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Anyone else going for 7th of May?


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Hello there,

Well I finally got the call and was offered a job with the Canadian forces starting on May7th, and of course I accepted! So I just wanted to know if anyone else is going and where you will be coming in from. I am from Hamilton, Ont. my flight to St.Jean is on May 5th.

Other then that there are some forms that I have to fill out at the recruiting centre next week, but I think its official! If anyone knows at all what else happens that day? I would like to know if they do any kind of drug tests or do we just go in fill out the forms and wait to start?

Thanks and good luck to everyone that's going!
Bye for now
I am flying out of Edmonton on May 5th, to start course on May 7th in St. Jean.

What trade are you?
My BOTP starts 7 May. I will see you folks there, look for the OCdt. named Zillman getting jacked up ;)
Yeah, I'm in for technical training, of course pending that we all make it through basic :)

I will be going for NW TECH (Navy Weapons Technician)

Also Did I hear the recruiter right? apparently the course runs from may 7 until august 10th anyone else get that? thats about 14 weeks, which is interesting. Does that account for some people falling behind and making up for it? because I thought basic lasts for 10 weeks not 14....

Either way it's going to be one Hell of an experience! Sounds like a sentence hehe, but we should make it through just fine.

Im wondering how many squads there will be... but I guess I'll have to wait and see. :)

Your platoon will either have around 35-40 or 60ish personel.
Oh boy ... may 7 until august 10th
Gratz man.. I hope i join you guys soon :)

Wow Full summer BMQ..  Get a lot of anti mosquito

West Nile Virus (WNV) is transmitted by mosquito bite, and mosquitoes are everywhere, even in the city. Although not all mosquitoes carry the virus, the risk of infection is real.

How is the virus transmitted?
The main mode of transmission for WNV is through mosquito bites. Mosquitoes become virus carriers after biting infected birds. Since mosquitoes can bite more than once, they can then transmit the virus by biting another animal or a person.

This is real guys.. Be prepare .. ;)

See more info at http://www.virusdunil.info
Thanks for the replies.

I will be going downtown to fill out the rest of the forms this thursday so I should have some more info about our starting date by then. for now I hope everyone is getting themself in shape and getting as prepared mentally and physically as they can.

So far the best thing Ive done for myself is getting a new pair of running shoes and have started breaking them in, by the time we go they should be even more comfortable on my feet... I hope ;D  :salute:
Hey ... I just got my call this afternoon ... the recruiter told me a tentative date of May 7th ... I'll have it confirmed later today or tomorrow morning ... can't wait to get going ... I swear in on Friday in Kitchener ...
May 7th - Aug 10th eh? Nice. Seems I'll grad the day before my 21st birthday. That's cool.

I'll see ya'll there! I've been offered Medical Technician. I swear in on Thursday.  :)
Well congrads to all you for taking the biggest step in you life!  Here are some things to know before you go.  Make sure you are in the top physical shape because on week one you HAVE to pass you fitness test if not your put into PAT platoon for 4 weeks; I believe you get 3 trys to pass it plus is counts as a failure with regards to PO's.  Next if you don't know how to use a needle and thread learn as you have to sew your name on everything and it must be neat.  Learn "time management" i.e. go to sleep in your PT gear on gym days, shave a night things like that as you will be running around like a chicken without a head.  Your up a 425 and lights out at 11.  Learn to be tidy as the Military has a very high standard especially come room inspections.  They'll pick you up for dust or you iron cord not wrapped up properly. Your pay will be approx 734 dollars clear every two weeks.  Keep all your receipts from your travel from home to St jean as your do your claim paperwork the first week there.  Note week one does not start until you pass you fitness test and you have the first week your there to pass it.  If you get 3 failures ie fitness test, drill test, general knowledge test you will be either released or given another chance but you'll be put in a PAT platoon (Personal awaiting training)  until there is room to start you back at week one.  My son was at the end of week 8 and failed his third and is now in PAT platoon until ??? who knows and will have to start back at week one.  He was lucky as the guy before him was released.  As for drugs, if your stuipd enough to take them then way go into the military.  When you arrive in St jean only you can go through the main doors, so you'll have to say your goodbyes there.  Once inside your luggage will be opened and searched if you have any drugs on you your ASS is passed over to the Military police.  Like I mentioned early my Son I hope will start again in May and my daughter who is also down there know will graduate on the 4 May.  They started with 60 and are down to 48 people so don't go there thinking its a piece of cake.  If they say its grey but you see white its grey; got it.  Once your all done your 13 weeks remember fitness week is not included you'll be sent to your Trades training.  You may have to wait for this as I did.  I'm a retired Admin Clk and after my basic training I was sent to Kingston for 3 weeks until there was enough of us to fill up the slots in Borden.  Your Trades training is no way the same as your basic....it so much easier especially with the inspections, mine you you will still have room inspections but not a crazy.
Anyway if any of you need anymore advice or your parents please feel free to ask me.  I'm retired now, took the golden hand shake in 95 shy of 22 years.  My husband is still in and has to retire next year with 35 years.
Thanks for taking the time to provide the lengthy reply with advice. I appreciate it. I hope your son gets back on course soon.  :)

Anyone else for the May 7th BMQ in St.Jean? I have my course number now too, PM if interested.

32 days to go!  ;)
Hey guys and gals, just thought I would drop everyone in here a line as I am too leaving May 5th from Toronto to st jean for basic starting on the 7th. Super excited about it, been a long ride for me to get to where I am now, but totally worth it and am looking forward to meeting everyone, being a team of one ( if thats how the saying goes ). Most of you i should be able to meet before the plane ride over, for those coming from other locations see in saturday evening hopefully.

Ryan Harding
Hey Ryan,

Congrats! Sure is a good feeling eh? What trade are you going? I'll see you around the Mega. I arrive from Edmonton Saturday afternoon.
Its an amazing feeling esspecially its what I have wanted since highschool, I just decided to go to college and travel a bit before hand. Lots of time to think about what I want to do and what trade specifically. That being sad I am Infantry RCR and as for what battlion that I will know in the future. Your coming from edmonton eh, I just got back form living in waterton national park for a year.
I know what you mean. It's been a "long time coming" for me too. Ya I'm coming from Edmonton. Waterton national park eh? Nice. I'm going to miss this province. Ah well, time for a new adventure I suppose!
ahh i was just wondering, when did you guys get your call? ??? i'm waiting for a call now, so im definitely out for May 7th?
Hey guys, Thanks for the replies and hello to everyone that's going on May 5th/7th.

I will also see you when we get there... I am coming from hamilton (the hammer) with three others from the area on the same flight as me.

Thank you especially for all the advice and encouragement, it's going to be tough but we can only make it through together and with hard work and learning to become independant. Some interesting side notes, I was not aware of like learning to sew and whatnot, I figured we would learn as we go, which is true in most cases, but leave nothing out, you might as well start practiing and even get into routine before leaving. I am pretty confident that I am ready and capable to pass phyisical and if so then at least thats one less thing for me to worry about.

In the course study package there it describes what the 14 weeks will consist of such as weapons training at 11% and PT at 12% and administration around 30% of the course among other duties.

Good luck to everyone Im looking forward to meeting you all and getting this over with! Like Sgt said trades training is most likely going to be less demanding so lets just toughen up and make it happen for the 14 weeks... and then we will be saying "see you at the graduation!"

Of course thinking your ready and knowing your ready are two different things. But we will make it through hopefully and bring as many as we can with us!

Until then... Take care guys. Its going to be one hell of a ride :D

Mike D.

:)I know the process can be a very long one.  Back in the olden days 74 I was tested and sent within 3 months.  My Daughter who is down there now waited just over two years to get in and when she got the call she had less then two weeks to quit her job and get ready, we figured someone dropped out at the last moment and she got put in.  She was also on the Recruiting butt, calling or dropping in every week asking if they had heard anything.  My son was also just over a year but had at least a two week notice to ready himself, he had just started calling to see what was up when he got his call.  You usually get sworn in and then two weeks later you goto either Borden or St Jean.  You have to remember the military did a huge down size in the mid 90's so they have to train the people who will train you.  Just remember as you wait for the call, do your sit ups and push ups everyday and at least a 2k run has your first week there is when you'll do your physical test and if you fail it your placed in PAT platoon for a month where everyday your doing some kind of Physical activities.  Remember no life like it.  If I can help with anymore question ask it.  :salute: