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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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breezie said:
Okay, I'm not even going to write what I would like to about that, because this thread will truly sink even lower into the gutter!

Oups, sorry  :-[.

Don't want to start another split in Radio Chatter!
I have a question for all you girls; How the heck did you train for doing consecutive push ups and how long did you train for?? I am having the hardest time trying to do NINE push ups!! I have my physical this friday, I can do a 3 mile run no problem, and the sit ups are also not a problem but I am having a lot of trouble with push ups! I have increased my calorie intake to build my upper body muscles!! I really want to try to get my BMQ this summer, but according to my recruiter if I fail (God forbid) the physical fitness test I have to wait a period of THREE MONTHS before trying again!! So, I may change the date of my physical test. Any suggestions would be helpful!  :-\
One way to strengthen your upper body is to adopt the three basic push-up positions (top, middle and start) and hold them for as long as possible for a few repetitions.  By holding to near fatigue you can increase your fatigue threshold which in time will build strength and allow for more repetitions.  Another important aspect is breathing, you should inhale at the start position and slowly exhale as you push upward, and inhale again as you move to the the rest or start position.

There are several good threads on here that discuss push-ups, just type push-up into the search panel.
I wouldn't try to eat more calories to put on muscle, as there's no guarantee it's going to turn to muscle in your upper body. It could turn to fat on your hips, which would make doing pushups even harder. The only way (that I know of anyway) to get stronger is to do lots and lots of weight training. I've been training for about 2.5 years, and I've made great progress since starting. I started slow, and just slowly built myself up to being able to do the minimum physical requirements. Of course, I'm not happy with being able to do just the minimum, so I keep pushing myself to improve. Try lots of different things (within reason!), to mix up your workouts and work your muscles in a more rounded way. I have 3 weight routines that I use (about a half hour each) each week, and on the opposite days I do cardio. Try to do as much full body exercises as you can (squats, pushups, chinups, etc.). Keep a record of what you do every time you workout, and never be satisfied with your current level, always try to do a little more than you could on your last workout (don't hurt yourself though!). Also, do check out stumptuous.com, she's talking about weight lifting and strength training for women, and she does it in a very accessible and funny way. (Of course she's funny, she's Canadian!). She also has lots of information about nutrition, and dispels many myths about weight training, fat loss, etc.

Good luck!
Which is more beneficial - chin-ups or pull-ups? I understand that the grip is different with each (palms toward you or away from you). I want to start doing chin-ups, pull-ups, or perhaps both. What do you gals (and guys) do?
I do them with my palms towards me, as that's how they describe to do them in the physical standards brochure. With your palms toward you, you are working more of your biceps, and with them facing away from you (so you are looking at the back of your hands) you work more of your lats. The second version is definitely harder, but good if you want a challenge.
Celticgirl said:
Which is more beneficial - chin-ups or pull-ups? I understand that the grip is different with each (palms toward you or away from you). I want to start doing chin-ups, pull-ups, or perhaps both. What do you gals (and guys) do?

I practice both. Chin up's to satisfy PT needs and work my arms. Pull ups for realistic strength.

Think of it this way, how many times is someone going to pull themselves over a wall/obstacle with their palms facing in like a chin up? Not very often from my limited experience...
Thanks all!!
@ Frostnipped Elf the fatigue threshold technique is what I am trying (although very poorly) right now! Also, conditioning to breath properly is something I really need to work on because I’ve noticed that I hold my breath while attempting to do push ups!

@Breezie..Thanks I guess I should heed caution when chugging yogurt and milk every morning!! hahahha My Dad thinks it’s what’s going to really help me!! (I think it’s only slowing me down) lol Weight Training it is (Uumm.. starting Tuesday)! Thanks for all the good advice!

And Good luck to you all too!  :P
Baqi - milk is still good for you!  Lots of people I know cut it out because they're worried they'll gain weight, but milk after a workout helps with building muscle.  My trainer was always pushing me to drink it after a weight session.
popnfresh said:
I practice both. Chin up's to satisfy PT needs and work my arms. Pull ups for realistic strength.

Think of it this way, how many times is someone going to pull themselves over a wall/obstacle with their palms facing in like a chin up? Not very often from my limited experience...

That's a very good point. I am sure there will be walls to go over in basic training. ;)  I think I'll start with chin-ups first and then when I get a bit stronger, I'll try doing pull-ups, too. Both would probably help with the ability to do more push-ups. I haven't been able to go beyond 12 and can only do 8 or 9 some days. Frustrating!  :P
Celticgirl said:
I hadn't realized this was an option! Thanks, George. I will check with the CFRC a.s.a.p. :)
The problem for you is you have already departed the country.  Many countries require you to attend the Police Station in person to have these done on your own as per the process I described in your "Journey Begins" thread.  Even if you can do them while not in the country, it can take as long as the formal clearance process.  ie. it can take 4-6 months to get Certified Record Checks done by the RCMP.
garb811 said:
The problem for you is you have already departed the country.  Many countries require you to attend the Police Station in person to have these done on your own as per the process I described in your "Journey Begins" thread.  Even if you can do them while not in the country, it can take as long as the formal clearance process.  ie. it can take 4-6 months to get Certified Record Checks done by the RCMP.

If only I had known 9 years ago that I would need to get a security clearance from Taiwan.  :P  ;)  ((sigh))
I just found this site yesterday and am sooo happy! My application is going in next Thursday...I'm so excited. And, like some of you I'm a little more seasoned - going on 41.

Like all of you I've also started training in preparation (and in the hopes I'm accepted). When I found out about the swimming requirement I decided to add swimming to my regime too. Thanks for the tip on the hair conditioner - I'll be sure to do that. The club I go to has a steam room and hot tub that I sooo enjoy.

I'm striving to achieve the male under 35 numbers. The most difficulty I'm having is improving my running time. I can run 5km without a problem - the problem is I'm not fast enough. I've always been able to go distance for forever but have just never been able to develop any speed. Any suggestions?

It's so exciting to hear some of you are so close to departing - good luck! Thanks for any suggestions you might be able to offer re: the running.
WaveDancer said:
I just found this site yesterday and am sooo happy! My application is going in next Thursday...I'm so excited. And, like some of you I'm a little more seasoned - going on 41.

Seasoned? What are we, the spice girls? ;)

Welcome aboard! What are you applying for if I may ask?

As for the running time, I am not sure what the best way is to improve it, but I find starting with a slow jog and then increasing speed by a bit every few minutes works for me. At the end of my run, I try to just run full out for 3-5 minutes (as much as I can stand without losing my breath). This is my way of preparing for the Expres test. My fiance tells me that I'll be so full of adrenaline on the day of the test that I'll probably surprise myself with my performance. I can see that. I do more push-ups at the gym with my trainer looking on than I do at home alone. Strange!
Hi Celticgirl! Thank you... I'm applying for Regular MARS through the CEOTP.

Aren't the spice girls a band?  8) I'm dating myself! Hope I didn't offend. I just asked a friend in the Reserve today if he thought I should hide my grey for the interview  ::) (ie: the salt & peppa that's starting to peak through)  and I couldn't think of something better than 'older' or 'more mature' to say.  :o You know what I mean ;)

I was just reading another topic in this forum 'Running' (sorry I don't have the link) that made some references to Running Room. I have one locally so I think I might check them out. The change up in program and camaraderie might be nice. I'll try your idea too. Maybe I need to find a way to push myself differently than I have been - alternate my long runs with shortening the distance but pushing the speed.

I'm sorry, I didn't catch whether or not you posted your element in any earlier posts...if you don't mind me asking - what are you applying to?
WaveDancer said:
I'm sorry, I didn't catch whether or not you posted your element in any earlier posts...if you don't mind me asking - what are you applying to?

Reg force, Aerospace Controller, DEO. I have hit 2 snags thus far, one medical and one with the pre-security screening. Hopefully, I'll get in before I'm 40 (I'm 36). ;)
Wow, that sounds great! The occupation I mean, not the snags.  ;) I think the cutoff is 45 so no need to panic...yet!

Good luck! Man, it's discouraging to hear about some of the snags people run into. It sounds though, like most of them get worked out.  I can only hope mine will go smoothly.
There are girls in the gym ?

Maybe i should go to the gym more then...... ;D
WaveDancer said:
I think the cutoff is 45 so no need to panic...yet!

The cutoff is 45? I thought it was a bit higher than that...like 55. I think once I hit 38 I'll be done though. I'll either be in or done. ;)