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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

I don't know if anyone here is on Facebook but for those that are you should check out the Walter Mitty Hunters Club. If you wanna see some really first class Walting it's worth a peek. Unfortunately in the U.K there is no law against this practice and thus zero deterrent. This organization outs these knot heads who try to profit from their fictitious military backgrounds. They have a Walter Mitty of the year award too which is always quite good for a laugh.

Here are a couple of real beauties for your amusement!


And here he is a sniper army medic in only 4 years.  As a medic I don't remember ever hearing of him.  Medicine Man have you heard of him?
ModlrMike said:
You'll have to be more specific Kirsten, there were so many.


No reference to the PA but MO endo in the cf yeah right.  Oh and for a laugh read the about him bio.
Kirsten Luomala said:

No reference to the PA but MO endo in the cf yeah right.  Oh and for a laugh read the about him bio.

Deep... very deep...

I had no idea that a Canadian medic was awarded the Kuwaiti Medal of Honour, for if I had, the details would have been held up as an inspirational example to young medical soldiers undergoing trades training. 35 years in the medical branch including 3 years as the CF Health Services Group CWO, and I'm embarrassed to to say that I didn't seek this fellow GW1 hero out, and thank him for his significant contributions to military medicine. I guarantee that I would have done so, if his story was true.... Lying sack of crap!




Ok I will set the record straight on this one.

The guys name is Mr. Carl Dale and from the info I received this guy has been fairly active over the past 3-5 years and has been in contact with various veterans organizations during that timeframe.

He claims that he is a PPCLI Captain and that he spent time in the airborne and is a sniper with numerous decorations and medals.  He has done numerous wierd things like write a letter instructing a Colonel from the USMC to ensure that his friends and family would be able to enter Trenton AFB for his repatriation, if he were to be killed in Afghanistan (He falsely claimed to be going off on a mission to Afghanistan and had a going away party thrown for him by some friends).

The letter which I have read appears to be gibberish which leads people to believe that Mr. Dale may not be all there upstairs.  His signature block he uses says "Captsin of the Regiments"  ::)

From my understanding, Mr. Dale has been called and confronted by the PPCLI association and he was non-committal to any questions and said he was super busy ebcause he had just married a Mexican woman and was moving to Mexico. 

It is is true, the MP Det was informed but had no desire to get involved and their is a rumour that Mr. Dale has been previously charged for impersonating a police officer. 

From my understanding some people are going to arrange a meeting with him to try and nicely get him to turnover all the medals and uniforms, failing that police may potentially be involved.  I am also of the understanding that the media already has this story and may very well break it. 
Kirsten Luomala said:

No reference to the PA but MO endo in the cf yeah right.  Oh and for a laugh read the about him bio.

So if I understand him correctly, he served in the Air Force as a Medical Officer in Endocrinology, and rose to the dizzy heights of Lt after sixteen years service (a promotion total of -1). His "service" record defies belief, to put it mildly.

Sadly after reading his bio, I realize that I have a monumental black hole in my memory. I somehow missed the whole moving of 1CFH to Calgary and its subsequent amalgamation with the PPCLI. I must get  myself to my physician post haste to see if these gaps can be reconstructed.
Mike prior to this he was trying to pass himself off as a PA LT working at Uof A when called on it that piece suddenly disappeared..  Best part he was kicked out of the service in the early 90's as far as I have been told.
Jeebus, I hope that Stolen Valour site gets up and running soon. These guys are coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches after dark.
Kirsten Luomala said:

And here he is a sniper army medic in only 4 years.  As a medic I don't remember ever hearing of him.  Medicine Man have you heard of him?

LMFAO.  He's older in his "Recruit" pic than he is in some of his other obviously photo-shopped DEU pics.  Fack; he's got pics posted of him from the bottom of his page up:

-  as a "recruit" in RCAF DEU;
-  as a "recruit" in Cdn Army DEU;
-  as a rotorhead in American desert fatigues;
-  in OG107 combats with peter pan hat;
-  in RCAF DEU again, but with wedge and air ops cap badge ***note the pic background;
      ( he's looking decades younger than he did in his "recruit" RCAF pic);
-  back to OG107 combats with Cdn Army beret and a recruit cornflake;
-  to a US Air Force ID card pic obviously photoshopped and using the same pic as noted above *** see pic background;
-  to a pic of real soldiers doing real things in Afghanistan;
-  to a pic of him with RCN high-collared whites in the background (avec red wings, CD and Cyprus ribbons); and
-  to an OG107 pic again.

Fire this ultra-poseur in to stolenvalor in the states too.

A complete and utter fuktard.

He's got more bling than Journeyman FFS.  :facepalm:
recceguy said:
Jeebus, I hope that Stolen Valour site gets up and running soon. These guys are coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches after dark.

Yup!  Still under construction; but then again, it was only announced yesterday.

ArmyVern said:
LMFAO.  He's older in his "Recruit" pic than he is in some of his other obviously photo-shopped DEU pics.  Fack; he's got pics posted of him from the bottom of his page up:

-  as a "recruit" in RCAF DEU;
-  as a "recruit" in Cdn Army DEU;
-  as a rotorhead in American desert fatigues;
-  in OG107 combats with peter pan hat;
-  in RCAF DEU again, but with wedge and air ops cap badge ***note the pic background;
      ( he's looking decades younger than he did in his "recruit" RCAF pic);
-  back to OG107 combats with Cdn Army beret and a recruit cornflake;
-  to a US Air Force ID card pic obviously photoshopped and using the same pic as noted above *** see pic background;
-  to a pic of real soldiers doing real things in Afghanistan;
-  to a pic of him with RCN high-collared whites in the background (avec red wings, CD and Cyprus ribbons); and
-  to an OG107 pic again.

Fire this ultra-poseur in to stolenvalor in the states too.

A complete and utter fuktard.

He's got more bling than Journeyman FFS.  :facepalm:

Vern, you linked to the wrong facebook scammer.
He may have more medals than Journeyman, but I bet you he doesn't have a couple of Chinooks and a dedicated line of ISR... :nod:

ArmyVern said:
He's got more bling than Journeyman FFS. 
Good2Golf said:
He may have more medals than Journeyman, but I bet you he doesn't have a couple of Chinooks and a dedicated line of ISR... :nod:
Come on you two, it's not always about me    :-[

/being seen to be humble  ;D
Journeyman said:
/being seen to be humble  ;D

If anyone (besides me) has a pic of you in Mess Kit, I am quite certain they were thinking "poser" when taking it and yours will one of the first cases we see posted on http://stolenvalour.ca, I'll back you up.  >:D

Whew ... I just finished reading through that Calgary poser link way down the page --- a Reverend too eh??!! 

I bet you he's met the Pope and is probably the one responsible for that pregnant nun from last week's news.
ArmyVern said:
If anyone (besides me) has a pic of you in Mess Kit......
Actually, I have a pic of me standing beside that Good2Golf guy in our Mess Kits, with both of us looking quite stunning...in our own way.    :bowing:

(But I'll keep your backing in mind, should the Stolen Valour people have questions beyond my MPRR  ;D )

ArmyVern said:
--- a Reverend too eh??!! 
Not being a FB type, I can't see most of his klag. But based on the earlier post by recceguy, a store-bought Ordination just screams 'scammer.'  Then looking through some academic links and references I couldn't find even a hint of him being a "Doctor" in any field, or any dissertation/publications in his name, so I'm guessing also store-bought (or complete BS)
Oh man, such a small community -- so many witnesses.......  :-[

Bearing in mind, devil39, I also have pictures....somewhere.......dammit  :nod: