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  1. E

    Are Suicide Bombers Cowards

    Ghost778. I wasn‘t contributing to the debate as much as I was trying to explain what Doug is trying to convey during this very emotional time. That‘s what soldiers do, they look out for one another. Be very ******* careful what tone you take with me. You little smart-***. I would never...
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    Are Suicide Bombers Cowards

    Get the debate into you now troops, because if and when it is a reality, the debate ends. When your asses are on the line it‘s all about you and the men on your team. It‘s SURVIVAL!!! When you are on foot patrol in the middle of Kabul, you no longer care about what label we as Canadians...
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    Canadian troops injured in Kabul suicide bombing

    If any of that scumbag's friends are reading this know one thing - We are waiting........   We stand proud and ready.  We will not give up. We love our country and freedom of thought, and wish to give that gift to the oppressed. We stand by our cause, and are willing to stand by YOUR people...
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    Sgt. Short, M/ Cpl Beerenfenger Killed in Afghanistan- Oct/ 2/ 2003

    It was Rob and Sue‘s Daughter-in-law that was killed in the LAV accident. Don‘t be at a loss for words troops - spread the word to all those within your realm of influence. This wasn‘t bad luck, this was a proud military family that has paid the ultimate sacrifice twice over. They paid with...
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    Joining a Regular Force Parachute Company

    Here is a thread from another site that may answer some of your questions: web page Good luck! Take my advise from the aformentioned thread. Some haven‘t in the past - at their own expense.
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    General Questions...

    SHOTREP :sniper: :D
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    Wanna-be‘s / Posers

    Mike Able died in an unfortunate incident in Somalia and the other incident was Smitty in Rwanda shortly thereafter. Both great guys. See here for dates and proof: web page What city was this Tattoo parlour in, what timeframe? I think I might know who the goon was :)
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    Tactical vest now in service

    It is a great leap ahead in cbt gear for the Cdn Infantry. I am sure there will be bugs to work out but the BTE and work ups for Afghanistan will sort those out. As far as the mag issue is concerned, I believe the mags are configured that way to keep the load as close and distributed as evenly...
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    BLACK HAWK‘s??

    Sorry, I‘m way off topic here. Jungle, Shot the **** with some old familiar faces when I was in Trenton last, they where graduating P.I. crse. Great guys, good to see the para side of your regt is sending some quality NCOs. Recce41, I feel for ya with the rust thing. I was in Europe in ‘94...
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    BLACK HAWK‘s??

    Hey, Small world! Even smaller community(thanx to the Liberals) :mad:
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    BLACK HAWK‘s??

    Hey Jungle, Imagine the feeling I had as UEO working the airhead for one of those ‘incidents‘. I received the call from the DZ Controller as he was running to investigate the complete malfunction on that ramp jump. Thankfully, all turned out well, and the jumper proved that ingrained drills...
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    question about Petewawa

    Trenton is alright I suppose, it kinda grows on ya. Initially it was a bad choice due to weather off the bay and the lack of a sizeable DZ. The latter has been rectified with the construction of DZ Hodgson. It is located just beside Mountain View Afd and was dedicated 3 yrs ago after the...
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    question about Petewawa

    I‘m not Arty, but I can assist somewhat with your question. 2 RCHA still supports Para Coy, 3 RCR in a limited capacity. FOO/FAC etc.. This support has been provided since disbandment, and much appreciated, I must add. This means only a handfull of guys get to participate in para ops. There...
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    "french rolling" ? ?

    Ah yes...the old dichotomy of ‘form over function‘. Do what they say in trng, but temper it with a good dose of reality. Some things that you do in garrison are done in the interest of discipline and uniformity, they do not necessarily translate to good fieldcraft. The wisdom is in knowing the...
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    War Junkies

    Good recommendation with ‘On Killing‘ combat_medic, but one can also proof-read some of the articles on Grossmans‘ website: web page they encapsulate what is contained within the book and in some cases expand on it.
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    "Special Forces tattoos, mercury switches, what have we got ourselves into"? :) Nice tat RoyalHighlander, what prison did you get that in? Just kiddin‘ ;) I know, I‘m a new guy, I‘ll keep it toned down.
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    In my reg force neck of the woods a pte gets his ‘hook‘ after 30 months service and his cpls after 48 months.