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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

Booty said:
For your Military education :- A Boy Entrant is someone who is enlisted to the colours under the prescribed age for regular service in the fighting area. Sometimes this is overlooked by necessity.

I'm so glad someone has come along to further my "Military education".

Yes, I know what a boysoldier / soldier apprentice / boy entrant is, thank you.

Perhaps you could tell us exactly what program you entered as a "Boy Entrant", for what trade and at what schools you trained under this program.

And please explain the meaning of this remark:

Sometimes this is overlooked by necessity.

I joined as a "Boy Entrant" in 1970

I am ex QOR of C 1970

Boy soldier in the Canadian Army (Apprentice, Little Green Monster)?, but the dates still don't work.

The following corps participated in the Canadian Army’s Apprentice Training Program:

Royal Canadian Artillery; (Inception 1954)

Royal Canadian Engineers; (Inception 1952)

Royal Canadian Corps of Signals; (Inception 1952)

Royal Canadian Army Service Corps; (Inception 1952)

Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps; (Inception 1952) (very short lived with approx. 9 recruits).

Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps; (Inception 1952)

Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (Inception 1952). 

All programs (except the Medical Corps) lasted until 1965 with the graduates of this last intake graduating in 1967.

OK, as entertaining as this is, can we lock this thread already?  We're just feeding the troll here.  If he's legit, he will make it known to the mods should he decide to participate in this community.
2 more pages since Chinese food.....going for nap now........hmmmmm.....

2 Cdo said:
. What building number was 2 Cdo housed in back in 1984? I eagerly await your next dodge. ::)

Wow, after almost 6 years on the forum finally a question I know the answer to.........
Booty said:
No,not currently working at BATUS. Never said I was.We are attached to BATUS.

Yes, I am ex QOR of C 1970 - on.Yes I am ex RM Before and After.Yes, I am now a training instructor for Mountain and Arctic Warfare Cadre. Yes, My home is in Vancouver. Yes, we train All-Arms. Yes,I am in my late 50's and have roughly 18 months before Time Out to Reserve.Yes, I am dual nat.

Couple of chronological questions:

In an earlier post you claimed to have joined as a boy soldier in 1970.  Joined whom -   QoRC at 16 (the youngest enlistment age)  or was it in the RM?   And if the latter,  and if you were RM before QoRC , how old were you when you joined first joined the RM,  had you even reached puberty?

And, WRT serial #'s.  I too joined a militia unit (The FGH)  in 1970 and by that time SIN' s had replaced Regimental #'s.    
Blackadder1916 said:
Boy soldier in the Canadian Army (Apprentice, Little Green Monster)?, but the dates still don't work.


I was a Boy Entrant in the RM at Melville. My folks requested my return when my mother fell ill. Satisfied? Or do you want more?

I sure hope I can meet up with you nice people in person sometime, we could discuss things at length in private. :)
Booty said:
I sure hope I can meet up with you nice people in person sometime, we could discuss things at length in private. :)

I'll be in vancouver in 2 weeks or so.........
2 Cdo said:
Why exactly would you like my coin number? You are the one making outlandish claims of heroic battles in the FRY. You are the one making claims about Legion membership which has been shown to be wrong. You haven't answered any questions asked of you, because you cite "security" reasons. When you answer what years you served in the "Canadian Airborne Forces" I will gladly give up my coin number(Upon verification of course)

I don't think you can do it though because you reek of poser. ::)

Because I can access all coin numbers issued to date. I feel the only thing that reeks is your own hypocrisy.
OHHH a tough guy now...losing your patience now poser boy?
Booty said:
I was a Boy Entrant in the RM at Melville. My folks requested my return when my mother fell ill. Satisfied? Or do you want more?

I sure hope I can meet up with you nice people in person sometime, we could discuss things at length in private. :)

Still waiting your years of service in the "Canadian Airborne Forces". ??? How about an easy  question to start though. Which Airborne unit is primarily made up of French-speaking troops? Even a poser should get that question right.

Wow, after almost 6 years on the forum finally a question I know the answer to.........

Not a particularly hard question and he still dodged. ;D










Booty said:
Because I can access all coin numbers issued to date. I feel the only thing that reeks is your own hypocrisy.

Again, what years were you employed with "Canadian Airborne Forces"?

Can't answer eh. Must have been off on your "Underwater Scuba Ninja" course. ::)
I didn't think the RM would dodge a challenge...I guess I was mistaken, not surprised though
...it it gone yet...oops not yet still smells like sh#t in here...maybe he ate it....
Booty said:
Because I can access all coin numbers issued to date. I feel the only thing that reeks is your own hypocrisy.

I just remembered my years of service are in my signature. What years were you employed with the "Canadian Airborne Forces"?
Jammer said:
OHHH a tough guy now...losing your patience now poser boy?

Not in the least, I just thought a meeting would be nice, have a few beers that kinda thing.

Oh, hang on,I see,sorry, you are reverting back to your school yard kids type of thing. You know, name calling, mob handed attacks.eh?

You best not come unless your mom OKs it.