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Canadian troops injured in Kabul suicide bombing

Doug, you know the drill. Maintaining the integrity of your team is the most important thing right now. You will have time soon enough once you are safe in canada to morn the loss of our brave comrades. Remember them while in the air, holding your risers, looking over the world. Stay safe, and God speed.
Rest in Peace Cpl.Murphy.

My highest respect goes out to The Royal Canadian Regiment and the other soldiers in Kabul.
RIP. Speedy recovery to the injured.

My condolences to friends and family.

The rest of you, comming and soon going, make it home safe.
Doug were all feeling it you and the boys there more then others, Jamie was a great friend from way back in Dukes company, I wont forget him not ever, he was a good soldier and a better friend. See you in the ranks here in CJ we will toast to Murph everynight till we get on those planes for home.
The cost of freedom is high. Sometimes these things happens. Never makes it easier. RIP our friend.
God Speed to all of you serving abroad, and my you rest in peace Cpl Murphy.

Soldiers regular and reserve, across canada mourn the loss.

:cdn: :salute:
If any of that scumbag's friends are reading this know one thing - We are waiting........  

We stand proud and ready.  We will not give up. We love our country and freedom of thought, and wish to give that gift to the oppressed. We stand by our cause, and are willing to stand by YOUR people, where you are too feable of mind or brainwashed to do so.  We will risk our lives to the man in order that our way of life is protected and made available to others.  

If you are so noble and dedicated to your beliefs then take up arms and face us like men.

We do not bomb you from above.  We do not target people indiscriminately.  We do not resort to fear and loathing as defense mechanisms.  We do not injure the innocents.  We shake hands of those that greet us.  We visit schools and institutions.  We work hand-in-hand with the transitional authority to help rebuild this unfortunate nation that has had more than enough hardship and suffering.  In order to assist in this way we sacrifice our own personal safety - and do so willingly.  THAT is why we aren't looking down on people from the relative safety of armoured vehicles  

We will gladly meet you in a dark alley mano-o-mano and settle this dispute in an honourable fashion.  If you continue in this vein you will not beat us............................
Thank you, my Airborne brother. Your words mean a lot to me. It felt good to see you there.

I wrote my last post while well into my "2 beerz", I was tempted to delete it after I read it the next day, but that‘s what I thought, that‘s what I felt. Sometimes I feel like I missed some things, like I should have done some things that I didn‘t. I don‘t know how we made it through all that. My friends in the jeep that walked were so very lucky, I looked at the jeep again today....they‘re so very lucky. I know that I can depend on any of the members of the Parachute Company when push comes to shove, I know that they will be there for me. I know that even our newest non-Para augmenties have been assimilated and have become Paratroopers, like Ex told me earlier today "They‘ve earned their wings the hard way". It‘s a state of mind.
Jesus guys, I don‘t even know what to say.
Godspeed CPL Murphy, and RIP.
The rest of you, keep the tripwires tight, and get back to Pet in one piece.
May the road rise to meet you; May the wind blow at your back; May the sun shine warmly on your face.
May the rains fall softy on your field; And until we meet againâ ”Until we meet again...
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
There isn‘t much that I can come to say at the moment, feeling the sadness that I am. All I can say is that I hope the men that have passed on in those terrible events have at last found peace and salvation, and that those who were injured will have a speedy recovery. I hope that those people died knowing that someone somewhere looked up to them and that they were loved by people they didn‘t even know existed. I look up to these men, I idolize them, they‘re my heroes. As childish and as corny as it may sound, it‘s the bare truth. Not only that, but I loved them. I really hope they‘ve found peace and hapiness.. God knows they deserved it.

:salute: :cdn:
Originally posted by excoelis:
[qb]We do not bomb you from above. We do not target people indiscriminately. We do not resort to fear and loathing as defense mechanisms. We do not injure the innocents. We shake hands of those that greet us. We visit schools and institutions. We work hand-in-hand with the transitional authority to help rebuild this unfortunate nation that has had more than enough hardship and suffering. In order to assist in this way we sacrifice our own personal safety - and do so willingly. THAT is why we aren‘t looking down on people from the relative safety of armoured vehicles

We will gladly meet you in a dark alley mano-o-mano and settle this dispute in an honourable fashion. If you continue in this vein you will not beat us............................ [/qb]
I agree totally and I specially agree with your closeing comments... I wish you guys the best :salute: :cdn:
I read about Cpl Jamie Murphy in the paper today, and cried. Right there in front of my younger sister. She looked up at me and said, "Why are you crying?" When I told her about Cpl. Murpy she did a half laugh and said, "Why cry about someone you didn‘t know?"
How can you explain it, furthermore to a nine year old? I pray that such heart-breaking occurences will be fewer in number as this war goes on, and I also pray that you who are out there make it back here alright.

God bless the soldiers. :salute: :cdn: