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Big Thinkers

In her defence, she was probably confused by the fact that thousands of Canadians volunteered to serve in Vietnam as part of the US military.  But yes, she does have a tendency to drift WAY out of her lane.
Slim said:
This is a pre-verabl warning. Do not generalize with broad sweeping sttments on this site. If you do you will very quickly start to progress though the warning system here....

just about every single third world country that I can think of wants to see them fall...

Do they whine and snive about it...No, they don't.

Hmmm... irony.

GO!!! said:
Misconceptions are rarely based in fallacy.

Of course they are, that's why they're called MISconceptions.

48Highlander said:
In her defence, she was probably confused by the fact that thousands of Canadians volunteered to serve in Vietnam as part of the US military.  But yes, she does have a tendency to drift WAY out of her lane.

I don't think she was confused, I think she's just ignorant. Ann Coulter is a press wh*re, nothing else. As the man said, she likes to say stupid, ignorant things which many on the right just love (not surprising - many amongst them seem to like those themes), in an attempt to be sensational and get her droning voice/plain face on the news. She wasn't confused because of Canadian volunteers, I'm sure she honestly didn't know we didn't send troops to Vietnam. Yes, she's that ignorant. She's a shining example of how degrees don't indicate knowledge or intelligence.

TCBF said:
"Don't worry, you won't find too many rabbid right wingers here."

- Just me.  That is what makes me so popular.


I LIKE ann Coulter.  I wish the USA would start sending us people like her, instead of the never ending stream of ComSymp draft dodgers, deserters (howinhelldoyoudesertfromaVOLUNTEERarmy?), Pinko university professors who get hired up here for their BetterRedthanDead credentials - putting good homegrown Canadian profs out of work - and contaminating the minds of young Cdn university students with MarxyLen Psychobabble pap.

Give me Ann Coulter anyday.



That's exactly what we need more of - ignorant, vapid twats from south of the 49th to accent our own growing population of ignorant, vapid twats. Nice to know you have such love for someone who obviously couldn't find her intellectual ass with both hands and a flashlight and has nothing but disdain and ignorant contempt for our country. You're a fan of McCarthy too, I take it? Maybe David Duke as well? Pat Robertson?
Glorified Ape said:
That's exactly what we need more of - ignorant, vapid twats from south of the 49th to accent our own growing population of ignorant, vapid twats.

Ah, you must be referring to Carolyn Parish!

Glorified Ape said:
Nice to know you have such love for someone who obviously couldn't find her intellectual *** with both hands and a flashlight and has nothing but disdain and ignorant contempt for our country.

Which is a pretty good balance to the ignorant contempt of your average Canadian for the US.  Sure, I'd like to see someone better representing the right-wing, but since nobody's stepped up to the plate, she'll do just fine.  Until you can get Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan to STFU, you really have no place complaining about Coulter.
48Highlander said:
Which is a pretty good balance to the ignorant contempt of your average Canadian for the US.

Does that count as a broad, sweeping statement?

  Sure, I'd like to see someone better representing the right-wing, but since nobody's stepped up to the plate, she'll do just fine.  Until you can get Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan to STFU, you really have no place complaining about Coulter.

Michael Moore is far from objective, and is extremely selective with his "facts", but he's no hate monger the way that Coulter is.
midgetcop said:
Does that count as a broad, sweeping statement?

Michael Moore is far from objective, and is extremely selective with his "facts", but he's no hate monger the way that Coulter is.

::)  Right, Michael Moore is the patron saint of tolerance.  Now if you behave yourself I'll see if I can get you his autograph.
"....but disdain and ignorant contempt for our country."

- Justly deserved, in many cases.

" You're a fan of McCarthy too, I take it?"

- Mc Carthy was right - the State Department - in fact much of the Truman Administration - was rife with Communists.  A lot more - not just the Rosenbergs - should have been executed.

" Maybe David Duke as well?"

- Nope.  I don't colour-code humans.  You shoot people because of their politics, not their race.

" Pat Robertson?"

- Nope.  My take on the whole religion thing is along the lines sung by Ian Anderson of 'Jethro Tull' on the 'Aqualung' Album.  (A classic, I have it on LP, cassette, and CD.  Anybody got the 8-track they wan't to part with?).  Until, that is, someone tries to interfere with the freedom I have to practice/not practice as I see fit.  Then I take notice.

But, back to Ann Coulter, I think she does well throwing the judicial record of convicted Commie spies into the faces of the Left as they try to re-write history.  As far as Foriegn Affairs go, she needs work.

48Highlander said:
::)  Right, Michael Moore is the patron saint of tolerance.  Now if you behave yourself I'll see if I can get you his autograph.

Yes, that's *exactly* what I said.


I'm pretty sure I've asked this before, but do you even *read* people's posts before you reply??
48Highlander said:
...Until you can get Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan to STFU, you really have no place complaining about Coulter.

Are you serious?  You think Mrs. Sheehan, whether you agree with the details or not of how she makes her case, has no right to be speaking?

Give your head a shake!

midgetcop said:
Yes, that's *exactly* what I said.


I'm pretty sure I've asked this before, but do you even *read* people's posts before you reply??

Yep.  Look:

midgetcop said:
Michael Moore is far from objective, and is extremely selective with his "facts", but he's no hate monger the way that Coulter is.

See?  Now, if you keep up that attitude, I'm gonna have to rethink getting you the autograph....

Duey said:
Are you serious?  You think Mrs. Sheehan, whether you agree with the details or not of how she makes her case, has no right to be speaking?

Give your head a shake!


I think everyone has a right to speak.  But Little Miss Cindy has no credentials nor any relevant experience, so her temper tantrums certainly don't deserve national coverage, and as long as the left continues to stand behind her, they've got no right to criticize someone like Ann Coulter.
McCarthy was right? Then explain why his witch hunt was considered the KGB's greatest asset of the time. According to the Mitrokhin Archives (Mitrokhin ran the KGB archives for over twenty years) the KGB used McCarthy as a diversion to focus on non-communist agent recruitment which in the end lead to better information heading to Moscow.
48Highlander said:
Yep.  Look:

See?  Now, if you keep up that attitude, I'm gonna have to rethink getting you the autograph....

Ain't quite the same thing as claiming he's the "patron saint of tolerance". And I stand by what I said. Nothing I have ever seen in Moore's "documentaries" comes anywhere close to some of the stuff coming out of Coulter's mouth.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut....you can keep the autograph.  ;)
midgetcop said:
Ain't quite the same thing as claiming he's the "patron saint of tolerance". And I stand by what I said. Nothing I have ever seen in Moore's "documentaries" comes anywhere close to some of the stuff coming out of Coulter's mouth.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut....you can keep the autograph.  ;)


I suppose laying a picture of a dead little girl at the doorstep of a famous actor who supports a widely recognised sport, implying that he is somehow responsible for her death is a nice symbol.

How about equating the Columbine shootings to the production of nuclear delivery systems by some of the adults in the community? Michael Moore is slightly more subtle than Coulter, but his symblism is just (if not more) as poignant.

McCarthy was right? Then explain why his witch hunt was considered the KGB's greatest asset of the time. According to the Mitrokhin Archives (Mitrokhin ran the KGB archives for over twenty years) the KGB used McCarthy as a diversion to focus on non-communist agent recruitment which in the end lead to better information heading to Moscow."

- You can't get much better info than they were getting out of State at the time.  They had/have a HUGE network in the USA.  The dogmatic recruits come from the American Left, and they become traitors for political reasons.  Then you get Walker and his ilk who are poor excuses for human beings and sell out for ego/money etc.

But, yes, McCarthy was right, but not necessarily that effective.

TCBF I agree on not effective maybe should start a witch hunt in Al Queda to cause a similar distraction.

Does Coulter's book discuss the extreme right in the US State department in '30s, '40s and '50s or just the left. A few US State department officials were working for the Facists and the Nazis. The Ambassador to Egypt was sending military information directly to Rommel.
"The Ambassador to Egypt was sending military information directly to Rommel."

I think that is a stretch.  His diplomatic dispatches were being intercepted by the Germans.  He was not deliberately including the ;'Amt Ausland/Abwehr im Oberkommando der Wehrmacht ' in his distribution list:


"They were hardly ever rivalled by Axis success in reading our ciphers. There were two major exceptions to the lack of success by the Axis against Allied ciphers. One was that they did have some success in reading a British naval cipher which was for a longish time also shared with the American navy in relation to convoy escorting.

They were successful in reading that for a long period from 1940 to the end of '42. And the other was that they didn't exactly capture but they managed to extract of copy of the cipher that was being used by the American Military Attache in Cairo for a period when Rommel was at his most dangerous. And from that too the Germans obtained some great advantage."

I've been trying to remember where I read hat the US ambassador to Egypt was queitly uncovered and dismissed for feeding information. Most likely I read it in Len Deighton's history of World War Two, where he focuses on what most history ignores.

Remember that pro-Nazi forces were throughout US society in the early war period, they had the money, the power and were trying to get rid of Roosevelt and all other pro-allied elements. The first victory of World War Two was the defeat of these forces in North America unfortunately they never went away.
GO!!! said:

I suppose laying a picture of a dead little girl at the doorstep of a famous actor who supports a widely recognised sport, implying that he is somehow responsible for her death is a nice symbol.

How about equating the Columbine shootings to the production of nuclear delivery systems by some of the adults in the community? Michael Moore is slightly more subtle than Coulter, but his symblism is just (if not more) as poignant.

Point taken. But I guess it's harder to recognize when it's not as sensational a quote such as:

We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war.


When contemplating college liberals, you really regret once again that John Walker is not getting the death penalty. We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too. Otherwise, they will turn out to be outright traitors.
"I've been trying to remember where I read hat the US ambassador to Egypt was queitly uncovered and dismissed for feeding information. Most likely I read it in Len Deighton's history of World War Two, where he focuses on what most history ignores."

WTH?  Your two posts above sandwiched my post that had the answer in it:  follow the LINK.

"Remember that pro-Nazi forces were throughout US society in the early war period, they had the money, the power and were trying to get rid of Roosevelt and all other pro-allied elements. The first victory of World War Two was the defeat of these forces in North America unfortunately they never went away."

- And a good thing, too, or you might be speaking Russian and living in a Gulag right now.
