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Walking the dog???

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Ok so this is more of a rant than anything..

Walking the dog, in uniform, with no beret, along a busy street? I mean, what the hell?! Have the dress regs changed recently? What ever happened to looking professional while in uniform?

Any thoughts?
All I got whizzing by on my bike was a blue epaulet.. Hmmm, guess those ridiculous colours come in handy afterall :P
Okay, here we go.  I may have mentioned this before, but I feel I must mention it again.  As recently said to me by the Task force RSM "you can say anything to anyone, it's all HOW you say it that matters".

Dress regulations and enforcement are the responsability of everyone.  If you see someone out of dress, tactfully correct them and you should have no issues.  MAKE SURE YOU ARE CORRECT FIRST.  For instance, I once saw the base commander at Timmies with a huge thread stuck to his beret, I kindly informed him that he had one and offered to remove it for him, he thanked me and carried on his way.  Why did I say anything?  Because he represents the CF in his uniform and the way people (civvies) look at him affects the way they look at all of us, same goes for the guy walking the dog.

Stop your bike, approach the gentleman and suggest that maybe he forgot to put his beret on inadvertently when he left his house?

I don't know, the other technique would be do quickly remove and identifying factors on yourself and do a drive by correcting... "Put your darn beret on!!!!"  That usually spooks em enough to do something as they aren't sure what rank level yelled at em.. hehe

Good luck, if you get in trouble.. you don't know me.....
hehehe that reminds me of something I saw on the street the other day! Like... oh a guy with jeans on their military fleece underneath their OD gore-tex, and guess what?! He was a Cpl! How'd I know? Well.... I saw it on his CADPAT slip on! It was awesome! I was in uniform, and I was REALLY tempted to roll down my window and ask him, like you said Bzzliteyr, politely as to what unit he belongs to, and why is he WAY out of uniform? But... the cars behind me started to honk incessantly at me so I had to move on  >:( but honestly... where do people get these crazy ideas that they can wear any parts of their uniforms when ever they please? I know that the dress regs say you may, provided that you remove all the identification features on them in the case of DEU items, but... CADPAT/ ODs as well?
Feral said:
All I got whizzing by on my bike was a blue epaulet.. Hmmm, guess those ridiculous colours come in handy afterall :P

IMHO, if you didnt stop to sort the issue out, you are part of the problem
This does not concern me, I was merly a witness of some  CWO who happened to pass by a CPL walking in uniform while smoking a cigarette...

the CWO stopped the guy and asked him how he was doing, if he had a accident, or had some bad news. the guy (which I never saw his rank) answered with a polite tone to the CWO and was very respectfull until the CWO look at him and with sharp tone told loud enough to be heard "Then, why the hell are you smoking a F$%?(@g cigarette while walking. Aren't you ashamed of the image you are giving to every one.

The CWO then started walking while the guy turned dead white... he just drop the cig and walked his way.

Seeing his face: Priceless.

mysteriousmind said:
The CWO then started walking while the guy turned dead white... he just drop the cig and walked his way.

Seeing his face: Priceless.

And I can guarantee that if said CWO had seen the Cpl just dropping his smoke, there would have been hell to pay.
One that drives me nuts is holding hands in uniform.It looks horrible,and unprofessional.I have seen it but never said anything as they were with their significant other.

Cell phones are my pet peeve.Seen a guy walking down the main stretch in gagetown having a fine ol conversation on his cell.I drove ahead parked the car and walked back.As soon as he seen me coming him and his friends knew what was coming.I would never yell at someone on a cell phone...but I would get their attention as I wished to speak with them...

No man in my opinion deserves to be reamed in front of his wife/girlfriend.I had a Mcpl do it to me once.He not only did it in front of my wife...he walked me across the parade square to be in ear shot of the SSM gaggle on the other side.(It was a long parade and I didn't react to the words of command quick enough and slid my feet into attention to try to cover it up.In the back rank and was in my happy place.)He's quite high up now,on pulling gig's like that.I still hate the man,and always will.

There is a thing about looking professional,however there is a responsibility to be professional in correcting someones faults.

As a good WO told me,take the best characteristic traits from everyone and leave out the bad.Then mold yourself into that person.

.....I will not walk 400 m(no exaggeration)to make myself look important in front of a bunch of SSM's.

Oh and guys who jack up someone for their dress and they got pockets undone.That drives me.Seen a Mcpl doing it here the other day and had to stop and tell him afterwards.
CDN Aviator said:
IMHO, if you didnt stop to sort the issue out, you are part of the problem

I don't need to defend my actions to you. At least you sorted me out, now only one of us is part of the problem!  ::)

EX_RCAC_011 said:
Oh and guys who jack up someone for their dress and they got pockets undone.That drives me.Seen a Mcpl doing it here the other day and had to stop and tell him afterwards.

You mention this to the guy? I think it would totally be worth it just to see his face.
Feral said:
I don't need to defend my actions to you.

So you think that not correcting that individual on the spot was the best thing to do for the CFs image  ?

...and you are correct, you do not need to defend your actions........i would like you to explain your inaction, if you could
Feral said:
You mention this to the guy? I think it would totally be worth it just to see his face.

He thanked me with the words "ahhhh ****" and did up the zipper.He was jacking a student up for lint all over his beret.As I'm walking past the first thing I see is his gaping pocket with some papers hanging out.I sort of waited around until he was done.

The look on his face was good. ;)
CDN Aviator said:
So you think that not correcting that individual on the spot was the best thing to do for the CFs image  ?

...and you are correct, you do not need to defend your actions........i would like you to explain your inaction, if you could

I have my reasons for not correcting that individual on the spot. I didn't agree with it, hence starting this post with my rant. But as I stated before, I will not defend my actions to you. Nor my "inaction".
Maybe next time you should spare us your rants if you are unwilling to do anything about it..........It was in your realm to do so.
Feral said:
I don't need to defend my actions to you. At least you sorted me out, now only one of us is part of the problem!  ::)

I find your comment rude. You make a post, CDN Aviator told you his opinion.
Even if you don't know him, the fact that Mike B. made him a mod should give you clue
that he is respected around here. I can comprehend beeing surprised by his comment,
then you just have to take sometimes off before replying politely.

What image of the CF are YOU giving to civies like me ?

I'll quote another mod, also a respected member here, in another thread, on another subject:


The Librarian said:
Guys, you want to ***** that's fine; just remember that unless you do something about a problem when you think you have one...it won't get fixed.

I'll quote yourself from your profil, in the hope that my last line won't surprised you...

Life is tough. It's tougher if you're stupid.
Yrys said:
I find your comment rude. You make a post, CDN Aviator told you his opinion.
Even if you don't know him, the fact that Mike B. made him a mod should give you clue
that he is respected around here. I can comprehend beeing surprised by his comment,
then you just have to take sometimes off before replying politely.

I found his comment just as rude. He was not aware of my circumstances and he rushed to judgment on my "inaction". I merely repaid his comment in kind. I wasn't looking for a shooting match, I was just curious as to what others had seen/done about members of the CF who look like a bag of hammers in public.

As you suggest, I'll take some time and think of a polite reply to your comment reference my profile.  :)
Ferral, ill give you my 0.02$

if you are of rank what you indicate, as an officer, you should never let by a situation that affects the CF image.

You should never let by a situation that proves that you are not worthy of being an officer. By doing so, you let go the standard a little lower each time. and you let your leadership a little lower. have the courage of you action and of your opinion. By by not explaining yourself, you prooved to the rest of those fine people on this forum that serves under our flag. that you deserve no respect.

you don't have to justify yourself; That is totally correct sir, but if you are ranting...you should be able to put more meat around your rant.
Back to the topic at hand….

A buddy just told me a story about an event on his BMQ recently.  The course did such a good job on their nav that the staff said they could order pizza.  So this one troop decides to walk to the ATM at CFB Meaford in only his long johns, wet weather boots, civvy tshirt AND open cadpat jacket.   

Needless to say, pizza privileges for the whole course were revoked. 

It was a) really stupid of buddy to think dressing like that was appropriate and b) even more really stupid of his course mates - someone must have seen him getting dressed - to let him walk out like that. 
InfantryGrrl said:
Needless to say, pizza privileges for the whole course were revoked... 

even more really stupid of his course mates - someone must have seen him getting dressed - to let him walk out like that. 

Ahhh, that is exactly what BMQs are all about!! Another well-deserved lesson in Teamwork learned, and most likely, never to be forgotten.
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