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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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I went to the gym this afternoon and was very disapointed..........

There were no girls there. You guys lied to me  :threat:
CDN Aviator said:
I went to the gym this afternoon and was very disapointed..........

There were no girls there. You guys lied to me  :threat:

Wrong gym!  ;D
Actually, the gym that I usually go to always have way more girls than boys. I have always thought that maybe it's because girls are more or less a bit more self-conscious about their image and weight, but maybe that's just where I am from...

Anyway, I haven't thought about timing my laps for swimming, but maybe I should start doing that, too. I am worried about the treading water part of the swimming test. I can tread water for around 5 minutes, but I don't think I can tread well well with the combats and all. Also, I don't know how to somersault, but I think one of the requirements is that we need to somersault into the water..  :-\
Kruggle said:
I don't know how to somersault, but I think one of the requirements is that we need to somersault into the water..  :-\

It's just a forward roll. Tuck your body in, roll into the water. Much easier than diving!

As for treading water, I don't imagine wearing clothes (Cadpats or otherwise) would hinder you very much. You only need to do it for 2 minutes, which isn't long at all really.
@Kruggle - You've probably already seen this video, but if not, you may want to check it out because you can see the somersaults pretty clearly in one part of the video. Once you see how simple it is, I think it'll put your mind at ease a bit. ;)

Basic Officer Course Video - CFLRS

Kruggle said:
Also, I don't know how to somersault, but I think one of the requirements is that we need to somersault into the water..  :-\

Do you know how to fall on your face ?

Problem solved.

regards the exspress test i stand corrected,,,,
regards combat swim test if i remember corectly
it didnt matter how you entered the water
duck tuck and roll,dive,,,step off the high dive
board,,,or coannon-balled as long as you did
your 2 min you qualified...lol..
i apologise for the late post re: the exspress test
                      best regards all,,,
                                scoty b
wildman0101 said:
regards the exspress test i stand corrected,,,,
regards combat swim test if i remember corectly
it didnt matter how you entered the water
duck tuck and roll,dive,,,step off the high dive
board,,,or coannon-balled as long as you did
your 2 min you qualified...lol..
i apologise for the late post re: the exspress test
                       best regards all,,,
                                 scoty b

Close. All three entries were used:

Step off the high platform (with uniform/lifevest) - arms crossed over chest and ankles crossed for water entry, upon surfacing make your way to the side of the pool and exit.

Stride jump into the pool (with uniform/lifevest) ... swim your distance without touching the sides/bottom etc and exit the pool.

Forward Roll into the pool in uniform (no lifevest) ... surface and tread water.

                right you are correct... i mish-moshed it...
                owe ya a beer lol...
                                      scoty b
I love this thread so much. Everytime I ask something, there's always speedy and helpful responses.

Thank you everyone. Special thanks to CG  ;)
ArmyVern said:
Close. All three entries were used:

Step off the high platform (with uniform/lifevest) - arms crossed over chest and ankles crossed for water entry, upon surfacing make your way to the side of the pool and exit.

Stride jump into the pool (with uniform/lifevest) ... swim your distance without touching the sides/bottom etc and exit the pool.

Forward Roll into the pool in uniform (no lifevest) ... surface and tread water.

However, to qualify as Shamrock, one needs to:
Step off the high platform and upon surfacing remain dry.
Stride jump into the pool and have the water part before you.  Walk to the other side.
Forward Roll into the pool in uniform and walk across the surface of the water.
Shamrock said:
However, to qualify as Shamrock, one needs to:
Step off the high platform and upon surfacing remain dry.
Stride jump into the pool and have the water part before you.  Walk to the other side.
Forward Roll into the pool in uniform and walk across the surface of the water.


I know that you didn`t think I`d recognize you without your sandals on, but trust me on this, when I made you --- I was only joking.  ;)

What the heck is going on with my ``` They are all facing the wrong way!! HELP!!  :o
ArmyVern said:

I know that you didn`t think I`d recognize you without your sandals on, but trust me on this, when I made you --- I was only joking.  ;)

You're only pissy because I'm the rock you can't lift.
Shamrock said:
You're only pissy because I'm the rock you can't lift.

Just be advised ... I made you like that "with intent".

When I created man, I made sure to ensure that at his best, a man is still only three-fifths a woman.

Just so you know.  ;)
Kruggle said:
Special thanks to CG  ;)

You are so very welcome, Kruggle.  :D

ArmyVern said:
When I created man, I made sure to ensure that at his best, a man is still only three-fifths a woman.

Just so you know.  ;)

This sounds about right.  ;D

Hello girls,  :salute:

I had so much fun reading your messages... Don't worry, all will be fine... When in doubt, think of G.I. JANE !

Yes, G.I. JOE can run  :), do push-ups, sit-ups  :), dig a hole  :)(not really digging anymore) and carry his weight over his shoulder...  :)ON THE DAY OF PT TEST... because the following week, he is OUT OF COMMISSION !  :P

Enjoy !
As much as I would love to say there is no such thing as a useless soldier Vern, we both know this is untrue, as there are useless people in every occupation. The reality is however, that you are just not one of them. 

We as humans often associate being useful in the physical sense, when in truth that is just a small slice of the pie, the knowledge that I have seen you pass on this board is a fine example of that, and I have no doubt in my mind that this is the same thing those physically around you experince.

Words often hold more weight than actions, and in any workplace often those that take the extra step to pass on their knowledge other than just do their job, make much more valuable employees.

What SS said - besides, you can't have ALL the hotties deployed @ once, if only for the morale of the troops @ home, right?   ;)