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Best dressed element.


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Hey quick question, tried searching but everything was unclear. Which element has the best dress, and does anyone have a link they can send me to take a look at different elements dress. Thank you
In my humble opinion the Navy has the best dress around.  Though, the army's mess kit blows everyone elses out of the water.
Yes, Navy is best dressed overall (Whites are pretty snazzy my friend) but the Army is top of the list for glamour - just look at the Governor General's Foot and Horse Guards - pimped out!

What does a departments fashion options have to do with Recruiting?  ???
I chose the army because the CADPAT really works with my eye color :P
CEEBEE501 said:
What does a departments fashion options have to do with Recruiting?  ???
I chose the army because the CADPAT really works with my eye color :P

Oh you!  ;)
Hey, if you dont look cool in your uniform, there is no point in being in the military!  ;D
ltmaverick25 said:
In my humble opinion the Navy has the best dress around.  Though, the army's mess kit blows everyone elses out of the water.
Except for women's mess kit where the Navy still has the lead.  Almost makes me want to OT... almost.
But the navy does not issue mess kit, we eat off plates like civilized people. Now if you mean mess dress it is nice.  ;D

When I joined up, there was a female going through the recruiting process at the same time. She had her heart set on getting a Navy uniform in the purple trade she way applying for. She told me she thought this uniform would look much better on her.

Her offer of employment turned out to be Army. You should have seen the look on her face... I think her lower lip was trembling... You could see the exact moment her heart tore in half.

She has since deployed with the navy. With CADPAT epaulettes. Muahahahaha!
Eric_911 said:
She has since deployed with the navy. With CADPAT epaulettes. Muahahahaha!

And for that issue alone, Navy should be out of the running.  NOTHING in the CF looks stupider than NCDs with farkin' CADPAT slip-ons.  Who is the bone-head that come up with THAT idea? 

How about a little bit of thinking before you ask questions like that? You will have diehards say that their uniform is he sharpest because of "X". Martel it is part and parcel to have pride in your uniform (at least you should) no matter what element you belong to.
Eye In The Sky said:
And for that issue alone, Navy should be out of the running.  NOTHING in the CF looks stupider than NCDs with farkin' CADPAT slip-ons.  Who is the bone-head that come up with THAT idea?

Is CADPAT fire resistant like NCDs? If not what kind of slip on would an army type wear while emploed onboard a ship? Better for them to be safe...
Two things,

1) I hear many people say that they believe the Navy uniforms look the best.  Being in the Navy myself I however think the army tunic and mess dress look pretty sharp, but gracefully accept everyone thinking we look better in the navy :)

2) As far as CADPAT slip-ons on NCD's, it took the army to fuck up the navy uniform by putting cadpat slip-ons on a naval uniform...
ncs_eng 081 said:
2) As far as CADPAT slip-ons on NCD's, it took the army to fuck up the navy uniform by putting cadpat slip-ons on a naval uniform...


I don't see many Army guys wearing Navy uniforms.
Wearing CADPAD slip ons with NCDs is retarded.  The only value that provides is to say hey, look at me im in the army.  Why not just go ahead and wear the CADPAD uniform when working in an environment where NCDs are being worn.

As for being fire resistant, I am pretty sure CADPADs are supposed to be fire resistant, but that doesnt mean that they are.
When I joined we all wore the same uniform.  Nice part about a uniform is that I don't have to stand in front of the closet in the morning wondering what I am going to wear to work.  :)
Sorry, I guess that was better aimed at AF perhaps with crews attached to ships with Helicopters.  As the navy definitely does not wear cadpat slip-ons on NCD's, it's left to the AF and the few Army (purple trade) pers on ship that would be wearing cadpat on ncd's...

As far as CADPAT vs NCD, NCD's are made form nomex(tm) which is a fire retardant material.  Naval Combat Dress is meant to be functional from a safety point of view (ie: fire retardant and CSA approved sea boots) vs CADPAT which is designed to be functional in the field (ie: IR resistant...)