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Why don‘t Infantry wear the RCIC badge?

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however since I was on a 3 yr BA, never had a chance to parade with them.

Did you request to be allowed to parade with a local unit? This is quite legal, and is not a problem if you have a reasonable RegF boss. The regulations (IIRC) do not prevent Class B from parading with a Res unit: what they prevent is a Class B being forced to parade with a unit other than the one they are employed with.

I do not demand any reserve unit take me, or employ me.  On the contrary, I would never want to make the commitment to serve with them if I was not able to do so. 

OK...welll...that statement is quite reassuring, but it is a bit different from:

I have never served with a reserve unit since being qual 23A, nor will I until they offer me a full time contract as I believe that the reserves role is to augment the Reg F and not to stay simply on stand by during a whole career (activation is nec to be a well rounded soldier).

Then you state:

I do not return to a civilian job because, I am not a tenager that attends school,

I don't get the exact connection here. However, I believe you are saying that you cannot obtain gainful civilian employment because you moved around to follow yor ex-spouse? OK-I can understand this, although plenty of military spouses seem to be able to do it. But now that you are not being moved around anymore (Class B Res cannot be posted against their will), why not try again to get affiliated wth a local unit? Once you are badged, if you need to move again, just go through your Res unit chain of command to apply for transfer to the nearest Res Inf unit in your new location. This is a very common practice, especially for Res who are in university.

One more question of interest: how is it that you are in an ARE position but employed on a RegF base? ARE positions, as far as I know, are not part of the CF Regular structure-they are allocated to the Army Res and controlled by the CLS, and most ARE positions are in Res units.


Justifying my very being is more complicated than it is worth.  I just wanted imput to what badge to wear.  Not to justify and answer to a bunch of strangers on the reasoning behind my choice of employement.

Thanks for all your help

OK, this one's easy.  Like Regular Force armour and infantry, you wear the badge of the last unit you were affiliated with.

Despite your current employment, you're regarded as "extra-regimentally employed" when not with a unit.  What unit were you with before you went on Class B?  That's your cap badge.
Before I was Inf O I was MP O, therefore that does not apply...  in the begining back in 91 I did belong to a Montreal resF Inf unit, that is what got me hooked on all of this...

I bought the dream a long time ago and still believe....


Out of here.
???  Reg Force Inf Officer with No Regiment?

Where is my flag  ^-^
As you all let out a sigh of relief, I am a full time reservist not reg F, I had no badging parade when I grad my Ph 3 - I just marched back to my office where I was on CL BA and kept working.
So what was the last reserve unit you served with -

Mama - I've seen reserve officers and NCO's wearing capbadges from units they had not paraded with in years -- I dont really think the badge on your head is going to make or break anyones opinion of you.

IF your that choked up abotu it -- find a local reserve unit to parade with and start wearing theirs.

As a reservist, you must be paid thru the RPSR system which (unless I'm mistaken) must be at a reserve unit. To be on their system, you must be on their estb or be attach posted in (even on a Cl B A elsewhere). That is your affiliated unit and that is the accouterments you wear.
A quick call to your local Clothing Stores or Orderly room can also solve this dilema. Our clothing CFSS now pulls info from the EMAA system and your "Parent Unit" should show up on the screen when entering your SN. Ask the Sup Tech to run an MSO14b on you to determine your Home Unit.
The Orderly Room directly can pull up your SN on the EMAA which will show your current posn, and also as a reserve will show your "Parent Unit." You should be wearing the cap badge of your "Parent Unit." You should also be able to pull up the EMAA login screen on the DIN and build yourself an account where you can view your MPRR on-line, as well as DAG status, leave stats etc on your own. Your parent Unit, and thus the cap-badge you should be wearing, should be listed on your MPRR.

Some good advice.  Unfortunately, it won't always work.  A Reservist in a B"A" position is in an established position with that Regular unit, and has no real tie to their original regiment, beyond affiliation.  It works exactly the same way as for a Reg F member.

On accepting a long-term B"A" contract, a Reservist is typically posted to the unit offering that contract.  Often, these are HQs where there is no unit capbadge.  The HQ will then show up in the system as the "parent unit" and the member wears the cap badge of their last affiliated armour or infantry unit, again much like the Regular Force.

What we have here, apparently, is a very weird situation where the member remustered to infantry while on a contract and while posted to a unit that has no cap badge of its own (ie:  a HQ)...  What to wear then?  I have no idea!
Teddy Ruxpin said:

Some good advice.   Unfortunately, it won't always work.   A Reservist in a B"A" position is in an established position with that Regular unit, and has no real tie to their original regiment, beyond affiliation.   It works exactly the same way as for a Reg F member.

On accepting a long-term B"A" contract, a Reservist is typically posted to the unit offering that contract.   Often, these are HQs where there is no unit capbadge.   The HQ will then show up in the system as the "parent unit" and the member wears the cap badge of their last affiliated armour or infantry unit, again much like the Regular Force.

What we have here, apparently, is a very weird situation where the member remustered to infantry while on a contract and while posted to a unit that has no cap badge of its own (ie:   a HQ)...   What to wear then?   I have no idea!

Good point Teddy.  All being said, shouldnt this memebr go to his COC to get it sorted out ?  I'm certain that, officer or not, the RSM/CWO of his unit of employement would be more than happy to look into this and get it sorted out, would i be wrong ?
You're exactly right, aesop081.  This would be pretty easy to resolve if the right people became engaged... a bit of proactive action goes a long way.
Teddy Ruxpin said:
You're exactly right, aesop081.   This would be pretty easy to resolve if the right people became engaged... a bit of proactive action goes a long way.

You are your own best career manager after all  ;D
Go ask your RSM, or Garrison equivalent. I'd hate to see you make a decision under fire. :salute:
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