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All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stephanie
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Just wondering the deployments with the fire fighter trade?I know In Bosnia in 2003 IIRC the guys were civilians.Are there any tours,overseas postings?How about Afghanistan?And what are the real chances of landing a tour if possible.(IE rank/career managers friend)
EX_RCAC_011 said:
Just wondering the deployments with the fire fighter trade?I know In Bosnia in 2003 IIRC the guys were civilians.Are there any tours,overseas postings?How about Afghanistan?And what are the real chances of landing a tour if possible.(IE rank/career managers friend)


My brother is a CF FF there now with the PRT. He remustered from PPCLI 2 years ago. He's a MCpl who's there in a FF posn. I don't think he knows anybody in his career shop. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.
Believe me, FFs get plenty of deployment opportunities (once Journeyman qualified)!  Granted, we have some in with TFA (most places, inside and outside the wire), many forget that we typically get deployments during our ship postings, deployments to Alert, and quite a bit of time away when with the JNBCD Coy.  On top of this, there are many taskings that come down stovepipe.  Essentially, senior Cpl or above is who is targeted.  As well, there is no requirement to be a friend/acquaintance of the Career Manager.  Two reasons for this.....For starters, he isn't the one that Force Generates our taskings.  Secondly, we have so many taskings, yet such a high attrition rate, it'll take very little time before personnel are offered deployment opportunities.

As for the contract lengths, I believe the initial one is for 5 yrs, but as is the rule, you have to be offered a chance to sign a new contract within two years of your contract expiration.  So, it actually seems like the contract is only for 3 yrs.  Please, don't take me at 100% on this fact. 

its been fooorever since my last post here, but i was asking/reading alot of questions about the FF trade and there were alot of great answers, so because of that, im back.
I applied for the trade over a year and a half ago and did my interview at CFRC Halifax but my interviewing officer said no to me, turned me down...pretty much tour out my heart and pissed on it ! he said i dont give any competiton against the others applying, saying that i have no firefighter expierience, which is true but a friend of mine had his interview a few days prior to mine with no expierience and was accepted and is now a CF FF posted to shearwater and many other people have told me you dont need previous FF expierience to be accepted into this trade including an MWO FF. So what did i do ? i volunteered to go to afghansitan with 2RCR ! i just returned August 7th of this year. So my questions really are do i NEED any expierience to be accepted ? i know some will be benificial, i just applied to a volunteer Dept. And also, what else could make me a competitive choice ?  Any information would be great !
thanks alot  :cdn:
Can't help WRT qualifications/experience needed...

But can offer this: If you're that interested in the job why don't you look into the schools around the Atlantic provinces? You must have been able to put some money away from your tour, use it on an education in a job you're interested in. Go on a tour of a firehall for a day to see if you really like it. Keep that volly application going as that will help as well. You have plenty of options here.

And if you like the idea of fire school, drop me a line and I'll suggest one to you.
Well, I am sorry to hear that you were turned down.  In all actuality, there is no prerequisite FF trg for this trade.  However, if there is a handfull of personnel that already have past experience, the Recruiting Centre would be foolish not to take these personnel in advance of someone with no experience - a harsh reality, I suppose.  I honestly can't comment on what occured with your friend that was hired.

What I was told (granted, a couple years ago) was that Firefighter Level II would give someone a substantial boost if they had this training.  Most Civilian FFs could explain what this level entails.  As I received all my trg through the CF, I couldn't advise you as to what time frame you'd be looking at for completion. 

Scott - I believe you may have more feedback on this particular trg.  Hope this helps.

Level II is alot of practical, simply stated and, IIRC, requires some operational experience. As well FF I is required before advancing to FF II.

It gets into the more technical aspects of firefighting such as hose testing, pre incident planning, hydrant testing, incident reporting but also delves into incident command, vehicle ex, etc. Oh yeah, and one of the MST's for me was a basement fire, fun stuff.

When I went through school there were not many places offering a Level II, however, I believe that this has become the norm now.

And the written test was a bastard. ;D

To be honest, I did mine over seven years ago so alot of it has sort of merged together in my head and I no longer can make the distinction between FF I & II.

Edit: And HAZMAT Ops as well
Firefighter is a tough trade to get into.  The recruiting target is only about 30, which are filled by this time of the year.  And we have close to 300 people who are asking for firefighter as their first choice.  Obviously, civilian firefighting experience and training will help to improve a persons placing on the merit list, but so does other education and CFAT results, as well as how the person responds to the other interview questions.
hey i just have a couple questions
1. do you enroll for the military and sign up for Fire Ftr at the same time or when Basic training is over do you sign up?
2. is their a start of a recruiting year? and when would the best time to enroll in Fire Ftr?
3. is their a section of Fire Ftr that the gov sends to other countries in need such as America during the California wild fires?
wannabe Fire FTR said:
hey i just have a couple questions
1. do you enroll for the military and sign up for Fire Ftr at the same time or when Basic training is over do you sign up?

You pick which trade you want (from whats open at the time) when you enroll

2. is their a start of a recruiting year? and when would the best time to enroll in Fire Ftr?

Recruiting is all year round, apply when you think you are ready

3. is their a section of Fire Ftr that the gov sends to other countries in need such as America during the California wild fires?

Dunno the answer to this, but thats what the SEARCH function is for, also reading this entire thread would help.
You pick which trade you want (from whats open at the time) when you enroll apply.
my medical just came back and my vision is v3 so not good enough for infantry which was my number 1 choice. my 2nd choice was frefighter and thats what i really want to do so im applying for that now. i dont really have any fire fighting experience i just have my first aid / cpr and an emergency medical responder course. if they tell me its full i think i will just stick to my guns and ask them to put me on the waiting list and call me if a spot opens up.
ricostars said:
Hi everyone,
Does anyone know if they are currently recruiting for FF. I understand the recruiting process is year round, but I am wondering if it is always full or if there is often open spots.

Another question I have is , what sort of qualifications they look for?
I am 25 years old, very athletic (compete in amateur fitness comp.) took Police Foundations in College and Psychology in University, I have my CPR and First Aid, I have many Community Volunteer hours, I have good life experience and I work full time as an Account Executive right now but it is my dream to become a Fire Fighter, I think this would be a great way of getting my foot in the door and once I finish my contract I can apply for civilian Fire Fighting positions.  Please let me know if I have a chance.. (crosses fingers)



I don't think there is any requirements other than qualifying for the trade with the aptitude tests etc. I have heard of guys who go off and spend tons of money, but really it's not required because you will still have to do all the training regardless.

My only question is towards the colored part. Does this mean once you are done your first contract you will release and apply civi side???
Well I heard its something like a 3 year contract? correct me if I am wrong.. eventually after my contract is over, I do want to work for a City Department.
ricostars said:
Well I heard its something like a 3 year contract? correct me if I am wrong.. eventually after my contract is over, I do want to work for a City Department.

Contracts vary. I've heard anywhere from 3-5. I don't know. I have an issue with people doing that. Getting in, sort of milking the system for training and have a secure job for a few years. Once they get done their 5's usually is when you see a lot of people get out and go work civi side. Drives me nuts because people like myself who would kill to be in that trade and stay there for 25 years, never seem to have any luck in doing so. Don't get me wrong I love the trade I am in now but I would still like to be 651.