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Anyone else going for 7th of May?

Thanks, I remember now, it all makes sense. I dont have my posting message, I was told I would recieve mine when I arrived at recruit school.
I would ask about that posting message, I believe you're supposed to get a posting message before going on any course, especially BMQ and IAP. I suggest that you talk to your recruiter again.
Well just got of the phone with a recuiter at the Toronto Centre and he informed me that I do not need a posting message for BMQ and for my course number I would be refering to my ETP message but I do not have a copy of that either. He said there would be a copy of it in my file when I get to Basic. On a similar note I think I made myself look stupid because he seemed very unimpressed that I was asking these questions. Oh well, I now know the difference between ETP messages and Posting messages, I think.
Don't worry about asking questions. They weren't silly. Besides, you're already in and won't have to deal with the recruiting centre after this. I was given what I was told is a "posting message". That's all I know. Says where I am going, for how long, and what course.
I put my paperwork in at the Recruiting det here in Oshawa today.
The recruiter said everything looked copesetic with my app, and gave me the conditional offer.
Saying everything goes smoothly, how long should it take before I'm loaded, and then off to BMQ at St. Jean? I chose Infantry as my MOC.
How long was it for you guys?

Also, where were your medicals held? My paperwork says CRFC Toronto, is that where it would be held? Down on Younge Street, or wherever it is?
Well CF_Lifer we talked so I am not ignoring your post.

As for everyone else, time is ticking away and to tell you the truth I wish it were tommorow, I hate waiting for big things like this. Did anyone else have a hard time finding the right size paper for the autobiography, the 8.5 x 14 inch. Wow not even staples/buisseness depot had it. Ended up going to my old high school and asking for a hand full.

Now for the articles in which is suggests we bring to basic now are they a requirement? They ask to bring a picture frame 5x7, now is this for future use or personal use? I really have no use for a picture frame if its for personal use only.

One last question, anyone on this thread leaving from Toronto saturday morning? We could meet up at the terminal instead of hanging around alone.
rharding said:
Now for the articles in which is suggests we bring to basic now are they a requirement? They ask to bring a picture frame 5x7, now is this for future use or personal use? I really have no use for a picture frame if its for personal use only.

And the staff here have no use for your thoughts on what you have use or no use for.......

I had to have my 5x7 like everyone else. complete with picture......i just left the one that came with it in there...that was good enough.
The Picture frame is for personal use....it is also part of the lay out for inspection. Get one and just cut out a picture of some model or hot actress and put it in the frame. It will be great for a bit of a smile and tension breaker.

Just curious though when I went through we did our Autobiography the first night there on paper they provided. Are they making you do it before hand or suggesting that you do it before hand?

EDIT: I guess I said it slighty more polite then CDN Aviator......But yeah same message
Joining instructions say to have the autobiography already prepared when we arrive, but from what I have been told by someone instructing, we'll be told to redo them once we arrive. Ah well, at least I'll have something to go off of and just re-write.

I too wish it was tomorrow rharding. I've had over a month to sit around and think, and whatnot since I swore in. I just want to get there and get going! As for the frame, just bring a picture of something that means something to you. (or a hot model I guess.... Hmmm, maybe I'll bring Wentworth Miller!  >:D )

See you in a few days!
Well its good thing I asked about that, I am assuming the rest of the list in mandatory too then. I should have one lieing around somewhere any how.

Yeah, I was told that it would be good to have one ready to hand in upon arrival and I also have read in my joining instructions to have a draft ready written in blue ink on 8.5 x 14 inch sized paper. I have a copy I am brining on a disk along with a copy of my security clearance form in case I need to access either later.
Yeah I guess your right, I was just told it was good to have a copy of your security clearance form on disk as you are required to fill it out often, and its easier to make changes on the computer and print it off, rather then filling out another form. So I thought I would throw my orignal autobiography on it as well.

It is alright to have your security clearance form generated by a computer and printed through a printer right? Its identical to the one I recieved, although for the signature part I obviously signed it.
If you need to redo the form you will be given a new one to fill out. The idea of having it on disk is when you are say at your posting to a unit and have a computer. You wont have jack till your really posted. Just have the paper copy of your Biography and keep the disk at home.
rharding said:
Thanks for the tip, better knowing now then later.


In case you just have to know everything now
That was a good read, although I have been smart about my questions and which I should ask. Although its good to see the sense of humor I can look forward to.
rharding said:
... Did anyone else have a hard time finding the right size paper for the autobiography, the 8.5 x 14 inch. Wow not even staples/buisseness depot had it. Ended up going to my old high school and asking for a hand full.

This I find hard to believe - it's also known as "Legal" sized paper - perhaps that was cause for confusion?

I don't usually frequent these particular forums - but your handle caught my attention.

Back to your regular thread - sorry for the hijack.

Roy Harding
Roy Harding said:
This I find hard to believe - it's also known as "Legal" sized paper - perhaps that was cause for confusion?

I don't usually frequent these particular forums - but your handle caught my attention.

Back to your regular thread - sorry for the hijack.

Roy Harding

+1........of course i would have put it less "friendly-like"  ;D
Roy Harding, You would think it would be easy to find, but I went to about 7 different stores explaining what I was looking for and i knew it was legal size 8.5 x 14 inch, I was very specific. The only thing I found was a in bulk and I didnt really see any sense in buying 400 pages for 20.00 when I really only need 2-4 pages. I tried all the major stationary suppliers, and like I said it came down to going to a high school and asking if I could have some.