Right now there is zero sense in buying significant equipment for the PRes.
Are we talking about buying significant equipment for the PRes, or significant equipment to enable a proper Total Force concept, as part of transformational change?
Edmonton would capture most of 41 CBG, Shilo - 38 CBG, Petawawa - 33 CBG, Valcartier - 35 CBG and Gagetown - some of 37 CBG and possibly some of 36 CBG.
The CBG's that are not geographically located near the Reg Force Army Bases just happen to be located around our major population centres where we can draw the most recruits from. Ideal for 30/70 or 10/90 units.
As GR lays out
PRes (and the supporting population pools) can be dispassionately broken into 3 pools
A- collocated (or close enough) to where we already have bases with Lav Bn's plus (at minimum) other elements
B- major population centres representing severely underutilized reservist mass AND an underrecruited population
C- pareto inefficient orphans
A- Calgary/Edmonton, Winnipeg/Brandon, NCR, Quebec City Region, New Brunswick Nova Scotia
B- Lower Mainland/Interior of BC, Southern Ontario, Montreal Region*
C- Regina/Saskatoon, Northern Ontario, Newfoundland
So the questions are, how can we use make best use of available infrastructure and RegF PY's to make better use of those respective pools?
A is easy the local CBG's come under their RegF unit(s) to round out (near term) expand to 120-140% strength (long term).
B- The "straightforward" approach would be to use the LIB's+ as the bones to build 3x 30/70 Light (motorized) Bde's
C- 10/90 Arctic Response Unit? Specific war-time enablers/ Bde/Div assets for the mech force?