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  1. S

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Here is a pdf of an official practice test http://cdn.forces.ca/_PDF2010/preparing_for_aptitude_test_en.pdf
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    Letter to the Editor Re: Canada's Role in the Fight Against ISIS

    Very poignant letter. Thanks for posting this,
  3. S

    Domestic Terrorism/Public Attacks on CAF Personnel

    Prayers for the injured soldier and his family. I sincerely hope he makes it.
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    Oral Presentation Idea

    I would agree to personalize the presentation. Make it about your own experience, or about another Canadian individual. Personalize and humanize the topic and subject matter. There are tons of examples available online. That way the heckling, hissing and potential spitballs during your...
  5. S

    Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

    I tend to disagree with some of the other responses. A high school diploma is not required. Don't stress about it. You have enough credits already and as far as competition is concerned, while that may be true, I would say that past health issues are a bigger concern. Doing well on the cfat as well.
  6. S

    How do we treat our VETS ?

    For every less than ideal Quebecer, there are many many decent folk. I met a pile in the Army who,consequently ,all shared the same nickname, Frenchie. Sad story though.
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    Army Reserve Recognition Day

    Did that fall on a Tuesday? ;D
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    CDS to CTV: Canada "Well ahead of many of our NATO allies" on vets

    Another politician in the making primping his future. I call bs
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    I am a screw up, and kinda scared

    I would say it depends but sooner or later you will probably be allowed in. Kudos to you for integrity though. Good luck.
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    Recruiter Question

    Squeaky wheel gets the grease. A polite call to them is what I would do if in your shoes. Files and people fall between the cracks all the time.
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    Weapons prohibition

    I hate to answer this, as it will identify me to people who know me but here goes. I have experience in this field as both a recruiter and as an applicant. Bottom line is that a weapons prohibition is a show stopper as it is considered a legal obligation.  I had some misadventure as a youth...
  12. S

    Has anybody else-

    Take some initiative and show up at the unit early on the normal parade night. Dress appropriately, be polite and open minded and you will get the answers you are looking for. It could be that they are not aware of you being enrolled yet either, it is a two way street sometimes. Good luck to...
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    The Great Gun Control Debate

    Perhaps. I suppose I shall apologize to anyone I offended then. I apologize.
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    The Great Gun Control Debate

    The point I am trying to express here is simple. How can one have an intelligent debate about an important issue without relying on anecdotal evidence? That is what intelligent , rational debate is all about. Although I agree that the US and Canadian situations are different, there is precedent...
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    The Great Gun Control Debate

    If you seriously think that what is happening in the US has no bearing here, you are sadly deluded. What is your aversion to anecdotal evidence from our neighbour? Quite frankly, what is your agenda? If you want to direct every conversation and every thread to suit your aims, I suggest you...
  16. S

    Quick questions about reserves processing

    Send another asking for the specific contact details of the QOR recruiter. You're email may have reached a catchall email address.Or call them. Or show up. I would.The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Advice from a former recruiter.....
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    I need some encouragement... or advice... Or both!

    You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Take from that what you will.
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    Employment Opportunity for Ex Military

    ** This post has been authorized by Mr Bobbit** I work for a defence contractor in the Greater Toronto Area that specializes in electronics. Currently they are recruiting for several positions and are veteran friendly. Actually extremely vet friendly as the CEO is a vet. If you are interested...
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    Whitney Houston Dead at 48

    Well put.
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    Right-wingers are less intelligent than left-wingers: Study

    In my opinion, any extreme beliefs on either side may be indicative of less than ideal intelligence. I personally subscribe to the left - right paradigm theory. It seems to be playing out quite nicely nowadays. Also for every study conducted by a university, or an individual, opposite results...