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What is your military status?

What is your military or non military status?

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moderation is for monks!............Well thats why I got the job....
Student in Grade 11, signed up for Reserves, awaiting my call for the fitness test...  As soon as I turn 18 I'm going full out army...  Only 16 right now though...  Turn 17 in May, so unless I can get a signature at 17 from my parents (which I doubt because they won't sign for full army until I get my highschool diploma), I'm going to be an army reservist...
I am a Pte (R) Crewman, and happier than a Pig in Shit. Just got sworn in Feb 3rd, heading to St. Jean 19th Feb. 2 weeks of leave without pay and I'm there. :cdn:
Civilian the other side of Fifty was a army cadet in late 60D's.Have been a volinteer in SAR in B.C. for more 10 years close to 15.
Train in basic tracking, air observer and swift water rescue
Pte. (untrained) got sworn in last week started weekend basic last week. my moc is 421 weapons tech land. CT to Reg in about 1-1.5 years
I'm a private in the CF Ghetto [PRETC, A-151, A-152]. Awaiting training as a Signal Operator April 26th in Kingston.
Ex Reserve SupTech, Ex Reg Armoured/Armd Recce/Assault Trp/Admin Trp, now working as Supply Officer for an Air Cadet Unit.
My son is in the CDN Navy.
Pte (R) Just got sworn in a week ago starting BMQ Feb 20th getting a CT as soon as i finish off SQ in June...Moc - 411 Weapons Tech Land
I am a civilian, currently dating a Private. He is stationed in Edmonton and is in 1PPCLI. He flew over a little over a week ago to afganistan for his first tour. I sure am damn pround of my man. :) :)
Have completed all of the medical, interview and testing requirements for Pilot. Going to Aircrew selection in March.....