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  1. P

    Crossfit & the CF

    Just wondering how many crossfitter's there are out there. I'm fairly new myself starting about half a year ago. I see the odd person doing the WOD's at the gym but not very many. (Petawawa) Just wondering if its catching on at any other bases? (I heard something about 1 cmbg getting funding...
  2. P

    SAR Tech

    No military related parachuting courses. How ever I am qualified through Canadian Sport Parachuting Association. B License / ~200 jumps
  3. P

    SAR Tech

    I don't doubt the physical aspect of being a SAR tech one bit. What I meant was, unless they are MFF qualified they wouldn't have any bit of an edge with regards to the skydiving aspect over anyone else. You do take a beating on your basic para, pounding in on a round canopy can do some damage...
  4. P

    SAR Tech

    Unless the infanteer's were military free fall qualified it would not help them. SAR Techs jump with modern square canopies. They will teach them from the ground up, basic para is more than likely just the prerequisite for MFF, or which ever the course is the SAR Techs take. Anyone know how...
  5. P

    Does it matter how well you do?

    Fitness tests on your PER are either a 1 or a 2 (points).  If you're in the Army you do the BFT (Battle fitness test) and if you pass you automatically get 2 points. So anyone that struggles through the 13km ruck march gets a 2 the same as the guy who had no problems with the BFT and has...
  6. P

    Sign longer contract to start as Cpl?

    Just so you are aware, you receive pay increases for the first 2 years you are a private. So after 2 years I make $3722 a month.. after taxes and nonsense it ends up being about $2700. You make alot less money when you first get in, but it does go up quick. If you have a home already and/or...
  7. P

    New JTF2 Website

    Agreed. How many infanteer's you know that go in and not want to be recce sniper pathfinder airborne rangers.. everyone has their dreams. Somewhere between BMQ/SQ/DP1 most wake up, while others continue on and might actually pursue it. Hell, I'm sure more than a few of the SOA's had their goals...
  8. P

    Is this overtraining?

    If your already use to working out, I wouldn't call it over training, but its not really proper training. Doing 3000 pushups is great, but without an equal workout for your back you are promoting injury later on down the road. Why don't you try some crossfit workouts if pushups/situps/pullups...
  9. P

    Anyone Skydiving?

    Progressive Free Fall (some places call it accelerated free fall). It's a more expensive way to train since your paying for your jump slot, plus 2 instructors to go with you. You get to go right to the roof on your first jump, Rather than IAD or Static line from a few grand. All are good ways to...
  10. P

    Anyone Skydiving?

    Tandem Harness's are not the most comfortable thing. Plus your 6'2, I'm sure you were probably pushing close to their maximum size limit. You want it to be really snug so it doesn't move around during deployment. You go from 120mph to basically nothing in a matter of a few hundred feet.
  11. P

    Anyone Skydiving?

    I jump pretty much every weekend. Just started last year.. got close to 150 free falls now. I mostly jump in the Arnprior area at Mile High Parachuting.. but I also head to Parachute School of Toronto a fair bit.. thats where I started. Plus they got a Grand Caravan there. If anyone's...
  12. P

    Joining CSOR early

  13. P

    Petawawa Thread- Merged

    Not a pet owner myself, but I live in the northside Apts.  I see dogs running around here all the time, so I assume they are allowed. Check into getting an apt if that interests you. They come in 1,2 and 3 bedrooms. Rent is a good price, and everything else is incl. I prefer the northside of...
  14. P

    Joining CSOR early

    Havn't heard too much on ISAP, and the recruiter in pet didnt mention how long it was. CANFORGEN 051/08 SOFCOM 006 281636Z FEB 08
  15. P

    Private Terry John Street, 2PPCLI - 04 April 2008

    Was 2 years ago last month we graduated basic together. RIP Terry.
  16. P

    Monthly Pay after deductions - Questions [Merged]

    3 meals a day. Buffett style. Eat as much as you want. Your room is somewhere around $100 a month.. and you pay around $400 to eat. (Give or take on either, I just know its around to $500 a month) Yes, this is still alot cheaper than paying rent + groceries. My point was paying rent + groceries...
  17. P

    Monthly Pay after deductions - Questions [Merged]

    Would you really want to be paying R&Q while away on course for a couple months, as well as paying all your normal bills back home and supporting a wife and kids? R&Q right now is in the area of $500. Does that sound so great to someone making 650ish two times a month. I am quite happy having...
  18. P

    Joining CSOR early

    As for the CSM turning you down. At the recruiting brief in pet the other day the recruiter mentioned that your unit has the final say if you can leave or not. Id work on getting your own CoC to support you first. (Going over their heads to the recruiter might not be the best approach). I was...
  19. P

    Where to find para cord?

    If you want actual "parachute" cord.. or suspension line as its actually called. Look for spectra/microline, dacron, vectran, or even nylon. You can get it up to 1575lb  tensile strength. http://paragear.com/templates/parachutes.asp?group=32&level=2&parent=193