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When is she "Too Army"?

Pea said:
Niner (9nr) is basically "boss" in civi terms. And well Domestic, you know, how a wife is supposed to be. hehe.

Thanks! I split the niner duties at home but I'll never be domestic again unless there's a rifle malfunction. ;)
TMM said:
Thanks! I split the niner duties at home but I'll never be domestic again unless there's a rifle malfunction. ;)

Exactly why I said "how a wife is supposed to be". No one who knows me will put Pea & domestic in the same sentence. ;D
When she tells Little Wook (aka the Alberta Twister, 4 yrs old) to "Pick up the pace!" while delivering papers. (actual quote from this afternoon  ;D)

Had a few minutes of free time...how about these?

You know she's 'too army' when...

She arranges the house plants into a ‘hide’ by the front door.
She swigs back a can of beer faster than you can.
When she gets drunk she flips off the neighbors and pees into the potted plants.
When she goes to get her hair cut, she goes to the barber for a ‘high and tight’
She slaps a unit sticker on the back of your bed’s headboard.
When eating Mexican food, she slaps a burrito in your hand and yells “fire in the hole!”
When driving through town she calls out grid coordinates instead of street names.
Instead of a glassed in sunroom she has a sandbagged ‘sunning trench’ in the back yard.
She thinks Patton and Rommel should have gone ‘mano-a-mano’ in tanks.
She calls the obtuse woman at the customer service desk a ‘stupid wog’.
Her high-heeled shoes have a better shine than your parade boots.
Her car has a cutting bar on the hood to ‘prevent being hit by communication wire’.
She refuses to wash dishes or cook because that’s “women’s work”.
She writes out a PER for you on every anniversary.
She wants to put up concrete anti-tank traps instead of wooden fencing.
She installs booby traps on the walking path down the side of the house.
She refers to her breasts as ‘weapons of mass distraction’.
She thinks the French ‘wussed out’ in WW1 and 2.
You put a large decorative rock in the front yard and she paints it white.
She threatens to march her teenage son down to the recruiting center when he turns 18.
The sunroof on her Toyota Corolla has a pintle mount beside it.
Okay, enough already! What's scary is when a civi married to a civi resembles the majority of those!
Oh! Good idea!

...When she hands you an MIR chit from her Doctor authorizing her to wear Birkenstocks.
TMM said:
Battle of the Boyne?

Pachino Day.  Another excuse for The RCR to bust heads at sports day and drink (red wine, in this case).  ;)

(edited to remove an offending "s" inserted by Bill Gates's minions of evil)
When she want's to gather in the kids she puts up her hand and yells "On me!"

When she want's a group's attention she yells "Listen up!"

Haggis said:
Paschino Day. 
Pachino Day. Pachino. No "s". Ya skirt-wearing, sheep-stomach eatin' razzafrazzagrumblegrumble.....

Another excuse for The RCR to bust heads at sports day and drink (red wine, in this case).
  We needed an excuse?  ???
paracowboy said:
Pachino Day. Pachino. No "s". Ya skirt-wearing, sheep-stomach eatin' razzafrazzagrumblegrumble.....
  We needed an excuse?  ???

Blame Bill Gates, cowpoke.  It passed the spell checker. :-[

An' it's nae a skirt! :threat:  Don't make me wake the Residential Sergeant Major!
....And I thought you guys were planning Al's Birthday.  Perhaps he could tell us how he got into character to play Scarface?
When you mention there is a "boy's night out" coming up...that day, she hands you a leave pass stamped "Denied"...

When you disappoint her in your "marital duties" and she puts you on "Verbal Warning" with one of her friends as a witness... :o

When she tells you to "flash up the c/s" on a cold winter morning...

When she mumbles "good we have double-banked comm's" when you both go out somewhere with your cell phones...

When she owns more camo pants and tops then you have CADPAT...and gets excited when the Canex gets some "new kit in".

When you are complaining about something and she says "sort yourself out" or "get a grip on yourself!"

When you aren't up at 0600 on Saturday to run with her and she refers to you as "slack and idle" when you wake up...

When she refers to getting together with the girls as "PD stuff"...

When you ask her how many loafs of bread she wants while grocery shopping and from 30 feet away she gives you hands signals for "4" and waits for you to give her the signal back and gives you the "thumbs up" before continuing on "down the trace"...

When, while getting ready to leave the house, she yells "5 minutes notice to move people!"
damn you, Gates! DAMN YOU!

Mike, we need a "shaking fist at the sky" smiley icon.
When you sit down to start your vacation plans and she grabs the globe or map and says

"First I will orient you to the ground...we are currently located here in XXXX...Cuba is to our south...here..PUT DOWN YOU PEN AND PAY ATTENTION THERE YOU!"
Mud Recce Man said:
When you disappoint her in your "marital duties" and she puts you on "Verbal Warning" with one of her friends as a witness... :o
She has a friend to witness the event or just the warning?  ;)
1. When she mumbles "fu%#ing civvies".

2. The kids are told to "mount up" when she is ready to leave the house.

Both of these bring a tear to my eye when I hear her say them.