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Weapons modification RANT.

Is the Elcan SpectreDR scope issued to troops or do they have to buy them, and if they do are they considered "acceptable" and you won't get in shi* for having it?
No its not (to the regular army at least).  As far as trouble well that all depends on your boss.
Karl87 said:
Is the Elcan SpectreDR scope issued to troops or do they have to buy them, and if they do are they considered "acceptable" and you won't get in shi* for having it?

I know of a number of people who've picked them up for tour through an individual with family connections at ELCAN- got a great deal with them. Their particular CoC seems fine with it, but your mileage may vary.
Hey all,
I normally don't post  this in this section,mostly because the regular posters in this section are far more knowledgeable about their requirements than I am,but I thought a little insight from the peanut gallery might help with this discussion.
      Now before I get charbroiled,I am not here to defend my fellow gun plumbers or my trade.Like I-6 said,There are good and bad,then there are the guys who I wouldn't trust with a rubber rifle, ;D,just like in any trade,branch etc.The best advice I can give to anyone,as stated before by others,is to get to know your techs.It'll become apparent pretty quickly who can think outside the box and those who are chained to the book.
      Paint will not damage the parkerizing on a rifle.That being said,It's not a good idea to paint your rifle in garrison,but when it's your butt closing with and destroying the enemy,paint away! To avoid any problems,talk to your tech and explain that it is removable and won't cause any problems.Any tech that remembers working on the C-3 sniper rifle shouldn't have a problem with it.
      On the note of Mods,instead of calling them "modifications" when talking to your techs(it carries a negative tone),call them add-ons.Generally speaking,a modification to a weapon system is a permanent change,while an add-on is reversable.Sometimes playing the word game helps. ;)
      In regards to front grips,custom handgaurds etc,either ask your tech for extra handgaurds(they're C class) or remove them before sending them to the shop until you know your techs.I've accidentally replaced handgaurds that have had custom mounts on them until I was educated by the owner of said handgaurds.Since then,I have no problem giving a few extra handgaurds to a Sect Comdr(on the down low)  for his troops to swap out as needed.
      Also,don't be afraid to get a second opinion.Hell,I do!
      By the way,I want to thank you guys for your thoughts on this subject.The better I understand the situation,the better I can help the troops that I support in these endeavors.
At the end of the day,sometimes you've just got to remind some of em' that CSS stands for Combat Service Support  ;)

Good post gun plumber
No charbroiling for you today...
geo said:
Good post gun plumber
No charbroiling for you today...

Ditto....we need more plumbers with that attitude.

I would have to say I agree 100% with "Mods are perm. and addons are luxury" I have no problems with bolt on kit, or replacement parts that are easily removed or adapted. I have helped alot of soldiers paint their rifles, and cary my brownells books with me, for easy ref. and to point the guys in the right direction.

Good, addons are great, but buying crap from the dollar store or gun taping on a front grip... thats looking for trouble!

You want an honest assement of your load out?

Granted it's a personal thing and what you are comfortable with...
Left handed or right handed shooter?
are there 2 buttons to turn on the IR or is the other for a flashlight?

Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
are there 2 buttons to turn on the IR or is the other for a flashlight?

Maybe you're seeing something I'm not. All I see is the pressure switch for the PAQ4 and the wireless button for the PRR.
BulletMagnet said:

You want an honest assement of your load out?

Granted it's a personal thing and what you are comfortable with...

Yeah, fill your boots.  Bear in mind that the only thing that I added was the crappy paint job and the PRR remote.  The rest was issued to me as is. 
The pressure switch on the mag well is for the Stinger IR light on the opposite side that you can't see.  My PAQ4 switch is on the foregrip. And I am a lefty shooter.
For what it's worth, here's what i've been getting away with in theatre. The policy on the ACOGs in my coy was in question for a while but ultimately the powers that be decided to allow them.
Nice, HS

But can you tell us about what exactly you're using? What kind of rail is that and where did you get it? What model ACOG and how do you like it? What about the sling? Light? Pistol grip? What do you like about this setup? What would you change?

Gun porn is cool and all, but a good review will educate people as to why the troops are pushing to do stuff like this.
my 2 bits...you should have your laser/light pressure switches in a posn to activate with your right hand, be that on the grip or forestock. It is never a good idea to use your pistol grip hand for activating aiming devices.

The ptt switch for your radio, though, can be, as you should not be needing to do trigger pull at the same time you are talking on your radio.

I hope you are big and/or strong, cause that just looks heavy.
My fav

The light and laser must be accessible by either hand if you need to go non-dominat hand due to cover requirements.

The ptt switch for your radio, though, can be, as you should not be needing to do trigger pull at the same time you are talking on your radio.

As far as the PRR goes, I never felt the need for a remote PTT switch. If you're in a firefight, then IMHO you should have your hands on your weapon and you should be communicating by yelling. If you're taking the time to transmit on your PRR, then you can use your support hand to press the PTT on the radio itself - after you've dealt with the imminent threat. This also helps to limit PRR traffic to the guys who are supposed to be directing the fight, not the #1 Rifleman who's taking the trench. Using the remote PTT just brings a middle ground 3rd decision in there to clutter your brain and your weapon, not to mention that I'm not convinced of the reliability of the remote PTTs.