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What do I wear when I arrive?

Hey, sorry if this is not worth asking or if this is in the wrong section. I had my enrollment ceremony recently and I am now part of a training company, and I am expected to parade for the first time this week. I have not had my kitting appointment scheduled and was told to wear civilian clothes, but not sure what this means. I'm assuming this doesn't mean show up in jeans and a t-shirt. Does anyone know what someone should wear if they do not have a uniform yet? Thanks a lot.
With the hood down.

And unripped, clean clothes with no stupid slogans on the T-shirt.
A pair of comfortable but not stupid looking shoes or sneakers would also be neat.  :nod:

By not stupid looking, I mean like 'not ski boots...or, as cool as they would look, Gene Simmons boots on the cover of the Destroyer album also might draw peculiar looks as well.

Ontario23 said:
Hey, sorry if this is not worth asking or if this is in the wrong section. I had my enrollment ceremony recently and I am now part of a training company, and I am expected to parade for the first time this week. I have not had my kitting appointment scheduled and was told to wear civilian clothes, but not sure what this means. I'm assuming this doesn't mean show up in jeans and a t-shirt. Does anyone know what someone should wear if they do not have a uniform yet? Thanks a lot.

Correct- Jeans and T Shirt would be inappropriate. Show up as if you were going to a job interview.
You could always ask your chain of command that is what they are there for...

In any event I'd wear something nice, but not too nice that if it gets ripped or stained that it matters.

A polo and a pair of khakis should do the trick. Though I've seen Pat's walking around in shirts and ties at my unit.
Brihard said:
Correct- Jeans and T Shirt would be inappropriate. Show up as if you were going to a job interview.

But he's already had his job interview. He was hired and is showing up for work as a part of the training company. If he's an NCM he'll probably be given small party tasks under the QM or something. He's going to ruin his nice clothes if he has to wrestle with mod tent etc.. 
mariomike said:
From what I remember, before we were issued our uniforms, they issued us coveralls.

And promptly put us to work washing trucks.  :)

We get it, you were a paramedic. We've got enough guys here presently working in army reserve units to be able to give the guy sound and pertinent advice. At my unit our new guys show up properly dressed until instructed otherwise. If they have to throw a shirt in a wash after, so be it.
mariomike said:
Excuse me? I was referring to when I was a 16 year old MSE Op recruit in the PRes.

Which is why I was careful not to offer any "how to dress" advice.

I take it you do not have a problem with the other reply to your post?
Reply #22

I had forgotten that. I apologize.
Cover all bases by bringing a change of clothes. Show up in a nice pair of pants and buttoned up shirt. In a bag have a pair of casual pants and polo shirt you don't mind getting dirty. Lastly, pack a pair of shorts/sweat pants and tee shirt in case they have you doing PT.

Always be prepared.
I'm glad you two made up as you both have some of the most erudite comments on this board.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Better still, he post a comic from The Oatmeal.

I'm sick as hell right now. Man-cold, and so likely to be fatal. I'm pissy and miserable, and Mariomike is symbolic of the medical system that's powerless against my likely death. I got snippy for no good reason and it was uncalled for. THAT's what I should be apologizing for, not that I forgot he too was once a reservist.
Brihard said:
Better still, he post a comic from The Oatmeal.

I'm sick as hell right now. Man-cold, and so likely to be fatal. I'm pissy and miserable, and Mariomike is symbolic of the medical system that's powerless against my likely death. I got snippy for no good reason and it was uncalled for. THAT's what I should be apologizing for, not that I forgot he too was once a reservist.

Actually, maybe you're snippy for a reason.  He routinely posts unrelated stuff about the Toronto EMS stuff in every thread that has SFA to do about EMS.  If you've noticed lately, there are a few people who are tired of the EMS stuff spamming in *any/all threads* that have nothing to do with EMS.

So...it's probably something that has been agitating to you, as it has been others.  I'll add my name to the list too.  I don't  constanly (or ever...) post stuff about LRP and ASW in the EMS threads so...ya.  It's getting old.  He isn't so swept up on getting the (not so subtle?) hints from a few members either so... :dunno:
mariomike said:
Don't like my posts? Simple solution. Don't read them.  :ignore:

Or, if you have nothing relevant to say, don't post.  Easier on more people, myself included.  Why not just leave the EMS stuff out of the non-EMS threads.  If its not relevant, based on knowledge or at least a bad attempt at humour, why bother.  You've mentioned the Toronto EMS angle enough times for us all to get it.  :2c:
The point isn't a personal one.  I'm not the only one who notices the constant irrelevant posts about EMS, Toronto EMS.  This is really simple...just stop comparing non-related discussions to Toronto EMS.  And posting about Toronto EMS in...every thread that has nothing to do with Toronto EMS.

Seems pretty simple.  I and others shouldn't have to ignore you, you should just be mature enough to stop spamming the military threads with non-military stuff.  Brihard might have made a post and then said sorry, but the point still was made, and it has been recently by several other people in other threads.

End of discussion for me, the point is clear and simple and has been made by atleast 4 different people now in less than a week.  :dunno:

Eye In The Sky said:
The point isn't a personal one.  I'm not the only one who notices the constant irrelevant posts about EMS, Toronto EMS.  This is really simple...just stop comparing non-related discussions to Toronto EMS.  And posting about Toronto EMS in...every thread that has nothing to do with Toronto EMS.

Seems pretty simple.  I and others shouldn't have to ignore you, you should just be mature enough to stop spamming the military threads with non-military stuff.  Brihard might have made a post and then said sorry, but the point still was made, and it has been recently by several other people in other threads.

End of discussion for me, the point is clear and simple and has been made by atleast 4 different people now in less than a week.  :dunno:

Way off base Dude.  There was no cause to call out another member.

We read all of your "no one respects MPA" and ""flying is hazardous" posts..... 

Like the man said, use the ignore button.....and not the ignorant button
It has been soooooo long ago since my first ever Parade Night in Yorkton, but I am fairly sure I showed up in sneakers, clean jeans and shirt.....[Edit to add].....and issued my Battle Dress and Bush Dress uniforms, webbing and kit. 

Today every Reserve unit is different in what they expect you to wear on your first Parade Night.  They should instruct you what to wear, depending on what their evening plans are.  They may issue you a pair of coveralls, as Mariomike was, for the evening.  They may instruct you to bring in Gym Clothes.  Whatever may be the case, the Unit should give you some direction in advance what to wear.

My last Unit had our new members come in dressed as for "business" in a suit, with family members/guests to witness them at an Enrolment Ceremony where they were presented their Certificate of Enrolment and signed the final documents necessary to enroll them and start their records and pay.  They and their family members then had a tour of the unit and let go early after being instructed what to wear for their next Parade Night. 

Every unit is different, and SHOULD tell you what to wear for your first night.
Hello all; this is my first post and this seemed like the relevant board.

I was sworn in two days ago and told that I would be starting BMQ this Sunday (2 days from now). Because of the tight timeframe, I have not been kitted yet. I was told to wear my 'nice' civies when I show up this weekend. What does that entail? Do slacks and a button up shirt work?

Thank you in advance!  :)
phishygutz said:
I was told to wear my 'nice' civies when I show up this weekend. What does that entail? Do slacks and a button up shirt work?

Dress on arrival to BMQ 
2 pages.

Dress code on arrival at CFLRS?

First Parade Night BMQ/No Uniform 
2 pages.

Parade night before having a kit 
OP: "The only rule I was told concerning what I should wear is "Clean, no jeans." My only concern is that I do not want to tear a pair of dress pants/shirts doing the odd push-ups or handling stuff. Are clean work pants (dickies and the likes) with a work shirt ok? Or should I buy some cheap dress pants/shirts that I don't mind ruining?"

No Kit for BMQ start 

No kit and leaving for BMQ in two days looking for an advice 

Clothing for BMQ?
