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My Obstacles to Joining the Canadian Infantry

hoot33 said:
My apologies but what is the "Det Comd"??



Det Comd = Detachment Commander

He/She will be the top dog in that RC
If I do go in and ask for the detachment commander, will that anger the other staff?

I would imagine the last thing I'd want to do is anger the staff that are "recruiting" me.
hoot33 said:
It seems like they dont even want me as a recruit. I have done everything they have asked and still I cant get any straight answers, it's one of those "we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" scenarios.

Dylan, take it from someone who's recruiting process took almost 2 years.

You've waited too long and jumped through too many hoops to get discouraged now. I know it's frustrating, but keep hope, and don't let up.

If I do go in and ask for the detachment commander, will that anger the other staff?

I would imagine the last thing I'd want to do is anger the staff that are "recruiting" me.

Don't worry about that. Just tell them that you aren't sure if you fully understand the process, have everything they've told you to do, and everything you've done ready, and ask what else is there?
I did that, they said when they know they will let me know.

But nothing takes 2 weeks in my opinion.

hoot33 said:
If I do go in and ask for the detachment commander, will that anger the other staff?

I would imagine the last thing I'd want to do is anger the staff that are "recruiting" me.

Don't worry about pissing off the other staff as they are professional and should understand sometimes the Det Comd has to get involved.  As a Det Comd for six years I had absolutely no problem with talking with any applicant that needed assistance.  The Det Comd at your particular recruiting detachment will not have any problem either because that is their job.
ok, I will wait for this call, when I get it, if they dont book me for my medical and interview I will go down and speak with the det cmder.

Thanks everyone, will let you know.

Keep a stiff upper lip, Hoot! I've been trapped in a kafkaesk, bureaucratic nightmare for nigh 2.5 years. I even had a General order me not to give up. I figure, after my ordeal, trade qualification will be an anti-climax to my swearing in.  ;)
Hoot 33,
Ask to talk to the Det Commander. The confusion may likely be that normally fingerprints in Canada are sent to NDHQ and then passed to either CSIS or the RCMP who checks them and all the final info on the CNRC is passed back to DND and then down thru CFRG to the CFRC. You sent them to the FBI and then they replied directly to you.  I think what should have happened is that your unopened prints from the FBI with their report should now be forwarded to NDHQ so CSIS or DPM Sec can record them and send their approval back. They will also check your CNRC from the rest of the time you resided in Canada. It is an extra step but shouldn't take too long.
If they give you an unreasonable answer then PM me and I'll get more detailed answers about the process. 

Good luck and don't give up.
Thank you, Ill do that, will give them sometime to figure out exactly what it is that they are doing and then will talk to their Det Cmr.

Thanks Again.

ok so today I called the recruiting center and was informed that my fingerprints have passed, now Im awaiting the 5 year security clearance to come back (they said about 2 days) and we go from there :D.
hoot33 said:
ok so today I called the recruiting center and was informed that my fingerprints have passed, now Im awaiting the 5 year security clearance to come back (they said about 2 days) and we go from there :D.

Excellent now we're cooking....this will seem like a very short time when you finally get on track....I bet you're going to be training very soon.
hoot33 said:
ok so today I called the recruiting center and was informed that my fingerprints have passed, now Im awaiting the 5 year security clearance to come back (they said about 2 days) and we go from there :D.
Good to hear! Hope everything else goes well with you!
So far everything is going well, signed up for a membership to a local gym, training 3-4 days a week.

If this goes through soon everything will be great :D.

Thanks all.
Got a call today from the recruiting center, have my interview and medical scheduled for Nov 7 at 08:30.

Also my brother had his first baby this morning at 04:57.

Its going to be a good day.

Congrats hoot, im also going reg force infantry i might see you over there in training, im hoping to get in sometime around jan hopfully.
Just wondering, do I have any shot at getting into a BMQ this year? or will I have to wait til '08?Ive been told this process can fly by and you can be in bmq a few weeks later, but I dont know when Bmq's shut down for the year.

Maybe you will and maybe you won't
Bit of a crapshoot and the CFRC people are the only ones in a position to give you an answer.

That having been said, lot of people are going on block leave between 15 Dec and 6 Jan.  That leaves something like 6 weeks before they shut er down for a bit...... soo - bets are that you do not start your training before 2008
hoot33 said:
I did that, they said when they know they will let me know.

But nothing takes 2 weeks in my opinion.

I'm reminded of George Clooney's line from "O Brother, Where Art Thou?."

"Well this place is a geographical oddity, isn't it?!  Two weeks from everywhere!"