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Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

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by the way welcome to the forums. One thing that I dont think is posted in recent "eye" threads is to bring a copy of a current eye glass perscription with you to your medical. The first thing the PA said to me was if I had one or not. Search away.

Hey Gents,

Dont mean to drag on the eye thing but what about having one eye with limited vision? It's not my aiming eye and I passed my drivers licsense test with no problems. My right eye also compensates for the loss of the left. Thanks for any feedback.


should answer all your questions

Well, I did all my testing last week and everything went great, except for the eye exam.  I'm going for infantry, but they told me my eyes were borderline v3/v4.  I had to get them checked at an optometrist, which I did, but I'm not sure if they are good enough or not.  I sent the paper work to my recruiter, but I kind of want to know now if my eyes are good enough or not.  In my right eye I got 20/400 (6/120), which is the requirement I believe.  But in my left eye I got 10/400 (3/120?) which doesnt make it.  Do I need to have both my eyes meet or exceed 6/120 or is just one okay?  My corrected vision by the way was 6/6.  I did try to search for this, so dont get pissed if you've heard this before.
If your eyes are that "bad" just get glasses and no more worries eh.
SoF said:
If your eyes are that "bad" just get glasses and no more worries eh.

... that won't make a difference.

If your uncorrected vision doesn't meet the requirement for V3, your be V4 or worse. Even if your vision is perfect with corrective lenses.

Ghost Snake, I got the same thing on my medical(borderling V3/V4), so I coulden't go combat arms, so I went signals.
I have good vision with my glasses on and without , vision is abit unclear for some items or small objects in the distance.
I assume as long your vision with glasses on you can get most of the military jobs no problems except for pilot?
Do lots of military personal wear glasses?
Just a suggestion, but if the military is REALLY the thing you want to do with your life, it might be a good idea to look into a reputable laser eye surgery clinic.

You're vision (10/400) is positively horrible. Laser-eye surgery would definitely help push you under the limit.
Well, thanks for all the replies guys.  I got the call from the recruiter today, and it looks like my eyes arent good enough for infantry, V4.  So it looks like I'm going for laser surgery.  Kind of a dissapointment.  Well, a lot actually.  But I guess its better to get it now, than having to take a few months off or something to do it once I'm actually in the army.  Hopefully it wont take too long to get it done.
Ghost Snake, if it's possible, could you keep us informed about your surgery? I consider doing the same so I'd like an output from someone that just did it. TY!

BTW: Are you the same Ghost Snake from a board called ASC?  ;)
regarding eye surgery:

I got mine blasted last year, and so far its worked out for the best. I used to be -7.50d and now i'm 20/20. from what i've been told you have to wait at LEAST 6 months after the surgery, and i don't think you can be accepted until a year-long wiated period has been up. And seeing as mine is up nov 26, i am applying (once again) and am stoked. Any other questions regarding eye shit just fire em my way -Cameron
im looking at joining the reserves and im a tad bit confused as to what one im actually under. this is what my eye doctor gave me for prescription.
      Sphere  Cyl    Axis
OD-1.25    -1.00  110
OS-1.50    -.25    70
he also told me that its 20/150, and i looked at the chart and thats between V3 and V4, so does anyone know exactly what i would be. it would help me out alot because then i would know what trades are avalible for me.
thank you.
Well, I'll give you a quick look at how the laser eye surgery went for me;

My vision was a not-too-bad -2.75d (roughly 20/100) when I decided to get them set aflame. I opted for the more expensive "WaveFront PRK" procedure... at the the time I seem to recall it was a cool $3000. If you are unaware of the different options regarding laser-eye surgery.... www.focuseye.com is where I got mine.

Anyway, that was on November 3rd of last year... I have had a handful of follow up appointments, and a fews bottles of steroidal drops dripped into my eyes... 6 months after I got it done, my vision went hazy. I was told that I developed scar tissue on the surface of my eye. After another type of treatment, things cleared up, and my vision stabilized to a very respectable 20/15... better than the average. Things have been just peachy ever since, my final follow up appointment is on November 3rd.

Now, when I did my vision test for the CF, they only test you for 20/20 vision. I passed it easily, and probably could have scored even better were I given the opportunity.

I spoke with the doctor and he told me that as long as you have a scheduled follow-up appointmentwith your eye doctor, your medical will not be sent to Borden. He said that many guys get their eyes done at a doctor who only schedules a couple appointments in the following 3 months of the surgery, and then when the CF screens you for vision, some of the candidates who went to those "Cheaper doctors" fail the test, and it turns out their eyes were not as good as they were originally told they were, or that there is a problem that wasn't fixed in the first place. He said I was lucky to have gotten a good surgeon, because he's seen alot of work done by bad ones.. He told me there is absolutely no problem with laser-eye surgery for people applying to the infantry, but that as long as you still have an appointment scheduled you are considered as being "treated by a specialist" and as such, you are not medically fit for service. I was told that my medical file would be sitting at the CFRC until I brought in a declaration from my surgeon stating that I've passed their standards. As soon as I brought that declaration in, my file would be sent out that afternoon.

Personally, despite the expense, despite the amount of time it takes for an eye to completely recover from that type of surgery, despite the inconvience, and despite the risks (yes there are risks) I would do it again in a heartbeat. And I'm not a person to plug a particular company, but I attribute my excellent results to my eye-care centre... it wasn't cheap - but then, you only get one pair of eyes, and you certainly can't argue with the results... my vision is better than that of most people who've never had to wear glasses.

However, if you decide to do it, educate yourself on the types of procedures, make sure your surgeon is a good one, and be aware that it takes time and discipline to heal yourself. Understanding that you will not be able to successfully pass the medical for quite a long time (in the case of my surgeon... a year).

A lot of people think that eye surgery is like getting your picture taken... it's not. It is a SURGERY, there is an incredible amount of trauma sustained by your eyes during the procedure. It's not a decision to make lightly: it could change the way you live, for good or for bad.

For my part, I recommend it.
im looking at joining the reserves and im a tad bit confused as to what one im actually under. this is what my eye doctor gave me for prescription.
      Sphere  Cyl    Axis
OD-1.25    -1.00  110
OS-1.50    -.25    70
he also told me that its 20/150, and i looked at the chart and thats between V3 and V4, so does anyone know exactly what i would be. it would help me out alot because then i would know what trades are avalible for me.
thank you.