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Reservist Newbie


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So new to the military,  waiting for them to finish signing my paper work so i can be sworn in, that its self has been a headache..... when you have been told, "hey two weeks you will be sworn in and up in your unit", two weeks go by " hey your paper work is going to be signed in two days so two weeks you will be put in a unit", currently one week in to the second two weeks so  little impatience on my end you can say, but what im trying to get at is what do i expect to happen once im there? Ive only heard and seen about the reg force as my Boyfriend is currently serving in the reg force. I have so many questions and not a clue where to look or where to even post >.<  about living accommodations, food accom if there is any, how many hours am i aloud to work when is the basic for the reserve( ive been told 101 things on that all different and im like whhaaattt)  what kind of KIT will i get, when do i get a uniform.
Anyone who knows anything or is able to point me in the right direction would be helpful :)
Just a scared newbie out here in Edmonton
I recently swore in as an Armour Officer with the South Alberta Light Horse in Edmonton. All I can give you is my experience so far.

I had to wait around 4 weeks for my paperwork to return from Division and be processed with the SALH.

Last week I had the swearing in ceremony with some paperwork.

This week I did a whole lot more paperwork and cleared in (met with) the various members and Officers I will be working with/under over the next couple months.

Next week I will be getting computer access, potentially setting up appointments for my Kit and ID at CFB Edmonton, and finally starting preparation for BMQ this summer in Medicine Hat.

Stay patient. It took me 18 months from application to swearing in, so an extra week is not a big deal. In fact, as long as you're sworn in before BMQ this July, I would not sweat the wait.

Question; as you say you're in Edmonton, which unit will you be joining and in what trade?

Reserves is part time so there are no accommodations or food provided, unless you are away on course. So you will be housed and fed while on your weekend BMQ but not the rest of the time.
If you end up on summer BMQ, you will obviously be housed and fed all summer (the whole course).
You will get your uniform within the first couple of weeks.

Once you are trained you normally work one night a week and one weekend a month. Sometimes you can get extra work through a contract. But you will not likely get one of those until you reach OFP (operational function point, or fully trained/QL5/DP2). I think the max you can work in a month is 16 days, IF approved by your unit (and if they have work for you).
Your kit will depend on what unit your are with. They will take care of all that for you. Just make sure your car is empty the night they take you to clothing. You may be bringing home a lot of clothing, as well as a ruck sack, tac vest/helmet, etc.
18 months to process a cbt arms mbr. Totally unacceptable!!!!
ueo said:
18 months to process a cbt arms mbr. Totally unacceptable!!!!
Change to the Army Reserve recruiting process is happening now.

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ueo said:
18 months to process a cbt arms mbr. Totally unacceptable!!!!

To be totally fair, I had to change the Reserve unit I was joining midway through the process due to having to move. However, that probably only added 2 months to my wait as it took only 2 months to apply, interview, and receive an offer sheet with my current unit. Actual wait time was 16 months in process.

The longest gap in time between movement of my file was getting an interview and offer sheet with my original choice for Reserve Regiments. It took 5 months to receive the call back to come in and interview. After the offer sheet arrived and the process started to roll it took just over a year to do all the tests.

SRidders said:
To be totally fair, I had to change the Reserve unit I was joining midway through the process due to having to move. However, that probably only added 2 months to my wait as it took only 2 months to apply, interview, and receive an offer sheet with my current unit. Actual wait time was 16 months in process.

The longest gap in time between movement of my file was getting an interview and offer sheet with my original choice for Reserve Regiments. It took 5 months to receive the call back to come in and interview. After the offer sheet arrived and the process started to roll it took just over a year to do all the tests.

I first started my process  on January 20th of 2016...... 