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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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ArmyVern said:
Oh, and to reiterate my position regarding intolerance, here's my mantra (as it has always been) on anyone doing any job. Civvie street, the CF, black, white, female, male ... it just doesn't matter:

"if they can do the job, they should be allowed to do the job, regardless of sex. If they can't do the job, they shouldn't be doing the job ... regardless of sex."

Doesn't seem too intolerant to me.

- I agree with that.

Now then,

- If at times "it turns into just another anti-women in the combat arms thread" and that detracts from women wanting info about joining the CF, then perhaps merging the thread was done in haste.  To compile both (or more) threads then propose that discussion of the efficacy of women serving in Cbt A clouds the thread when juxtaposed with posts about women joining the CF , and that such posts discourage discussion of women in the Cbt A, defeats the purpose of compiling the posts - does it not?    But what is done is done, so perhaps we should be tolerant of posts bordering on such esoteric HR issues.

- This site holds many threads discussing policy old and new.  It would be intolerant of me, for example, to discourage a rational and intelligent debate on Armour merely because some positions disagreed with our present policy.  We have also had many threads commenting on military HR issues and policies.  I see no difference with females in Cbt A or submarines or whatever.  If females wish to start a thread on how they made (make) better Ocean Ops than men, I would remain tolerant reading those as well.

TCBF said:
- I agree with that.

Now then,

- If at times "it turns into just another anti-women in the combat arms thread" and that detracts from women wanting info about joining the CF, then perhaps merging the thread was done in haste.  To compile both (or more) threads then propose that discussion of the efficacy of women serving in Cbt A clouds the thread when juxtaposed with posts about women joining the CF , and that such posts discourage discussion of women in the Cbt A, defeats the purpose of compiling the posts - does it not?    But what is done is done, so perhaps we should be tolerant of posts bordering on such esoteric HR issues.

- This site holds many threads discussing policy old and new.  It would be intolerant of me, for example, to discourage a rational and intelligent debate on Armour merely because some positions disagreed with our present policy.  We have also had many threads commenting on military HR issues and policies.  I see no difference with females in Cbt A or submarines or whatever.  If females wish to start a thread on how they made (make) better Ocean Ops than men, I would remain tolerant reading those as well.

And, I agree with that. But, put it in it's own thread and keep it out of the thread meant to try and provide an easily searchable result for women who are trying to obtain current, actual info, and actualities of the fact that they can (and do) join the combat arms because our regulations allow that, and on what they will encounter when joining the CF that is relevant to their processing, treatment etc both in or out of the actual combat arms thread. Keep this one on topic.

If someone wants to start a thread titled "IDF study in wartime says get women out of front-line roles" or "do you want women in the combat arms" that's a whole different subject.

That's my point. The women deserve to have at least one thread here that stays on topic without becoming the usual trainwreck of anti-women in the combat arms thread yet again. And, that's also something that is common to this site: ie "Keep it on topic" or "get back on topic."
Perhaps a thread 'for females only' (4FO) would help?  That would definately keep the grumblers from interfering, but would restrict input from men who might be able to assist with queries...

GreyMatter said:
Perhaps a thread 'for females only' (4FO) would help?  That would definately keep the grumblers from interfering, but would restrict input from men who might be able to assist with queries...

exactly, so instead we've tried to allow it to remain open for posts relevant to the topic and general questions those women have, and that men can quite frequently provide input on.

Those that wish to talk about soemthing else, can start a damn thread on that ...
ArmyVern said:
Those that wish to talk about soemthing else, can start a damn thread on that ...

- He/She did, I believe it opened with:


I want to know your opinion about the women in the army?"


- But that thread was hi-jacked into a " thread meant to try and provide an easily searchable result for women who are trying to obtain current, actual info, and actualities of the fact that they can (and do) join the combat arms because our regulations allow that, and on what they will encounter when joining the CF that is relevant to their processing, treatment etc both in or out of the actual combat arms thread. Keep this one on topic."

- I imagine any new "Damn thread" started to actually discuss the socio-political ramifications of women in the Army/CF/Cbt A will no doubt be squashed like bugs and subsumed into the "Holy Mother ServicePerson" thread in any case.  But only time will tell.
TCBF said:
- He/She did, I believe it opened with:


I want to know your opinion about the women in the army?"



Yes she did. Note that it does not say "I want to know your opinion about women in the combat arms" so why do they all turn into threads about that??

Note also the change to the topic title when they were all merged together  ...

Really guys, I'm sure you get the picture.

I'll start the other thread for you all even. I know it's an opinion carried by many, this just isn't the thread for it.
Hi There,
Guys included. I was just reading some of the topics rearding running, pushups and situps and I find that they are very geared to men. (50-60 pushups at a time) I don't know to many if any girls that can do that. So I thought that I would start this area to chat. And there is alot of mature women and men just entering the forces. Like me, 35 years old, mom, wife and starting a new career after 16 years. I can almost run 3km, non stop at an OK pace, do 31 situp in 1 minute and just barely do 10 pushups. But I am making an effort to go to the gym 3 times a week and trying to run outside instead of on the treadmill. I start my BMQ in June. Very excited, very nervous and I know that I will be the weaker link at PT(running), but I may be really great at other things. I know that I had one of the best pairs of boots in cadets. And the two people that were better tan me, well they used some fancy paint type polish that is like a mirror, but watch out when it rained...hahaha!! So lets talk girl talk or mature men talk...I love and support the CF as my husband is also part of the CF. And if any of this offends anyone it is NOT suppose to. I would just like to know and talk about more realistic PT problems and solutions than the people that can do the 50 pushups, 60 sit-ups and run 20 km no problem.....Cheers, Kawigirl
Hi, Kawigirl. I can relate to a lot of what you have posted. My boyfriend/fiance is an officer in the air force and I just applied a little over two months ago. I've been working out for a few months in an attempt to get into kick-ass shape for basic training and the career that awaits me (I hope) in the CF. I'm 36 and a mom, and I am also changing careers after several years of doing something else, so we have plenty in common. :)

In the beginning, I did not have the strength to lift myself up to do ONE push-up. It took me well over a month of attempting every day (really!) to be able to do ONE. Currently, I can do 12 consecutive push-ups and not easily. My goal is to be able to do 20+ push-ups by August. I don't just want to pass the express test; I want to be exempt in every category. I do 30 sit-ups at a time, but haven't timed it. I'm sure it's probably about a minute as I don't rest in between. As for running, I started out with a walk/run routine until I could do a few kms without stopping. Now I am running approximately 6.5 km four times a week and aiming for 8 km starting next week. It gets easier, but it never really gets easy. Working out at the gym is something new to me and I started less than a month ago. However, I have found that it has made a difference in my upper body strength, which has helped me get to the point of doing 12 push-ups (I think I was doing 5 consecutive when I first joined the gym). I'm not overweight, but I have lost 11 lbs in the past few months and feel that my endurance, flexibility, and strength have all improved significantly. What am I forgetting? Oh yes, I swim a couple of times a week (30 laps) and I do tae bo once a week, which is an AMAZING workout. I'm thinking if I can't handle PT and obstacle courses at basic after all this, there is something wrong.  ;D

I was given some great advice by members of this site a while back to run outside rather than on a treadmill (as I was contemplating buying a used one at the time), and I feel it really did/does make a difference. When I do run on a treadmill (usually only when visiting my bf), I don't feel like I get the same workout as I do running outdoors. My mother thinks I am nuts because I run when it rains, when it snows, when it's cold, anytime at all. I said to her that if/when I go to basic training, I will not get to opt out of PT because of the weather, so I might as well get used to it now!

Great idea for a thread, by the way. I get a little intimidated by all those 'how to do 50 push-ups' type posts as well.
Thanks Celticgirl,
I leave for basic at the beginning of June. And I am scared, nervous and just hoping I can do it. I run outside as well. It sounds as if you are well on your way to a great start. I also want to exempt, but I will take a pass for now. Good luck in your new career choice. What trade are you going? I am going Med Tech. I will try to keep you updated on my BMQ...when we are aloud to use the internet..(LOL)

Cheers, Kawigirl :cdn:
Given the dedication, I hope all the best for you two. :)

Kawigirl, are you entering reg or reserve?

Edit: After browsing through your other posts seems you're going reg force  :salute:
Hi kawigirl and Celticgirl,

I am a 20 year old, 5'7, and 110 pounds female. I am so glad that I am not the only one who can't do 50 push ups. I can't even do ONE push up. I have been trying to do just one for the past month, but I still can't. I am looking at getting a personal trainer once I am done with this semester and I really do hope that will help me.

As for running, I need to buy proper running shoes so that I won't torture my feet and knees. I have been running at the field, but I really haven't been running as much as I should. There are just too many cubs around my neighbourhood and it gets a little scary when I see their mother dashing out from the forest looking for them. I can only do about 20 situps now so I am still working on it. I am not sure how to prepare for the grip test, but I play the piano and violin and we need to have pretty strong fingers in order to play well. I don't even know if that's related but I have been practicing those instruments just to make myself feel better about my grip.  :P

Nutrition wise, I have been including 2-3 types of veggies, 2-3 types of fruits and some meat in every meal. I also have a little bit of cheese/milk/pistachios some time during the day and I drink 2L of fluids everyday (water and juice). I don't drink coffee or alcoholic bevarages and chocolate is the only junk food that I eat. One piece of advice that I got from my friend was to buy expensive chocolate whenever I had my cravings so that I could only afford to buy a few pieces a month. Also, if you care to compare the nutrition information for different types of chocolate, the expensive types tend to be a little healthier (or should I say not as unhealthy  >:D) My friend limits her coffee intake by getting expensive coffee only. She used to buy 1-2 cups from Timmies every day, but now she's down to 1 cup from Starbucks every week. Anyway, what I am trying to say is nutirion has a lot to do with fitness, so make sure you are eating well.

Good luck to both of you and let's keep each other posted about training!

Kruggle said:
I can't even do ONE push up. I have been trying to do just one for the past month, but I still can't. I am looking at getting a personal trainer once I am done with this semester and I really do hope that will help me.

Kruggle, if you see in my above post, I was having the exact same problem. A big help for me was going to the gym and doing various exercises with barbells & machines to strengthen my arms, shoulders, and chest. The trainer at my gym (who is also a family friend and so spends a lot of time with me when I'm there) also gets me to work on the "belly" (abs) a lot and I do some core strengthening exercises on a stability ball. He says working on your core will also help with the push-ups. All of this has been working well for me, but as I said, I still struggle and can only do 12 consecutive push-ups max right now. I don't know if you swim at all, but that could help, too. I do 30 laps twice a week and I alternate between the front crawl and the breast stroke (5 of one, then 5 of the other, etc.). Good for cardio, good for working out your arms, and there is a swim test apparently in basic training, so swimming practice can only help. ;)

The one thing I need to do is cut back a bit on my coffee consumption. I'm a bit of a coffee fiend, so it won't be easy. I know that I drink too much of it, though. Gradually, I am replacing coffee with water, and at some point I may whittle myself down to a cup or two and then drink water the rest of the day (I don't drink pop and only drink juice every so often, not every day). No offense to your friend, but Starbucks coffee?  :o That stuff is like jet fuel!!  ;D
Thanks for your response Celticgirl.

I don't notice the difference between Timmies and Starbucks as I don't drink coffee, but one thing I do notice is that those who like Timmies dislike Starbucks and vice versa.  ;D I love the smell of coffee and I personally think Starbucks coffee smells better. (or maybe I like it because I like whipping cream?)

Swimming is actually my favourite sport and I go to the pool whenever I get a chance. Going into the hottub/sauna/steam room after an hour of swimming is probably one of the highlights of the month. I really should start swimming a lot more in order to improve my pushup skills. However, it takes me forever to untangle my hair after I get out from the water. Any advice?  :)
Hey Guys,
I am also a tea lover, well Timmie's steeped tea. Yummy, but I did go from a large double-double to a small single-single. I also do watch my food intake. I don't eat beef unless I really crave it. I eat alot of fish and chicken. Lots of fruit and vegtables . And 1cups-1 1/2cups of rice/potatoes/pasta a day and I have also changed from white bread, to whole wheat or multi grain. And one other thing is I am famous for missing breakfast. But a wise friend once told me that even if you eat a 1/2 bagel with peanut butter and 1/2 banana it will hold you over until lunch and you dont seem to eat more at lunch or be tempted to eat those "not of nature" foods ;) I also like granola and yogurt and my cereal with skim milk. That's the extent to my boring breakfast. Wow, I am so glad I did this forum. It so nice to know that everybody in the CF isn't an elite athlete. (Love you guys ;)) By the way thanks Rob, any words of encouragement are always so reasuring that I can do this as well as I have "friend" behind me.

Hey Kruggle,
My pre military enrollment job has been a lifeguard for about the past 16 years. I can give you some work outs for your swimming and also a swimcap is a great, wonderful, fabulous, super duper good piece of equipment for the pool. But I have a better suggestion than leave in conditioner, (sorry Celticgirl) but I have had my fair share of knots and tangles. Go to the dollar store and buy yourself some conditioner and put that in your hair before you go swimming and dont rinse it out until your done. Plus you do sweat in the pool when you are working out so you get the heat of your head under the swim mixed with conditioner and waalaa instant spa treatment for free.

Hope this helps...Kawigirl