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Anyone else going for 7th of May?

I'm here (CFLRS) right now, on RFT, and My new platoon will be starting May 7. It hasn't been officially confirmed, but the rumor right now, is that the may 7 course will be a guinee pig course (again) for the 10 week basic.

Not confirmed by any means, but I have heard it from staff and students alike.

Cheers, and I'll see (some of) you on course.
I start my basic on May 7th, and the papers on my course I am a part of istates that my course will be lasting from May 7th to August 10th. That is more then 10 weeks if my math is correct, but I wonder if it is 10 weeks whether they would let us know this. not a huge deal to me, regardless of the duration.
I am loaded on the 07 May course as well, and my posting message has CFLRS from 07 May - 10 Aug. I guess we'll see what's up once we get there. As of right now, I'm expecting a 14 week BMQ. Although no complaints if I get there and find out it's less.  :)
That's weird ... I'm starting in Gagetown on 7th May .. and my memo I got in my package stats my course runs 07 May - 14 Aug ... wonder why ours is longer ... ???
Plus we were told that it was a 14 week course for sure ...  :cdnsalute:
probably just a different day for the grad parades, Junior.

And I *did* say that it was rumor, and unconfirmed.

I'd say that if your posting message would be the definative proof one way or the other, so expect the 14 weeks, and as Pea said, if it's only 10, that's just a bonus.
hi all im leaving for the 7th may too !!!  ;D im very exciting,im not gonna meet you guys at st-jean cuz im french and my trainig camp gonna be at valcartier QC,
some questions :
i now run up to 3 km,is that a good start ? i would like to do more but my actual job dont let me train as much as i would.

i have a question about what sgtmomret said : what exactly is the general knowledge test ?i didnt heard about it yet.

good luck and congratulation to all of us !
Dagriz said:
hi all im leaving for the 7th may too !!!  ;D im very exciting,im not gonna meet you guys at st-jean cuz im french and my trainig camp gonna be at valcartier QC,
some questions :
i now run up to 3 km,is that a good start ? i would like to do more but my actual job dont let me train as much as i would.

i have a question about what sgtmomret said : what exactly is the general knowledge test ?i didnt heard about it yet.

good luck and congratulation to all of us !

Don't worry you will know what it is when you start your course.

Congratulations Dagriz.
As for your training I feel that any kind of training you do now is a good start, and you have about two weeks or so to continue the training. The requirements require you to run a 1 and a 1/2 miles which is 2.4 kilometers in 12.00 minutes or less I believe if I am not mistaken and thats only the minimum. As for how ready you are for basic I would not know as I am in the same boat as you and start my training on the seventh as well.

I have been training for for awhile now, I have practically lived in a gym on and off for a couple years. I had been running on a treadmill over the winter and let me tell you if your running a a treadmill now I suggest you get outside and run. Its a totally different feeling and I had shin splints for a few days when I first Started running outside. I can now run 5 kilometers in 23m34s, on a bad day which is pretty good I think.

How is everyone elses training coming along?
Looks to be many platoons will be starting their courses on the 7th, I'm not lookin foward to being in that line up for the mess.  See you all there.
We're starting to get "down to the wire" now... Only about 2 weeks left here before I head out.

Nervous, but excited. I pretty much have everything in place now to go. I got new shoes a few nights ago and running in them is actually pretty decent. Definitely worth the time to get fitted, and the money spent!

See ya'll in a few short weeks.  :)
For the record Pea Hooker boots are not running shoes.....well ok they might get you out of the PT test anyway  ;D
Good luck guys! Enjoy managing to pass inspection in dust ridden M-5. We had the windows open one morning during an inspection and it seriously looked like it was snowing dust off the heating ducts lol... I think we passed that one tho!
My course will be just finishing up on the 10th/11th of may.
All of the tests are easy, my average is a high 90, just listen in class and practice your weapons drills as you learn them.
The PT staff does a good job, as long as you have the drive and determination they will get you into shape.
Remember, its a GAME the entire time you are there, they will mess with your head, deprive you of sleep, attempt to get members of the platoon angry with eachother, break you down, build you up then break you down again. Just find ways to make it fun. Inspections are kind of like a game, I love it when a Sgt picks up my rifle in the morning and can't find a thing wrong with the cleaning I did the night before.
Just enjoy the course, make some good buddies, some good memories and put all of your effort into everything you do.
Good luck guys, probably see y'all in the mess line in your civvies!
Yep, we're definitally down to the final stretch here!

Get your gear and form up hehe. It's time! Hope you got your spirits up bro. Let's get it! Let's get er done!

Hey! that's exactly what it is a game from start to finish! Im actually looking forward to trying out the food and whatnot. I know, I'll get used to it! That's what its all about. ;)

Just be prepared for anything. Expect the worst and improve from there. We only go through it once. So might as well make it worth it! ;)

Ciao for now.


Hope everyone enjoys this coming weekend, as it will be our last free for a while!

I've got some last minute errands/shopping to be done, my going away party, and then the movers come Sunday/Monday.

Not long now indeed. See you all next weekend!
Remember your "new running shoes"..AKA Hooker boots so you can bypass the PT test Pea  ;)

I'm taking those shoes for a run now! Actually, I'm kinda hoping they take me..
Alright question time, where do I find our course number? We are supposed to put it on our autobiography title page, but I don't recall where to find it or if I was given one. Anyone know our course number?

Other then that I am right with you Pte Pea. Just bought the new runners today going to break them in over the next week and abit. All that is left is too transfer my autobiography to hand written on paper and buy a few odds and ends to leave with and I am ready to go.
You'll find our course number on your posting message. (the papers that look like a bunch of mumbo jumbo basically..)

Mine says 07 May - 10 Aug, Course 0130E.

Hope that helps. Seeya next weekend.