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What should I send?


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I have a friend who recently began training in St. Jean. Besides just sending letters I was hoping to send him something more interesting to encourage him while he‘s there. So I was wondering if anyone could suggest something that a person in training might enjoy receiving. Perhaps this might include something that you wish you had receieved while you were there. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Maxium magazine
Double chocolate chewy chips-a-hoy cookies
beef jerkey

I‘d recommend not sending food because St. Jean
has a policy of not letting recruits get "mail
food" from home. You can‘t eat it in the barracks. They‘ll store it away and let the
recruit have it during the graduation party though.

Mail call usually occurs during O-group at the
end of the day. The Marching NCO of the day
meets with the platoon and sets out the
requirements for the night and overview of the next day. Mail that comes in a box (not letters)
has to be opened in front of the Marching NCO
during O-group session for security reasons.

Forgive me if this is a bit personal and take this with a sense of humour, but if your
friend is male, send him a set of colourful female undergarments in a box. Not only will it
embarrass him, but it will be a great hoot for the platoon during mail call.

If its a girl, then send her a set of male
undergarments because it will embarrass her and be a great hoot for the platoon.

It sounds funny, but mail-call is one of the
most relaxed times of the day and good for
platoon morale.
definitely the beef jerky, though u are not really suppose to have food in the shacks. My parents sent it to me during basic and my podmates and I ate it in 2 seconds flat, we didn‘t want the DS to get us. If you‘re really nice, send him some gortex socks and boots with vibram soles!!!

PS you go to the wrong skool!!!
Nothing,the troops going through basic nowadays are way too pampered as it is.
Send him empty envelopes with things like "Don‘t worry, my course staff were weak and idle too" or "I can‘t believe you don‘t think your course staff would have the balls to smoke you and your platoon like a cheap cigar in the middle of the night" on the outside of it. And make sure you put "General Commando Ranger Stud" in front of his name when sending it.

He‘ll thank you later for aiding the course staff in making him a stronger private.
Originally posted by MG34:
[qb] Nothing,the troops going through basic nowadays are way too pampered as it is. [/qb]
I agree with MG34. Just letters and an occasional telephone call will suffice. If he is in CFB St-Jean, he is at the Megastructure and it is complete and the recruits have all they need and then some.
Marauder, that is truly hilarious. I hope no one sends me something like that. If I needed anything sent to me on any courses I‘ve ever done, insoles would probably be the biggest prize, but he can probably get them out there. Just plain old encouragement and word of his family will probably go a lot farther than any other thing you could send him, except for maybe women‘s panties or something.
How good of a friend are they?

*thinking dirty thoughts* the opposite sex‘s underwear is always remembered. The larger the size the better...like size 60.
I have a friend in St. Jean right now. He called me a couple weeks ago and told me that they have to do 5 push ups for ever letter they recieve and 25 for every parcel. He then gave me a list of names from his platoon to send parcel boxes to with junk in it :D . Me being the ******* that I am (and knowing he will do this to me if he ever gets the chance) I sent the bunch of parcels off all addressed to him :evil: .
St Jean is actually more lax... but the insoles are a very very good idea... and so is the beef jerky.. always appreciated...