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Where to find para cord?

  • Thread starter cameron_highlander
  • Start date


Did a search, couldn't find anything (suprisingly) about my question?

Where can I buy/obtain a spool of para cord, if that is indeed possible? I need some to fix up my rucksack (white zip ties are still there from the summer, don't ask) and to be honest, whenever I find myself needing some it's never around.
You want a SPOOL!!??

Good luck with that!!

If you only want some  ... head over to your local QM/RQ shop or to Base Clothing Stores. Clothing should have a spool there and will cut you off some to use for your ruck.

Getting a spool of paracord (550 cord) is just about as hard a feat to pull off as obtaining a roll of 4" gun tape.

Then again -- if you order a T.E.S.S. Bracelet -- you could unravel it when it arrives and put about 10 rucks together!! (PS Tess free plug by me here!! Do I finally get that T.E.S.S. garter that you promised me in Guelph on 27 Dec 07?? It's been almost a year now dammit ...  :mad: )
ArmyVern said:
You want a SPOOL!!??

Good luck with that!!

If you only want some  ... head over to your local QM/RQ shop or to Base Clothing Stores. Clothing should have a spool there and will cut you off some to use for your ruck.

Getting a spool of paracord (550 cord) is just about as hard a feat to pull off as obtaining a roll of 4" gun tape.

Then again -- if you order a T.E.S.S. Bracelet -- you could unravel it when it arrives and put about 10 rucks together!! (PS Tess free plug by me here!! Do I finally get that T.E.S.S. garter that you promised me in Guelph on 27 Dec 07?? It's been almost a year now dammit ...  :mad: )

Don't you mean 27 Dec 06? or are you that far ahead of the rest of us?
As a Mod she has been issued the locations of various "Worm Holes" through which she can travel through the Space/Time Continuum.
Isn't a spool of that stuff something like 150m?
George Wallace said:
As a Mod she has been issued the locations of various "Worm Holes" through which she can travel through the Space/Time Continuum.

I thought as much there George ;)
ArmyVern said:
You want a SPOOL!!??

Good luck with that!!

If you only want some  ... head over to your local QM/RQ shop or to Base Clothing Stores. Clothing should have a spool there and will cut you off some to use for your ruck.

Getting a spool of paracord (550 cord) is just about as hard a feat to pull off as obtaining a roll of 4" gun tape.

Then again -- if you order a T.E.S.S. Bracelet -- you could unravel it when it arrives and put about 10 rucks together!! (PS Tess free plug by me here!! Do I finally get that T.E.S.S. garter that you promised me in Guelph on 27 Dec 07?? It's been almost a year now dammit ...  :mad: )

I found that constantly adreping it works, by the time you get it, you don't need it, and the QM doesn't always want it back  ;D
NL_engineer said:
I found that constantly adreping it works, by the time you get it, you don't need it, and the QM doesn't always want it back  ;D

Done that lately?? It's now Ops restricted.  8)
Check with any reputable climbing shop.

I can get it for you here locally - name your colour (not sure they carry olive drab, however).
A reputable supplier, and with dollar being strong, great prices.



Piper said:
Did a search, couldn't find anything (suprisingly) about my question?

Where can I buy/obtain a spool of para cord, if that is indeed possible? I need some to fix up my rucksack (white zip ties are still there from the summer, don't ask) and to be honest, whenever I find myself needing some it's never around.

Paracord or green utility cord? Green utility cord should be plenty for your rucksack, and it shouldn't be hard to get a roll for yourself... it's got a breaking strength of between 160 and 210 lbs (I know, because we managed to suspend my private from a tree no problem, however it didn't work so well for myself)
Good2Golf said:
Isn't a spool of that stuff something like 150m?

Yup very useful for marking trails on worm holes so one can find their way back home.
ArmyVern said:
Getting a spool of paracord (550 cord) is just about as hard a feat to pull off as obtaining a roll of 4" gun tape.

Here's a question, I've been told gun tape is all LPO now... any truth to that? Which would seem to me to mean that getting 4" gun tape is as easy as buying it?
Just a Sig Op said:
Here's a question, I've been told gun tape is all LPO now... any truth to that? Which would seem to me to mean that getting 4" gun tape is as easy as buying it?

It's SSI "KM", so yes ... you order it under your SCA -- the SCAs fin coding pays for it (ie: your Unit). There's a reason that it's "KM" now, tends to keep those acquiring it -- more honest. You acquire this after your Unit pays for it -- that's XX dollars less that your Unit has to spend on something else. You don't "LPO" from civ street. It's STILL centrally managed (ie depot stocked), but Locally funded (ie your Unit pays for what it orders from it's budget). Purchasing it downtown is a no-no ... as per regulations governing acquisition cards -- it is a service offense to buy on the economy items which are available in the system.

Put it this way--

A thief is a thief is a thief.

Before, when Units didn't have to "pay" for it -- most Units ordered enough in a year to circumvent the globe 50 times (ie all the troops were taking it home with them vice actually using it for mil purposes).

So yes, it's as easy as "buying it" now -- but when YOUR Unit runs out of money ... they've got no one to blame but themselves if they hand it out like candies to the troops to take home to use on whatever. And, like I said -- they aren't actually buying it downtown -- it is ordered through the Sup System from the Depot -- the Unit's budget is just docked the actual costs of it.

Paying for "whatever" isn't the taxpayers responsibility.

Hello ArmyVern,

Just curious:

What does "SSI" and "KM" mean? Never heard of it before.

I know IM advisory normally determines if its LPO or Cent. Managed (or others)


Eric_911 said:
Hello ArmyVern,

Just curious:

What does "SSI" and "KM" mean? Never heard of it before.

I know IM advisory normally determines if its LPO or Cent. Managed (or others)



SSI = Special Supply Instruction

"KM" is simply an indicator code which determines what the supply process is for ordering an item. There are craploads of different SSIs (or item advisory codes if you will).

You can have:

Centrally Managed/Centrally Funded (Depot stocked & Nationally funded by Ottawa)
Centrally Managed/Locally Funded (Depot stocked but Unit pay)
Locally Managed/Locally Funded (Unit Managed & Unit Funded -- this would be an LPO downtown)

etc etc
Eric_911 said:
What does "SSI" and "KM" mean? Never heard of it before.

Oh thank gosh a supply tech asked, as I was racking my brain trying to figure out those terms... as I was afraid they were somthing I ought to have known...

(Question was asked because of the following scenario... supp tech sgt A claimed that gun-tape was extremely hard to obtain, and claimed it would require multiple memos from chain of command. Supp tech sgt B laughed loudly accused A of being incompetent and lazy (A common oppinion) and stated "duct tape is all local purchase now" and all he needed was a signed training stores request and "I could go down to walmart and buy whatever you needed" I was curious as to the reality)