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Recruiter Question


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I am reapplying to the military as skilled into my old trade, I have everything completed and i just had my interview 1 week ago.  the recruiter asked me for some information so hat my file could be processed.  I gave him the information required, I then emailed the recruiter and called him to make sure everything was okay but, was only able to get the machine so I left a message.  I have not heard back so I am wondering if no news is good news or should i keep trying until I get a hold of the recruiter.  I know recruiters are very busy so I don't want to agitate him I just want to make sure everything is okay.  Like I said everything is done, medical ,CFAT, and files from my past.  Thank you in advance.

Squeaky wheel gets the grease. A polite call to them is what I would do if in your shoes. Files and people fall between the cracks all the time.
Fansong said:
Good Day,

I am reapplying to the military as skilled into my old trade, I have everything completed and i just had my interview 1 week ago.  the recruiter asked me for some information so hat my file could be processed.  I gave him the information required, I then emailed the recruiter and called him to make sure everything was okay but, was only able to get the machine so I left a message.  I have not heard back so I am wondering if no news is good news or should i keep trying until I get a hold of the recruiter.  I know recruiters are very busy so I don't want to agitate him I just want to make sure everything is okay.  Like I said everything is done, medical ,CFAT, and files from my past.  Thank you in advance.

The problem with, "no news is good news," is sometimes voice messages don't get received.  I always recommend applicants email their contact at CFRC.  If at that point you don't get any news, it would than be my opinion that no news is good news as it has been my experience that emails have a higher rate of getting to the intended person.  Most people would get your message, check on your file and if there is nothing to tell you, work on something else.  If there was something to tell you, most members would call you and let you know.
Thank you for your quick replies, anxious to being a member again.

have a great day.