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Best dressed element.

The British AF colour of their "DEU" is so very, very classy.
mover1 said:
When in Rome.....
If a person is employed on a ship. Are they really ARMY or are they considered Navy. I think Purple Trades should be like chameleons and wear what ever dress the element they are supporting is wearing.

As for the AF guys on ship...Same Same...Its and epaulette. Get over it. It might build some team cohesion.

But as the question relates the the best element.  I take the Airforce any day.  Cat hair and lint doesn't show up quite as bad on a set of blues as it does on black or green.

Whoa there!!

Where the hell will I put all my kit? I had a hard enough time switching from "Yes Sir" to "Yes Chief" and then back to "Yes Kevin" ( ;) - guess what element that was) then on to "Yes Sir" again with my postings through the three enviornments --- now you want me to take up 1 000 000 cubic metres of space to store three complete sets of environmental uniforms and accoutrements? You covering my mortage costs for having to next purchase a 10 bedroom house to store it all in?

And rest assured, when I'm on a ship, I'm just doing the very same job I'd do anywhere else, but I'm STILL a Warrant Officer vice a P1; exactly the same as the Leading Seaman who works in one of my sections here is not called "corporal" and spends her day doing the exact same transaction as LS in Halifax - except that the stock number she puts into the system is a LAV part SN instead of a ship part SN.

We're "purple" - that's exactly why we can serve in any of the three.
Which is why you can turn all that kit in you won't don't need and dress the way the others dress.
As for the DEU's and epaullets throw them out or give them away when your done.
How much stuff do you have stored away that you don't/never use.  Get rid of it. Why have 10 pairs of boots when you only ever really use two. 
I am a purple trade too and I have no qualms about turning stuff in or disposing of it.  If I wanted to be Army I would still be on the Combat arms...If I wanted to be Navy I would have become a whatever. But now I am Air, I work on an Air base. I assimilated by changing my DEU. I don't see what the problem is of putting an element change on Logistik Unicorps website so a guy can have a set of proper element deus.. Then having him/her wear whatever the dress of the day is issued to them according to element. (ARMY/AIRFORCE CADPAT- NAVY NCD)
You never know it just may help out our public image to have everyone wear the same elements clothing while so employed. Keeps us from looking like a three ring circus.

Some people LIKE the element they've chosen.  Personally, if I get the Navy uniform, I will wear the Navy uniform.  If it just so happens that I am posted to a Land or Air base then I will wear CADPAT.  So be it.  Does it look a little odd to those on the outside to see all three elements formed up together on parade?  Sure, but it is what it is.

I don't think I'd want to have to go getting a new set of uniforms every blessed time I get posted though.  Good grief - we've barely got the closet space for my husband's uniforms much less my own once I start.  Can you imagine what a pain in the ass it would be to have to have 3 complete sets of uniforms?  Because there's no way in hell I'm going to go through the hoops to acquire these uniforms, turn them in, only to need them again down the road and start the process all over again.

I mean, you're certainly entitled to your opinion, but it's a little crazy.
I actually like that idea.  It gives members the flexibility to fit into their surroundings a bit more.  Besides, were not talking about miles of storage space here.  The army is the element that will dominate your closit with all the field kit.  But that kit is something you likely will need as a purple trade so there is nothing you can do about it.

I personally would like the ability to blent in to whatever environment you are working in.  That becomes especially useful for Int staff as well.  Army guys hate being breifed by navy guys ect...
ltmaverick25 said:
I actually like that idea.  It gives members the flexibility to fit into their surroundings a bit more.  Besides, were not talking about miles of storage space here.  The army is the element that will dominate your closit with all the field kit.  But that kit is something you likely will need as a purple trade so there is nothing you can do about it.
I personally would like the ability to blent in to whatever environment you are working in.  That becomes especially useful for Int staff as well.  Army guys hate being breifed by navy guys ect...

Then why even have elements at all??

As far as the bolded part - right now we've got CFs, NCDs AND CADPAT, plus all the accoutrements that go with (jackets, coats, 85 pairs of boots, misc accessories)  It takes up a LOT of space. Shudder to think when I come home with mine.  When he was army, he had all that PLUS the field kit.  He is also a purple trade, but doesn't have the field kit.  No need for it really considering where he's posted.  You also aren't going to need to keep the field kit if you're posted to a ship.  So it gets drawn on an as needed basis and then returned. 

I don't think there's ever going to be a way to make everyone happy in regards to uniforms and being purple.
Three sets of DEU's and three hats does not fill a closet.  >:D
You can put them nest to your skinny/fat pants.
Or by the wedding dress you will never ever wear again. ;D
Really IO turned in a bunch o crap the lother month. Stuff I haven't used in years. And I don't miss it.

But back on Subject. 

I still think the AF has the best uniforms...except the two piece flying suit shows off my gut a little too much. :-X
mover1 said:
Which is why you can turn all that kit in you won't don't need and dress the way the others dress.
As for the DEU's and epaullets throw them out or give them away when your done.
How much stuff do you have stored away that you don't/never use.  Get rid of it. Why have 10 pairs of boots when you only ever really use two. 
I am a purple trade too and I have no qualms about turning stuff in or disposing of it.  If I wanted to be Army I would still be on the Combat arms...If I wanted to be Navy I would have become a whatever. But now I am Air, I work on an Air base. I assimilated by changing my DEU. I don't see what the problem is of putting an element change on Logistik Unicorps website so a guy can have a set of proper element deus.. Then having him/her wear whatever the dress of the day is issued to them according to element. (ARMY/AIRFORCE CADPAT- NAVY NCD)
You never know it just may help out our public image to have everyone wear the same elements clothing while so employed. Keeps us from looking like a three ring circus.

You are RTFOOer.

You do realize of course, that the sheer cost of the manhours involved with constantly issuing/returning completely different environmental uniforms with each posting in/out of the elements is retarded no? What a nice volume of work you are placing on the Supply trade (a very busy RED trade as it already is) with your onus to pile on more useless workload.

I've got 20 years in and have packed up and moved 8 times. Only once was it from an Army base to an Army base ... the rest have been to a different enviornment from the one I was at previously - and the cycle continues. If it were up to you - I'd have been completely initialed issued and completely returned all my kit 16 times now. Get real.

Good for you for going blue ... I got rid of my blue uniform and went Army and am very happy where I am now; we'll call it even because If I'd wanted to be AF ... I'd still be wearing that blue uniform --- not that whether one who is purple wears Blue, Black, or Green is really relevant at all to the discussion at hand. Purple. Not blue. Not black. Not green.  ;)
The "best dressed" element would be the element that has the most operationally appropriate clothing and equipment system for the assigned task.  Except where the mission task is "look good" (i.e. ceremonial, which in certain cases is a valid task), functionality should determine what respective personnel in each environment need.  I would say that on the whole, all elements are pretty much equitably dressed/kitted for their roles. 

If we were to say who is "best" dressed (as it regards their role), I'd say that there is one group of folks that probably comes the closest to the 100% solution, and thus they are the "best dressed" element (see their clothing reference documents here).
mover1 said:
Three sets of DEU's and three hats does not fill a closet.  >:D
You can put them nest to your skinny/fat pants. Or by the wedding dress you will never ever wear again. ;D
Really IO turned in a bunch o crap the lother month. Stuff I haven't used in years. And I don't miss it.

But back on Subject. 

I still think the AF has the best uniforms...except the two piece flying suit shows off my gut a little too much. :-X

Did you really just go there???
Lil_T said:
Did you really just go there???

Come on, we have all seen the sizes of our gf/wives wardromes  ;D

But to bring this conversation to a much more serious and professional tone, I still maintain having the elemental uniform flexibility is important.  The ability to look cool in any elemental setting is of paramount importance  ;D
I feel robbed then, I pare down my wardrobe every season due to lack of space.  My next house is going to have a closet the size of a small bedroom. (or maybe I'll just use a small bedroom as my closet).  ::)

Back on track - there is a modicum of uniform flexibility in work dress.  I see no need to have a full set of DEU's just so everyone regardless of element is matchy matchy.  Professionalism is in your behaviour, not your outfit, especially if you are dressed to the same standard as everyone else.
Of course of course, behave professionally at all times, but one must still look cool at all times too!
that's right - focus on the important things...  ;D
hah, did I tell you about my weekend coolness adventure?  The one where im chatting up a girl while looking ever so cool in my uniform and then smashing my head on a bar and almost knocking myself out!  See, I need all the cool I can get  ;D
no you didn't!!!  Bwahahaha 

you do need all the cool you can get ;)
Lil_T said:
no you didn't!!!  Bwahahaha 

you do need all the cool you can get ;)

It was brilliant, my hat went flying, she and another dude caught me before I hit the ground.  I am not sure what hurt worse, my ego or my head, but they both hurt pretty damn bad!
Ouch.  I wouldn't have been any help, I'd probably have been laughing my ass off in the corner.  Schaddenfreude, yeah... sorry.
Even for "radio chatter", this thread has outlived its usefulness.
isn't this where threads go to die?  or at the very least be beaten to a pulp....