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What do you guys think. Tattoo Idea.

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i always wanted to get the name of every country i travel to and serve in (as a member of the CF) tattooed on my back, but then i thought that could become quite a long and expensive list and i have to get in the army first  ;) .
Jaxson said:
i always wanted to get the name of every country i travel to and serve in (as a member of the CF) tattooed on my back, but then i thought that could become quite a long and expensive list and i have to get in the army first  ;) .

I know someone who did the same thing, only tattooed the flags of each country he had visited down the back of his thigh...

It looks cool, but cant help but think of a gaming menu when choosing your country, when i see it  ;D
yah thats another thing i wanted to do (flags on my back) but i only wanted to do that with my countries of background... but decided 5 different flags was just to damn much (cdn, irish, russian, estonian, british)  :salute:

I'm sure that all our readers and members of the CAF are Law Biding Citizens and will be through out their life times. So therefore the following comments are without prejudice.

However, any LEO will tell you that body art is a great tool in positive identification and has resulted in the apprehension of many a Criminal.

One incident comes to mind, while working (plain clothes) the AWOL Section in Montreal. We had on our list a certain Soldier from a well known Regiment. After ascertaining the habits and favorite haunts of this Soldier, we started to routinely visit these sites. One night at a certain watering hole we were suspicious of a  person which fitted the description of the AWOL Soldier. We joined the suspect at the bar and before we even had time to proceed further, we both observed that the suspect had the initials of the Regiment Tattooed across his left hand. Well it was all down hill from there.

I am not by any means against Body Art, as matter of fact, you might say I'm all for it. But one should give the idea a great deal of thought.

Sh0rtbUs, I think you just wanted to put a picture of your leg on the internet.

Please think hard about getting these tat's done, I have non, and the wife tells me I probably never will.  A buddy on QL3 got a capbadge that filled 3/4 of his back along with the two flags of his parents birth places.  He then left the Regiment and joined an armoured unit as a V-tech.  I am not going to knock him for all the regimental pride he had and stuff, but it cost about 500ish bucks, took a long time cause it was colour, and is now proably an awkward story to tell when someone says, oh, you were in the regiment and he says, yep, for QL2,3, and about 3 months. 

Get a tat that actually means something to you.  Not some out to lunch Calvin pissing on a Chevy symbol, cause with GM's cash troubles, who knows if they will be around in 10 years when your telling the kids what the funny thing on daddy's arm means.  Also leave names off the body, cause stuff changes, and noting would kill the mood than a possible one relationship turning into an apologetic and stammering one night stand, "she is long gone baby, I swear"
And a lot of animal symbols look strangely like the brigade patches.  One of the guys got a nice wolf on his shoulder, and then got teased as the exact same picture is on his CF's shoulder.  so wolf, research the 33 CBG, patch before you get the same thing put on.
Bomber said:
but it cost about 500ish bucks, took a long time cause it was colour, and is now proably an awkward story to tell when someone says, oh, you were in the regiment and he says, yep, for QL2,3, and about 3 months...  
seen it a lot. They always regretted it. I got a few cheesy army tats, but nothing regimental, or even truly recognizable as military except to another army dink. But, they recognize them right away, and know what it means. You wannabe's and cherries with your huge, Flash army ink, just want another way of telling the world how tough and Rambo you are, and it's very much the same as a loudmouth in a bar telling everybody what a badass he is. It don't impress anyone worth impressing. 

Get a tat that actually means something to you. 
exactly. You FNG's and Wannabe's noticing a trend here? Old dog: "think about it. Get one that's personal and important."
Dumb kid: "oh, dude, that's so like totally kewl and stuff!"

Also leave names off the body, cause stuff changes,
I haev my wife's nickname done on my right arm. In Sanskrit. Took weeks of research. But, if she ever comes to her senses and leaves, it then says "kill whitey" or something. Who's to know? Nobody speaks Sanskrit anymore. I don't get writing in any living language. I find long dead ones, do the research myself, and get that on me: Latin, Sanskrit, Babylonian hieroglyphics, Egyptian hieroglyphics, etc
Bomber said:
Sh0rtbUs, I think you just wanted to put a picture of your leg on the internet.

You know you liked it  ;D

My tattoo artist had some wise words, he suggested that anyone considering a tattoo, should determine a design, and think on it for a year, on the dot. Within that years time, if you've decided on another design... take another year. He must be awfully old mind you, or simply doesnt adhere to his own advice seeing as he has a body suit (including head and face)  ::)

In the greater picture, waiting a year or two to figure out what you want (if you even want it) is nothing, considering it will be with you until you keel over and worms inhabit your eye sockets.

It was 2 years ago that I decided i wanted this tattoo...
Better advice, get a picture of the tatoo you want, carry it with you, at all times, for a year, and look at it at least once a day.

On the subject of military tatoos, I know one guy who's got the new army logo (Leaf and swords) on the back of his leg, and another guy who's got a jimmy (Signals) hat badge surrounded by cadpat (Yes, cadpat).
Another tattoo thread that's gone on for four pages, restating within itself the same info over and over. It aslo restates the same naus found in every other tattoo thread we've got stored here. If you've got anything else to say on the subject, that'll provide some sort of rock your world info we haven't heard fifty times before, say it now. When I come back in the morning, it's being locked up.
At the moment i have a maple leaf on my right forearm. Not a typical red leaf, its more of an autumn coloured leaf. I got it when i was 17. I plan on adding to it in the future or just getting tattooed over it  8) lol

A lot of people don't like the idea of tattoos because "oh you don't know how you will feel about it down the line" But i have always felt that tattoos such as of your country, or what you have accomplished in life are great and worth it. Unlike getting a tattoo of tweety bird on your ass ;)
I went to the Edmonton Tattoo Expo this weekend - now this thread is starting to blather on "and only if you are absolutely sure and will not regret it later in life and...."

recceguy said:
Another tattoo thread that's gone on for four pages, restating within itself the same info over and over. It aslo restates the same naus found in every other tattoo thread we've got stored here. If you've got anything else to say on the subject, that'll provide some sort of rock your world info we haven't heard fifty times before, say it now. When I come back in the morning, it's being locked up.

Kinda like Monty Phython that goes on and on and on.  Gee I like Traffic Lights.
(Golf 1-1, this is 41C, Fire Mission Over.)
But this thread is only Waffer Thin
(41C this is Golf 1-1; Shot Over)
What is your Name? What is your favorite colour? What is the average speed of a laden swallow?
(Golf 1-1 this is 41C; Fire for effect)
But it's a cute little Buunny.

Anybody for fresh Stew?
Well it actually got an extra nine hours on the ventilator, to no avail. RIP :salute:
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