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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

RedcapCrusader said:
I'm pretty sure I've seen him at Mewata the few times 604 Sqn RCAC was doing a rehearsal of some sorts. His face (and bad hair cut) is very familiar.

I'm in Edmonton and can't really do anything,  but can someone make sure this cadet faces some disciplinary action?
The Waltenkommando Highlanders have indeed been raised - many of us have been hoping for an ARRSE type group for a while.

bouncer, if you want to see him face consequences then why don't you follow the links provided and see it through? I'm more on the "meh" side of things with this kid, but if I wanted action I would fucking well take it myself.
Loachman said:
It's a long commute between Calgary, where he claims to live, and Cold Lake. Perhaps he's on IR.

Not when you're flying a CF performance aircraft it isn't.      :rofl:
jpjohnsn said:
The photo is still being used as his avator on Twitter as of a few minutes ago.  There are many details that don't add up like he claims to have graduated from high school in 2012, "studied" (past tense) at RMC  but is attached to 409 Sqn undertaking pilot training - quite the overachiever.

However, I've messaged a contact at the air cadet to give them a heads-up in case this gentleman is still a member.
Got the word from the sqn, he hasn't been a cadet for quite some time. No mention about whether he joined the CF or not.  Regardless, the pictures in FB and Twitter still defies explanation.

Amusingly, he's quite active on the Calgary PDs FB page including an offer to jump a wanted suspect if he happens to come across him.  What a Delta Bravo
marshall sl said:
https://www.facebook.com/kurty.BC .His page has changed

Looks like a spoiled rich kid.....But I have to LOL at his education:

Work and Education

Western Canada High School

Class of 1934 · Calgary, Alberta

He is pretty spry for a 106+/- year old...... ;D

Might explain why he is so dumb, taking so long to finally graduate HS.
George Wallace said:
Looks like a spoiled rich kid.....But I have to LOL at his education:

He is pretty spry for a 106+/- year old...... ;D

Might explain why he is so dumb, taking so long to finally graduate HS.

If he was 18 at graduation, wouldn't it make his birth year 1918..? He still looks good for his 90's!
I just read that Bill Finlayson, co-founder of stolen valor, has decided to go against the PPCLI association's recommendation about not trying to get charges pressed against Carl Dale. 

Carl Dale has complained about allegedly being harassed and receiving threats. If you're gonna be dumb you better be tough.
One would think that if someone was going to go to the trouble and expense to get a CF uniform and pose as a member/vet...they would at least know how to wear it properly and what order their ribbons go in.



One down

KINGSTON, Ont. ─ After years of impersonating a Canadian military officer at events in and around Kingston, Ont., Carl Dale turned in his uniform to military officials on Wednesday.

Dale met with Lt.-Col. Ron Bell of the Royal Canadian Regiment and was said to be remorseful for his actions and joining several veteran motorcycle groups under false pretences.

His actions were first brought to the attention of QMI Agency by several former military members, including Dave Banks, president of the Kingston Branch of Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry Association (PPCLI) and retired lieutenant-colonel.

Calls to Dale’s home on Wednesday went unanswered and messages were not returned.

Dale is the second fake soldier exposed in recent weeks. David Dodd, of Peterborough, apologized Jan. 22 for pretending to be a combat veteran. He was found out after making false claims on a Facebook page.

Last week, Dale was in contact with QMI Agency saying he was being harassed, bullied and threatened by someone in Ottawa over the issue and said that he was planning to consult a lawyer.

Dale admitted he was never a captain in the PPCLI, but claimed he had served in the reserves for five years.

“It was years ago, I'm not any longer. That was not my career,” said Dale, who said he is a contractor.

A search of the PPCLI's global database did not turn up anyone named Carl Dale.

He also denied wearing medals on his uniform despite a widely-distributed photograph showing him wearing one under his name tag.

But by Tuesday it appeared Dale had a change of heart and by noon on Wednesday Banks had received Dale's uniform.

Banks said he became aware of Dale's actions a few months ago, but couldn't understand how Dale blended in during military events without being noticed as a 'poser,’ pointing out numerous ways Dale wore the uniform and medals incorrectly.

Banks provided a variety of photos of Dale, most at military events. One photo shows him in a full Canadian army captain's uniform sitting next to and holding hands with a woman in a wedding dress.

Banks said Dale's tried the same tactics with other organizations for retired military members.

“He's got a long history of being kicked out of other organizations for the same problem,” he said, pointing to the Canadian Army Veterans, also known as CAV, a motorcycle organization of retired military personnel. He was also asked to leave the Canadian Veterans Freedom Riders.

Impersonating a military member could lead to a charge of unlawful use of military uniforms or certificates. Banks said he doesn't plan to press charges, because Dale’s given up his impersonation and apologized.

However, Bill Finlayson, co-founder of Stolen Valour, which exposes military imposters, said his group still intends to file charges against Dale with the Kingston Police.

“After speaking with other members of Stolen Valour Canada we have decided to go against the recommendation of the PPCLI Association's decision not to have Mr. Dale charged, and instead will be making an application to Crown (counsel in Kingston) to indeed try and have Mr. Dale charged,” wrote Finlayson, retired from PPCLI, in an email to QMI Agency

-With files from QMI Agency
dangerboy said:

Been posted.
Schindler's lift said:
One would think that if someone was going to go to the trouble and expense to get a CF uniform and pose as a member/vet...they would at least know how to wear it properly and what order their ribbons go in.

I searched on the forum and I'm amazed this guy has never come up.

Don Shipley is a Navy Seal (Ret.) who exposes fake Navy Seals and posts the conversations he has with them on his Youtube channel "Buds131"


They'd be hilarious if it wasn't so sad and pathetic...Enjoy!
RectorCR said:
I searched on the forum and I'm amazed this guy has never come up.

Don Shipley is a Navy Seal (Ret.) who exposes fake Navy Seals and posts the conversations he has with them on his Youtube channel "Buds131"


They'd be hilarious if it wasn't so sad and pathetic...Enjoy!

I like watching Shipley's videos. It's funny because the most common way he calls fakes out is he asks for their BUD class numbers. Every single one has failed. I guess every Navy Seal has to go through BUDS training and you forgetting your class number is like a woman forgetting her maiden name.
Scott said:
The Waltenkommando Highlanders have indeed been raised - many of us have been hoping for an ARRSE type group for a while.

bouncer, if you want to see him face consequences then why don't you follow the links provided and see it through? I'm more on the "meh" side of things with this kid, but if I wanted action I would ******* well take it myself.

Thanks for all the help.  What I meant by that is if he's still in cadets, he should face possible consequences; since he's out and not in Reg Force, the point is moot as it's probably been over 6 months since he had the photos done so S.419(b) can't be applied.
dangerboy said:
Dale admitted he was never a captain in the PPCLI, but claimed he had served in the reserves for five years.
I don't know for sure either way, but I thought I'd read someone had found that he had no previous military service.  If so, he's still lying; it's only a matter of time until he's back in the uber-soldier mode.  :not-again:

RectorCR said:
I searched on the forum and I'm amazed this guy has never come up.
Don Shipley is a Navy Seal (Ret.) who exposes fake Navy Seals SEALS....
The Brits have AARSE and the Americans have Stolen Valor -- keeping this focused on Canadian posers doesn't dilute the focus.  ;)
The Stolen Valour - CA guys are after another fifty or so posers:

