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Anyone else going for 7th of May?

rharding said:
Roy Harding, You would think it would be easy to find, but I went to about 7 different stores explaining what I was looking for and i knew it was legal size 8.5 x 14 inch, I was very specific. The only thing I found was a in bulk and I didnt really see any sense in buying 400 pages for 20.00 when I really only need 2-4 pages. I tried all the major stationary suppliers, and like I said it came down to going to a high school and asking if I could have some.
That's unbelievable.  I live in Terrace, BC - a small town of about 12,000 souls, located about 500 miles from anywhere, and I can get legal sized paper from at least three local sources  - where in Ontario do you live (your profile isn't specific)?

Roy Harding said:
That's unbelievable.  I live in Terrace, BC - a small town of about 12,000 souls, located about 500 miles from anywhere, and I can get legal sized paper from at least three local sources 
I suspect his point was that he could find legal size, but wanted to buy only 2-4 pages rather than a package of 400/500 sheets.

The solution that leapt to my mind would be to go to Business Depot's/Staples'/Whatever's photocopy section, and ask for 4-5 photocopies of a blank piece of legal paper. If the clerk gives you a puzzled look, just say "I'm even willing to save you wear on the copier; just take the paper out of the feed tray.....here's your 10 cents/copy."    ;)
Hmm... guess that's why it's called "foolscap" folio paper.  (even comes with lines so you can print/write neatly) ;D
Journeyman said:
I suspect his point was that he could find legal size, but wanted to buy only 2-4 pages rather than a package of 400/500 sheets.

The solution that leapt to my mind would be to go to Business Depot's/Staples'/Whatever's photocopy section, and ask for 4-5 photocopies of a blank piece of legal paper. If the clerk gives you a puzzled look, just say "I'm even willing to save you wear on the copier; just take the paper out of the feed tray.....here's your 10 cents/copy."    ;)

JM don't confuse the poor kid
Hey! What's with all the hijack stuff?

Did you get the paper you were looking for?

Besides arn't we re-writing once we get there? Mine is just a rough draft?

Anyways he's just being resourceful I wouldnt want to spend 20 dollars if I didnt have to. Agreed?

Btw, I hope everyones pumped up for the coming weekend, I have checked double checked and even triple checked everything includeing my forms and gear and luggage packed up all my furnature. One question... After Graduation (seeing as we all make it) do we get a chance to go home or is it right away Occupational Training after that? Thanks in advance.
I live in a town outside of Toronto, and yes I did get the paper.

Sorry msaint, I dont know the answer to your question. From what I understand and don't quote me on this, but it all depends on all our next individual courses and when they start. I have read some posts stating that in between courses you are placed into a platoon or tasking until your next course start date. I am sure someone else on the wall will give you a definite answer.
The way it was explained to me by my file manager, is basically it is a huge "wait and see". Depends when your next course starts and whatnot. She said there is a possibility of getting sent to my next course location, or PAT and having time to wait before my course starts, and as such being given some leave. Or I just sit on PAT and wait, or luck out and have my course start right away. All we can do is wait and see what happens. Count on nothing, and then be thrilled if you get it. I'm not expecting to see "home" until Christmas.