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  1. Spitfire

    All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

    my medical just came back and my vision is v3 so not good enough for infantry which was my number 1 choice. my 2nd choice was frefighter and thats what i really want to do so im applying for that now. i dont really have any fire fighting experience i just have my first aid / cpr and an emergency...
  2. Spitfire

    URINE Questions

    any reason why they didnt make me do one?
  3. Spitfire

    URINE Questions

    I did a medical for the army mabye 3 or 4 years ago and had to pee in a cup, then did one last week and there was no urine test did they just forget or is the process changed?
  4. Spitfire

    Finally got things moving

    Ok I just finished my medical they said im perfectly healthy, blood pressure was a little high but he said it was becasue I was so nervous lol. Got my eye form filled out by the optomitreist and dropped it off today. So now im just waiting for that to come back from Ottawa they said about 3...
  5. Spitfire

    length of contract vs length of training

    so if you sign a 3 year infantry contract, when its over if you want to resign you have to sign 22 years? that seems a little crazy to me, and that prob stops alot of people from joining. is it the same with a 4 year contract?
  6. Spitfire

    length of contract vs length of training

    Hmm thats good to know I thought it was the other way around. So your training IS included in your contract time, im hoping to get a 3 year contract in the infantry, if its good after that my plan is just to sign another if it works like that.  ???
  7. Spitfire

    My Obstacles to Joining the Canadian Infantry

    Congrats hoot, im also going reg force infantry i might see you over there in training, im hoping to get in sometime around jan hopfully.
  8. Spitfire

    Finally got things moving

    How long did everyone have to wait to book there medical/interview, and how long after that for your swear in/bmq dates? Just trying to figure out when around ill be going for basic. Also just ran 10km in just over an hour, pretty happy about that its the furthest ive ran ever but ive been...
  9. Spitfire

    Finally got things moving

    from what im hearing on the forums SQ and BIQ sound alot more challenging, and are in different locations than the BMQ's. Do you go right into your SQ after BMQ or do you get the weekend off or anything?
  10. Spitfire

    Finally got things moving

    any difference between st. jean or borden? im guessing borden is smaller.
  11. Spitfire

    Finally got things moving

    on my brothers bmq he said he was allowed to wear normal boxers becasue they said if they coudlnt see them they didnt care. the boxers are pretty damn nasty looking haha.
  12. Spitfire

    Finally got things moving

    Thanks for the quick answers, as far as the other questions go I already found answers from some research. Im looking forward to going, just trying to learn a few things before I go but not to many, and get in the best shape possible before I get there. There is one question I coudln't find...
  13. Spitfire

    Finally got things moving

    I used to post on this site back a few years ago when I was in high school and to be honest somewhat immature. Well after a few years of working and upgrading my marks in high school ive decided this is what I want to do, so I manned up and applied a few weeks ago. I have the cfat done, just...
  14. Spitfire

    Introduction / Few Questions

    Thats the thing she didnt sound certain she told me it "SHOULD" be ok if it was minor but Id still have to go down to the recruitment center and talk to a recruiter. I work full time and its hard for me to take time off work and go downtown to do that so I just wanted to see if I could find an...
  15. Spitfire

    Introduction / Few Questions

    To clarify that she wasnt an actual recruiter from what I can remember she said but shes who I got when I called the number.
  16. Spitfire

    Introduction / Few Questions

    Hello everyone, I used to post here a few years back but havnt been here since then so I will re-introduce myself. Im 19 and a half years old living in Edmonton and I meet all the requirements to join the CF as far as I know. I have my grade 12 high school diploma, Canadian citizen, ect. I have...
  17. Spitfire

    Hearing (Merged) Including Hearing Tests and Hearing Categories

    I am reapplying for the CF and did all the tests already last year. I have to redo them and I remember last time I did the hearing test it was a bit weird. They sit you in this little booth with the headsets and play a bunch of beeps for you. After a while your hearing so many beeps you start...
  18. Spitfire


    So since I apply for infanty and there are two reg force infantry units here in Alberta I will have a good chance?
  19. Spitfire

    Looking for a little advice

    im in the same boat man. only thing holding me back is do i go reserves first.
  20. Spitfire


    thanks for the good advice everyone. in regards to paracowboy i dont really have alot of questions, i've done my research. the only thing that im stuck on is reg or reserve force. i know what the both have to offer so i guess it really comes down to me. my parents are actually supportive of...