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Alleged PMO obstruction in SNC Lavalin case

Fishbone Jones said:
Oh they'll want to change it, I'm sure. He just can't be reinvented though. Too far gone.

The problem is not what they want or or what they do.

It is the Canadian public that won't let them change the channel.

I'm seeing hate and venom for him and the grits unlike I've seen before. Even with his old man. 20 and 30 somethings are voicing their disgust for him and they'll be voting for another 50 years. He is fast becoming a pariah.

Look at us agreeing.

Dogs are meowing, cats are barking.  ;D
Fishbone Jones said:
Oh they'll want to change it, I'm sure. He just can't be reinvented though. Too far gone.

The problem is not what they want or or what they do.

It is the Canadian public that won't let them change the channel.

I'm seeing hate and venom for him and the grits unlike I've seen before. Even with his old man. 20 and 30 somethings are voicing their disgust for him and they'll be voting for another 50 years. He is fast becoming a pariah.

He got in by playing on people's hope for something better.  Aside from the cult of personality, I think a lot of people were genuinely optimistic that his 'sunny ways' pitch was going to be a real change. He hasn't done anything particularly out of the realm of the low bar we set for our politicians, but his problem is he got in on a virtue card.

You can do a lot of things, but dashing people's hope is not something you can recover from; that inspires straight up hate.

The only thing I could see that would get people back onside would be a large resignation/firing of the politicians/PS involved, Trudeau stepping down, and total shakeup of the way the PMO runs things.  Can't see that happening, but personally I'd probably consider voting liberal if JWR were at the helm. I don't have any dedicated party support, but found her believable and was refreshing to see someone with integrity.
Trudeau might be changing his tune on the whole affair.


One of the steps I stated he might need to do.  Might not be enough but we'll see. Probably should have done that to begin with.
Remius said:
... One of the steps I stated he might need to do.  Might not be enough but we'll see. Probably should have done that to begin with.
Especially this bit from the CBC piece:  "show some ownership over the actions of his staff and officials".

We'll see - thanks for that link.
Enter Butts and Wernick to accept all blame, the PM didn't know the scope to which they pressured, how dare they... the Deputy AG testifies it wasn't criminal but awfully inappropriate, a few people go under the forced resignation bus, but no criminal charges.  Could this happen?  Is this enough to change the channel in time? 

Remius said:
Trudeau might be changing his tune on the whole affair.


One of the steps I stated he might need to do.  Might not be enough but we'll see. Probably should have done that to begin with.

It's this quote that gives me trouble:

A senior government official said one of the options being discussed is for Trudeau to "show some ownership over the actions of his staff and officials" in their dealings with his former attorney general, Jody Wilson-Raybould.

In effect the line seems to be that as leader he should take responsibility for what his staff did. Fair enough, BUT: its strikes me that what they did was at his direct order. This isn't taking ownership for their actions but fessing up the fact that he's the one behind the whole thing in the first place. I doubt that he'll do that considering how quickly Butts was thrown overboard. If anyone should go it's the Golden Boy himself but I doubt that he will because I think he's too arrogant to let go of his position. He should be joined by Wernick whose veneer of independence is forever stained.

I was overseas when Trudeau got elected...I totally bet my Dad via a crappy connection that Trudeau would do two terms because our country was so shallow.

Now I may actually have to pay up...  ;D
FJAG said:
... its strikes me that what they did was at his direct order ...
As direct an order as can be proven, without cross examining the orderer...
Warren Kinsella .....

Morons. They leak that they’re THINKING about apologizing - thereby ensuring it looks like a cynical comms tactic. Why not just DO it, and be genuine for once? “Trudeau considering a statement of contrition over SNC-Lavalin” #cdnpoli #lavscam

12:55 PM - 5 Mar 2019


Liberal MP Leona Alleslev just crossed the floor.
Technoviking said:
The Prime Minister is returning to Ottawa.  Story here.
Conflicting narratives are emerging on this move.  The PMO says he cancelled the visit.  Other sources say due to protests, the GM of the Canadian Tire store he was to visit said he was no longer welcome there.
McKenna was in Windsor today. They're going full press on climate change trying to change the channel. Both her and freeland stated their support. "I have full confidence in the PM." Both the same, both given without qualification or question.

She was asked about Philpot and JWR. "Two strong women with a different perspective of what really happened."

Isnt that pretty well what trudeau said about the reporter in the Kokanee Groper case?

The more they try make it go away, the worse it gets.

Tarred,  feathered and run out of town on a rail might be too tame for the liberal party in Canadians views.
Chris Pook said:
Warren Kinsella .....

Wow! Kinsella and Ledrew have a Sergeant sized hate on for team Trudeau. Meanwhile, I just watched Sheila Copps rip Dr. P and JWR, calling for their removal from the LPC, basically (without saying it) colored them as carpet baggers.
While the old saying hell hath no fury etc., I've been looking at the back grounds of DMs and Department heads and advisors to both of these former Ministers of the Crown. It seems they both have assembled quite the collage of seething, indignant feminists in their departments. For those thinking/wishing JWR for PM, be careful what you wish for.
I think that it's somewhat telling given Mr Kinsella's political pedigree.

Warren Kinsella - Wikipedia

Of course, Sheila Copps has the opposing view that Ms Wilson-Raybould  and Dr Philpott should be ejected from the LPC.

:pop: indeed
Remius said:
Trudeau might be changing his tune on the whole affair.


One of the steps I stated he might need to do.  Might not be enough but we'll see. Probably should have done that to begin with.
  First thing he is going to have to do is either stop lying or learn to lie effectively: he will probably take lessons on the later.  His initial statement said that he had been talking to Philpott and while he regretted her departure he understood her loyalty to her friend.  Now the headline says he knew nothing about it.
That illustrates the greatest problem he is going to have in making a recovery.  Once you have proven yourself an habitual liar it is hard maybe impossible to gain any credibility at all. I still give him one week.
Credibility with who? The 5% of Canadians who give a crap about that versus what next can I get out of this dude before he's not PM anymore.
Cloud Cover said:
Credibility with who? The 5% of Canadians who give a crap about that versus what next can I get out of this dude before he's not PM anymore.

Nailed it!  95% of Canadians won't care about this story until it interrupts a hockey game.  Then, it'll be pitchforks and hockey sticks for Trudeau.