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Website Launch


Reaction score
Hi all,
I have launched a new website at www.ppcli.ca

It is mostly a place for past and present Patricias to get reconnected, however, everyone is welcome.Hope to see some fresh people on the site.

Cheers! :salute:
Also if someone with graphics talent did a banner for me, I would not object!
Thanks.  :cheers:

Two points:

(1) You're replying to an older post - dated last May.  Try to keep up with the times.

(2) You're advocating copyright violation, by encouraging someone to download a torrent of copyrighted software.  There are many free tools available that can do similar things (such as GIMP).  Particularly on a forum filled with military members, encouraging illegal behaviour is a bad move for a new member.
Seeing a tab that says "New" would lead one to beleive that the post was indeed new,

Just offering one possible solution to the originators banner problem,
Your post has been removed as it violates forum guidelines buzzcutx. That was your freebie, any further violations will result in you being introduced to the warning system.

Milnet.Ca Staff
For official websites contact your area G6 Web and Graphics cell (they may not use that exact title) and they will probably download a complete GOC compliant template for you and offer space on their DND web server as well. Getting them to host and administer while you do updates is ideal in terms of time and effort.