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Quick questions about reserves processing

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Deleted member 44947

I applied for the Army Reserves in Toronto back in Nov 2011. When does my application start processing? I have heard different things, such as when the CFNRC looks at it and reviews it and other responses have been when I get a reference from the units in my area saying there is space left.

The main question is : What is the real answer to when my application begins processing? When the Recruiting Centre actually reviews the app, or when the Unit gives me the note stating they are currently hiring?

And one more thing, What is the best way to find out and get a note stating they are hiring only if they are hiring? I was thinking going during parade nights, is that correct?

Thanks for all the help you guys and I appreciate it!
So, you don't know if the unit you want to go to is even hiring?

Try calling the unit and/or the CFRC or as you said, attend the unit on a parade night.

How should we know at what stage your application is at?    :crystalball:
And one more thing, What is the best way to find out and get a note stating they are hiring only if they are hiring? I was thinking going during parade nights, is that correct?

Going down to the unit would be your best bet to find out if they're hiring or not. They are the best ones to talk to since they have all the information.
PMedMoe said:
So, you don't know if the unit you want to go to is even hiring?

Try calling the unit and/or the CFRC or as you said, attend the unit on a parade night.

How should we know at what stage your application is at?    :crystalball:

My application supposedly will not be processed until I get a note from a Unit stating they are hiring. Everything is in and such just it all depends on the unit. I will attend the parade nights tommorow and thursday and hopefully I can get myself a note.
Seaon09 said:
My application supposedly will not be processed until I get a note from a Unit stating they are hiring.

That I knew.  I was just wondering why you were asking here if you don't even know if the unit is hiring.
Because it is wierd, I am not sure, Last week the unit was hiring and they told me to go in than when I went in they told me they were not hiring anymore. I am trying to get into Queens Own Rifles of Canada and QYRANG. QYRANG isnt hiring at the moment but I will check in tommorow on there open house/parade.
I have one question,
Does the 32 CBG have only one recruiter for the units in the area?
I am asking because I called QOR about getting a note stating whether they are hiring or not and they gave me a contact email, than I called QYRANG asking the same thing but for my second trade and I got the exact same email.

That is what brings out this question so everyone is clear.
If so how long does it take for a response from the recruiter? I was told I should get contact from him by next week but who knows. I have all the patience in the world.

The best way is to send the email, and wait. I don't think anyone can answer how long it would take unless the recruiter is on the site.
Send another asking for the specific contact details of the QOR recruiter. You're email may have reached a catchall email address.Or call them. Or show up. I would.The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Advice from a former recruiter.....
sappermcfly said:
Send another asking for the specific contact details of the QOR recruiter. You're email may have reached a catchall email address.Or call them. Or show up. I would.The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Advice from a former recruiter.....

It is a specific email, Just dont want to release Email without consent. It is a CPT's email though so I hope thats a good sign.
I found out all the information I needed by going in to talk to someone from the unit I would like to join. Going to be a while but at least he gave me some rough ideas regarding the timeline of things.