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Academics at RMC


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How is the course load? The range of marks(highest/lowest) at RMC? The average mark in a class? How many people are in a first year classes, how many exams per course, projects, labs for the science program?
It all depends on what classes you take. For someone who is taking engineering, their classes will be more science and math oriented than someone who is taking Military Strategics. I was told however that essays will be for everyone. So amount & difficulty of work depends on what you're studying at RMC.

And academics is important at RMC, but being able to balance out your whole life there is even more important. You will have to balance your chores, PT, military training, normal classes and homework, free time, and your own duties if you have any.

Remember, the board selected individuals who were overall "well rounded".

Hope I answered your question to some degree.

To be a bit more specific...

1st year sucks, class wise. Your schedule is full, if you are Science/Engineering it is more than full with your labs.

For the rest of it, it depends on the individual course. Some courses have midterms, some don't. Some people get very high marks, some fail. For all that RMC is "different" than any other university in Canada, the school part is not that unusual.

Your biggest class in 1st year will probably be one of the common core courses (Poli-Sci, Eng, Math, etc). After that, they steadily get smaller. Most of my 4th year classes had no more than 15 people.
