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Search results

  1. S

    BMQ Reserves 2010 - 2017

    By removing yourself from a course you basically took the spot of a recruit who could have gone on the course instead of you. This is one less member BMQ qualified. It also shows a certain level of uncertainty which will impact your CoC's opinion of your dedication to the unit. They'll then...
  2. S

    Questions about joining the Reserves

    The best thing for you to do is contact the point person during your recruitment process. Get used to using the Chain of Command for inquiries like this. Only from an official source can you gain accurate information. Any other information you gather from other sources will be unofficial. The...
  3. S

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    I think you are mistaking stagnation with other nation states catching up from a period in history (WW1 and WW2) that crippled them or drastically changed their political systems. Innovation today happens in the pharmaceutical and supply chain management sector (not easily visible to the naked...
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    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    It's easy to prepare for the known, it's the unknown we need to be afraid of. Given the speed of modern mobilization and technological advances, to not keep a standing military modern is potentially failing our future selves. Which is why a properly funded reserve force is an important...
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    What do I wear when I arrive?

    Cover all bases by bringing a change of clothes. Show up in a nice pair of pants and buttoned up shirt. In a bag have a pair of casual pants and polo shirt you don't mind getting dirty. Lastly, pack a pair of shorts/sweat pants and tee shirt in case they have you doing PT. Always be prepared.
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    The Defence Budget [superthread]

    As long as the unit does its job and uses the time to prepare the new recruits for BMQ in a scheduled regimented fashion, there will be plenty to do. All you need is time (which they will have) and experience to pass on. Those things most reserve regiments have in spades.
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    Officer Review Board - Reserves

    Pyrho, I have done 2 interviews for different reserve units in the last 1 and a half, both successful. Both got back to me in a couple weeks about their decision. If you were interviewed by a Captain, then he will need to get the final approval from the Regiment's CO before making a formal...
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    Reservist Newbie

    To be totally fair, I had to change the Reserve unit I was joining midway through the process due to having to move. However, that probably only added 2 months to my wait as it took only 2 months to apply, interview, and receive an offer sheet with my current unit. Actual wait time was 16 months...
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    Reservist Newbie

    I recently swore in as an Armour Officer with the South Alberta Light Horse in Edmonton. All I can give you is my experience so far. I had to wait around 4 weeks for my paperwork to return from Division and be processed with the SALH. Last week I had the swearing in ceremony with some...
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    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Centre: Edmonton Regular/ Reserve: Reserve Officer/NCM: Officer Trade Choice 1: Armour Officer Trade Choice 2: Infantry Officer Trade Choice 3: Intelligence Officer Online Application: July 2015 First Contact: August 2015 Position offered: Armour Officer - May 2016 (Offer letter from...