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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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well my original word was : AND  S H I T(all the others laws whatsoever i have never heard of), not crap, i didnt mean to say it was CRAP or S H I T.

I understand your point of view, that as a leader you can get OUTSTANDING subordinates which eases your job(get it done). And your next posting you end up with bad ones, but i don't think anyone was born-soldier and i think that people can change/improve(if they want to). You can go across a bad soldier and a few years later he could be a keen one.

Glory or shame often(if not always) goes to the leader.  I would be glad if you convince me of the opposite.

SiG_22_Qc said:
well my original word was : AND  S H I T(all the others laws whatsoever i have never heard of), not crap, i didnt mean to say it was CRAP or S H I T.

Thanks for clearing that up, glad you were here to do that. Now please endeavor to let the members here use their own terms, not correct them if they choose not to curse.

Based on the vast experience you have, perhaps, as you, or if you, progress up the ranks, in time, you will understand when you actually have had to lead people.

Otherwise, I could sit here and point out whats wrong with Tac Hel pilots.  Even though I am not, nor have ever been, one.

FWIW...the word you tried to use was changed by the system.  

And I disagree...I have worked with MANY people that were naturals at soldiering aka "born soldiers".  

For your LAST point...a good leader will pass that glory onto his/her troops.  

While having an opinion is okay, having something to base it on is much better.

SiG_22_Qc said:
The army is lacking personnel, if they'd put a one-for-all standard. Lot of old soldiers would have to get out, and lot of young to-be soldiers couldn't get in or they'd put a ridiculous standard to fit everyone.

I remember being a young 21-22 year old Trooper on my Basic Para course...fit and full of it.  The "old WO" that was my Cage Commander at the Para Trng Coy could run me into the ground then...and I suspect that hasn't changed in the past...15+ years.

As a former staff member of CFLRS...there are LOTS of young people coming into the CF that are fit, as fit as my crop of fellow recruits were in 1989.

Have you ever heard of radio listening silence?
I mean how much have standards dropped, some of the old tests don't seem that hard eithier. As a reservists on my BMQ just recently I got yelled, and pushed, and roughed around, called dirty names. All the soldiers on my DP1 could keep on PT from 5 to 11 km runs, or ruckmarches and thats being a reservist.

I've also seen some pretty pathetic, weak, shitty excuse of soldiers. Who shouldn't be wearing Canada's uniform. But exactly how much has toughness and standards dropped, I don't know I've never been told about how tough it was in the 80s or 90s.
This is the thread that never ends,
yes it goes on and on my friends.
Some people started posting here not knowing what it was,
and they'll continue posting here forever,
just because....
Kat Stevens said:
This is the thread that never ends,
yes it goes on and on my friends.
Some people started posting here not knowing what it was,
and they'll continue posting here forever,
just because....

Both Ladies and Gentlemen,

That is the best post of the thread!

Brought a tear to my eye, tears of laughter, but none the less... :'(

:salute: Kat once again


Kat Stevens said:
This is the thread that never ends,
yes it goes on and on my friends.
Some people started posting here not knowing what it was,
and they'll continue posting here forever,
just because....

Kat Stevens said:
This is the thread that never ends,
yes it goes on and on my friends.
Some people started posting here not knowing what it was,
and they'll continue posting here forever,
just because....


I keep coming back to this thread in the hopes that someone will post something useful/informative.
          The Israeli's  did.
Or perhaps not. We've already decided that's a matter of personal opinion.

Really folks, let's not take this thread down that path again shall we??

It's already been there, done that, and this adds nothing new or informative to the thread either. Canada's military allows women to perform these jobs and isn't going to reverse it's position on it any time soon. Now, let this thread move ahead and don't turn it into yet another ... anti-women in combat roles thread...that's not what it's about.
Kat Stevens said:
This is the thread that never ends,
yes it goes on and on my friends.
Some people started posting here not knowing what it was,
and they'll continue posting here forever,
just because....

Just awesome.  :salute:

However I will add this. I believe that women are very capable of performing their duties within the CF and other demanding tasks. The real question is, important or not, is if society is ready, which it seems not to be. A wife will move around the country with her husbands different military posting, but will husbands do the same for the wives? Not that likely as it seems to stand right now. There is also the issue of mothers going overseas, and to the sad reality that they may not return, is society ready for these loses. Hardly.

As a male, I am speaking from a male perspective. Maybe some of the females on this forum can clear up my thoughts..... because this forum has to go on and on an...............................................  :cdn:
             A matter of opinion?whose opinion?,does your years of
plugging away in Base supply qualify you to have an opinion on
women in the COMBAT role?,well yes it does, however its nothing
but an opinion and not a very well informed opinion at that.Before
you go frothing at the mouth and send me a nastygram I could have
said the same about just about everone who has posted here,no
one in the CAF has any first hand knowledge of women in the
combat role, and everything posted here is pure speculation.
However the Israelis do have a genuine opinion based on real
wartime experience, and that is not a matter that one can
dismiss out of hand because it disagrees with ones preconceived
ideas or gender driven prejudices.
time expired said:
             A matter of opinion?whose opinion?,does your years of
plugging away in Base supply qualify you to have an opinion on
women in the COMBAT role?,well yes it does, however its nothing
but an opinion and not a very well informed opinion at that.Before
you go frothing at the mouth and send me a nastygram I could have
said the same about just about everone who has posted here,no
one in the CAF has any first hand knowledge of women in the
combat role, and everything posted here is pure speculation.
However the Israelis do have a genuine opinion based on real
wartime experience, and that is not a matter that one can
dismiss out of hand because it disagrees with ones preconceived
ideas or gender driven prejudices.

Where the hell did that come from?? And what does being a mere plug of a supply tech have to do with anything?? I'm getting tired of that bullshit. Get over it already for crying out loud. Oh, and regarding no experience in the CF regarding women in a combat role?? You'd better search these threads again ... there is posts on here from boys who've done the deeds with women ... over there ... in a combat role ... in combat, and they overwhelmingly said the girls did fine, and so did the boys theywere working beside. Surprise surprise.

Oh, and to add: As a female I'd think I'd be just as qualified to speak of female capabilities in a combat role, as a male combat soldier trying to speak to what women are capable of. Get it yet?? If a man can say what a female is/isn't capable of and be considered qualified to do so based soley upon her sex and not her performance, surely to god a woman can/is.

Canada allows it. Whether a women can do her job or not is a professional thing which applies to both sexes.

Whether you want them there or not is a personal thing (ie... a personal opinion -- and it doesn't matter because THEY ARE there already).  Like it or not, that's the FACTS.
"A male gynocologist is like a mechanic without a car."

TE, so those of us who have female friends in the combat arms can't use how we see them performing as an example, but you can use the Isreali one?  I still only see 1 degree of separation there.  In fact, you use of the Isreali example seems to have more degrees or separation.
Haggis said:

I keep coming back to this thread in the hopes that someone will post something useful/informative.

Hows that working out for ya  ;D
ArmyVern said:
... Now, let this thread move ahead and don't turn it into yet another ... anti-women in combat roles thread...that's not what it's about.

Really? Perhaps a brief review of Post Nr. 1 is in order:

JES_12 said:

I want to know your opinion about the women in the army?

 :cdn:  HONOUR_12   :tank:

Seems to describe a pretty wide set of arcs to me.


Intolerance is a double edged sword.
CDN Aviator said:
Hows that working out for ya  ;D

You have to ask????

Here I am, back again, checking one more time....

Oh, Vern:  +1 dudette!  Give 'er!
TCBF said:
Really? Perhaps a brief review of Post Nr. 1 is in order:

Seems to describe a pretty wide set of arcs to me.


Intolerance is a double edged sword.

Actually, if you go through this thread, you'll find that's it's all a whole bunch of merged threads into this one topic title. Why's that?? Because each and every time when someone tries to answer questions for a female contemplating joining the combat arms etc or the CF in general --ie the "Gender & the CF part of the title-- ... yes the old thread about "are women treated worse in the CF than the men are?? " is merged in here too, it turns into just another anti-women in the combat arms thread.

This big merge, was an attempt to avoid that yet again. There are female out there with legit questions regarding that career option, and they deserve to get answers to those questions without having to wade through 10001 posts that answer none of them.

Oh, and to re-iterate my position regarding intolerance, here's my mantra (as it has always been) on anyone doing any job. Civvie street, the CF, black, white, female, male ... it just doesn't matter:

"if they can do the job, they should be allowed to do the job, regardless of sex. If they can't do the job, they shouldn't be doing the job ... regardless of sex."

Doesn't seem too intolerant to me.