and neither the CEMS or CTS project sites indicate that.  Sure different projects deliver the same kit, if it meets the requirements of both services, such as the LWCC, CWWG or CSS.  The Air Force and Army raingear are not the same at this time. 

If you have a source that indicates there will be 1 common CADPAT raingear issued to the Air Force via CEMS, and the Army via CTS, can you provide it?

He's correct.

The cadpat raingear now coming into the system is "merged" pattern <---- exactly as what eventually occured with the cadpat uniform.

YES -- there is still "AF pattern" cadpat raingear out there and there will be until it is all worn out and disposed of. It'll only be used by AF pers though due to changes that the Army required to make the raingear suitable for the Army's wear.

There is cadpat raingear being issued to certain op Army Units at this time. It is of the "merged" pattern, and IS the pattern which all Land and Air pers will find themselves wearing eventually (once that AF gear wears out).
Well I have to say, it certainly makes sense.  So everyone in the army with have hideable reflectors and the AF will be happy with the "FOD-i-ness" of this converged design?   ;D

Editted to add - MCG, I stand corrected, you were spot on.  From the link

The rainsuit, comprising of a jacket and trousers, is a converged design meeting the Air Force and Army’s requirements for a suitable rainsuit system.
.... which is pert much what I brought up many posts ago.

No one will destroy existing stocks.
The army will not wear the original AF style rain suit
The AF will wair the Merged kit once it has used up existing stocks in the sizes they have on the shelf.

Go figure.

Understood.  I was looking for something 'on paper' to show to the local Supply folks though.   ;D
The CEMS site should be updated to indicate the intent with the CCR as well. 
So I did my little measurement today and the arm pocket is 4 3/4" x 6 1/2", and by eyeballing it, I doubt it will fit anything bigger than a 20 pack. However not having a pack of smokes I can't find out for sure.

Also, having looked at the two rain coats side by side there are more differences than you would imagine. I would hardly compare the two at this point, other than they are both CADPAT, and both protect from rain. I can't wait for my Converged rain coat.
Chapeski said:
I can't wait for my Converged rain coat.

Oh my, the unadulterated innocence of people!!  There was a time when I had THAT much enthusiasm for "kit".  Now, I can't wait to get out of this monkey suit!!  Don't get me wrong, I love my job, love the military, adore Hillier and the whole nine yards, but when people "can't wait" for certain kit like it's freakin Christmas!!!  Wow.  ;)
Binrat.... if you've bin there and done that and have the worn out rainsuit to show for it then YESD you can't wait to get your new one. 