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CADPAT Rain Gear

Ecco said:
It's now called the Converged CADPAT Rainsuit because the Air Force are buying the same as the Army.  It now has pockets on sleeves:


No, actually, the Air Force version is not the same. 

CTS is Army.  CEMS is Air Force.  2 different projects under ADM (Mat) Group Projects.

I have not seen one person in the Air Force that is issued and wearing the Army CCR.  And FWIW, the Air Force received its issue of HWRG/SDWS raingear ages ago.  Are they recalling it all to modify it or something?  ::)
Eye in the sky.... nor should you see any for a while...
The AF ordered an inventory of said raingear (the army didn't).  As the kit has been bought and paid for, they will use it.  Once, and only once the stock on hand is expired, they will bring in the converged suit.  Remember, the army didn't want the AF model cause it wanted changes implemented BEFORE placing their order - so they won't help the AF run down the old stuff.
It is called a convergance rain gear because the army looked at the rain gear the airforce bought and added their own tweeks to it espically hidding the reflector tape in the back and the frontthank god for that and adding a pocket to the arm to hold the personal role radio, and pockets inside and on the bottom of the jacket to have other equipment stored.
rambo123 said:
It is called a convergance rain gear because the army looked at the rain gear the airforce bought and added their own tweeks to it espically hidding the reflector tape in the back and the frontthank god for that and adding a pocket to the arm to hold the personal role radio, and pockets inside and on the bottom of the jacket to have other equipment stored.

The sniper aids are already hideable. Many wearers are either ignorant of this or too lazy to bother hiding them.

The Army version also has armpit zippers.
I think the sleeve pockets are too small for the PRR, I can hardly get three fingers into those pockets. 

As far as I was told in  Edmonton, this is the new ARMY raingear. TF 1-08 got it first. Maybe that was only a limited run and they still haven't awarded a contract.
"The sniper aids are already hideable. Many wearers are either ignorant of this or too lazy to bother hiding them."

Or in our case the Wing Chief has ordered them displayed during winter months - no exceptions.  I'll be able to put them up soon though.
BernDawg said:
"The sniper aids are already hideable. Many wearers are either ignorant of this or too lazy to bother hiding them."

Or in our case the Wing Chief has ordered them displayed during winter months - no exceptions.  I'll be able to put them up soon though.

The purpose of the reflectors (for those who do not know) is visibility on the flight line.  That being said, the jacket should not reflective unless you are actually ON the flight line - there are some Chief's that wish to go against this - their call, that's why they're the Chief.  We, however, are practicing proper FL etiquette.  BTW, isn't it a little chilly to wear raingear during the winter months (unless you're in Comox)?
Eye In The Sky said:
No, actually, the Air Force version is not the same.
No, actually, the Air Force version was not the same.  The information you are disputing is correct for the way things are going now.  I can tell you for certain that some times different projects deliver the exact same item of kit, so the fact that separate Land & Air projects exist does not prove anything.

Eye In The Sky said:
Are they recalling it all to modify it or something?
There is another way.  Those who have the AF specific item keep it (until such time as it needs replacing or they end-up in an Army environment) and those getting issued new will get the converged rain gear.  It could also be an immediate 1 for 1 replacement at clothing stores.  It's also possible that the plan has not yet been written. 
From what I heard from my supervisor the other day it was Edmonton first, then Pet, then it will filter down. Those that received these were heading out on tour. After those on tour get their kit then it will filter out, most likely starting again with Edmonton, then Pet, then everyone else as stock permits. Having seen both sets, the army kit is much more useful, and trust me folks, it's going to be worth the wait, have patience.
rambo123 said:
adding a pocket to the arm to hold the personal role radio, and pockets inside and on the bottom of the jacket to have other equipment stored.

Where are you getting your information? It's a rain jacket, not load-bearing equipment. Sleeve pockets made for the PRR? I'm gonna call BS on you here. And pockets to store equipment? What kind of equipment are you talking about? If the sleeve pocket is for the PRR, what do you want to put there, the Battery Charger?

I'm now under the assumption, between this and other threads, that you don't know what you're talking about. Prove me wrong.
Beadwindow 7 said:
Where are you getting your information? It's a rain jacket, not load-bearing equipment. Sleeve pockets made for the PRR? I'm gonna call BS on you here. And pockets to store equipment? What kind of equipment are you talking about? If the sleeve pocket is for the PRR, what do you want to put there, the Battery Charger?

I'm now under the assumption, between this and other threads, that you don't know what you're talking about. Prove me wrong.

Ummm... not to get in the middle here, but there actually ARE pockets specifically designed for the sleves of the converged pattern raingear... I meant it when I said that the converged raingear was the army's souped up version... It's "ARMY-TIZED!!!"

True story.  Check out the Clothe The Soldier website - "Features on the jacket include a hood, front cargo pockets..." and "The addition of sleeve pockets for note pads and a PRR (Personal Role Radio) with access inside of the pocket for the ear piece cable "


Consider yourself proven wrong...
BinRat55 said:
True story.  Check out the Clothe The Soldier website - "Features on the jacket include a hood, front cargo pockets..." and "The addition of sleeve pockets for note pads and a PRR (Personal Role Radio) with access inside of the pocket for the ear piece cable "


Consider yourself proven wrong...

I know it has pocket sleeves, but putting a PRR in that pocket is an effective place for a PRR. Too small, not secure enough, no easy access.
Chapeski said:
From what I heard from my supervisor the other day it was Edmonton first, then Pet, then it will filter down.
Your supervisor is misinformed.  The guy who will write the distribution plan says that he's not yet started it.
Beadwindow 7 said:
I know it has pocket sleeves, but putting a PRR in that pocket is an effective place for a PRR. Too small, not secure enough, no easy access.

I don't know about that as i've never worn a PRR (at least the TCCCS version, anyway) and i've not seen the pocket up close and for real yet so I reserve judgement on what would and wouldn't fit there.  BUT... according to the CTS website, it DOES state the pocket WAS designed for the PRR.  You called BS on Rambo (who should REALLY fill out his/her profile) who more than likely got the info off the website. That being said...

Sgt Schultz - It may ALSO fit a small metal flask (top of the trucker kit list isn't it? Co-drivers and trench-diggers only of course...)   ;D
MCG said:
Your supervisor is misinformed.  The guy who will write the distribution plan says that he's not yet started it.

Snicker - or more like  :warstory: If I had a nickle for everytime I've been told at clothing stores that "My boss told us yesterday in an o-group..."
Helmets on troops!!!!
Now that we MAY be issued new rain gear, how long will it be before some "kitosaurus" decrees that unless its raining you can't wear it?

I remember our CO in 97 would wear his rain jacket every day in the field, as Shilo gets kinda windy in October. The RSM thought it was a good idea.
The regime changed in 98 and that order of dress was promptly tossed out the window, much to our chagrin. This came from the same guy who told a soldier to go prone on a live fire section attack where the bush was about knee high, and if he was prone he wouldn't be able to see the targets....
I take it you see my point here.....
BinRat55 said:
Snicker - or more like  :warstory: If I had a nickle for everytime I've been told at clothing stores that "My boss told us yesterday in an o-group..."

Wasn't in O-group that I was told this. I could be wrong about the follow up distribution, I more than likely forgot what exactly was said, so for that I apologize. However, with that being said, I have 2 bins in stores right now that do in fact have the new coat. One size is stupid small, the other size is stupid large. We don't have many of them, and we don't hand them out, and I don't think we are supposed to. I'll take a look Monday and see if you can in fact get a pack of smokes in or not, or even better, I could measure, guess how far out it comes and publish my findings. Would you folks be happy with that? I was only stating that I was told that some folks in Ed got it, now some guys in Pet are getting it. After that, who knows.