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Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

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will i still be able to join if i have astigmatism? i couldn't find any info anywere
When I did my medical, I had to get extra paperwork filled out by my optometrist because my vision is so bad. No mention was ever made about my astigmatism by either the local medical personnel or the people down in Borden, which leads me to suspect they're more concerned with your visual acuity than whether your eyeballs are the "perfect" shape.
Cool medical translations. Maybe you can help me figure out my priscription?
I tried to figure it out with the information given in this thread but the numbers don't match up. I don't know if the doctor intended it to be in metric but there were no decimals in the prescription (ie 425 as to 4.25). Here is exactly what my prescription states.

      Sphere      Cyl      Axis
OD  -425      -100      14
OS  -625          --        --

My questions are:
1. I know I'm V4 but I'd like to know if I'm a mild or severe V4?
2. Can I be declared legally blind?
3. Would I be a good candidate for lazer eye surgery with eyes this bad?
4. Why are fire engines red?

OK cool i can still join but if u don't force your eyes some times it gets blurry thats why i get headaches allot!
You will be properly assessed through the medical portion of the recruiting process.  What happens to someone else may not be what happens to you.
The numbers do match up, he just left out the decimals.

                  Sphere Correction            Cylinder (Secondary) Correction        Axis (Degrees of Cylinder correction)
Right Eye            -4.25                                    - 100                                                    14 degrees
Left Eye              -6.25                                      none                                                    none

If your curious, your can read up more on Sphere, Cylinder and Axis here:

1.  Your V4 until your vision with your glasses falls below 6/9 in your better eye and 6/60 in the other. Or, until
    your better eye (Right in your case) needs a sphere correction of -7.00 diopters. You didn't mention how your
    visual acuity is with your glasses, so that's all we can tell you.

2.  Legal Blindness is having 20/200 (6/60) visual acuity or less in the better eye, while corrected.  Odds are, your
    no where close.

3.  Consult your opthomologist.

4.  Q: Why are fire trucks red?
      Source: http://www.culvercity.org/fire/fire_faq.html

A: Fire trucks have four firefighters and eight wheels.
Four and eight make twelve.
There are twelve inches in a foot.
Rulers are a foot long.
Queen Elizabeth II is a ruler and is also the name of the largest ship that sails the seven seas.
Seas have fish and fish have fins.
The Finns fought the Russians and the Russians are red.
Fire trucks are always rushin' to fires therefore fire trucks are red.

A: Some literature suggests that red paint was the least expensive to use so they painted fire trucks red. Since then it has become tradition that fire trucks be painted red.

I seen the chart here for what V1/2/3/4 ect are suppose to be, but I dont really know what 6/60 for example means. Can someone tell me what all them numbers expressed as a fraction mean?
You can find a chart of the fractions here:

Hi hope someone can help me. i printed out a page of the snellen chart. now at 20feet i cant see the top letter. i can just make it out at 15 feet. so this would mean my vision is worse then 20/200 ?

my prescription is this.
      Sphere    CYL    Axis
OD  -1.25      -0.25    120       
                                          PD 56.5
OS  -1.25      SPH

which seems like i should be between  6/15-6/30    right?

i get confused with any kind of math : /

and with glasses i have 20/20 or better

Well, Caesar416 wanted me to give an update on my progress so here goes.  Had my surgery done yesterday (26th) at about 5pm.  It is now 2 pm (27th) and my eyes feel GREAT!  I decided to get LASIK instead of PRK, mainly because of the shorter healing time, and less chance of infection.  I got it done at Image Plus in Winnipeg.  One of the best places in Canada I'm told.  They use a process called wavefront which is the best there is right now.  Basically it creates a 3D map of your eye and because of this, can remove all imperfections in your eye.  Other techniques only fix the power of the eye.  But this fixes astigmatism, any bumps or indents, basically any imperfection on the surface of your eye.  Your eye becomes almost perfectly round after this.  I would highly recommend this to anyone getting LASIK or PRK done.  Another awesome technology they had was called IntraLase.  In normal LASIK, the surgeon uses a crude mechanical device to cut a flap in your eye.  With IntraLase, a perfectly round, perfectly sized flap is created by laser.  This also eliminates human error for this part of the surgery, which gave me a certain peace of mind.  I would also recomend this, although it added $200 per eye.  Final cost was $4600 for both eyes.  I could have gotten it done for $1400 at other places in Winnipeg, but I wouldnt ever consider it.  I would much sooner pay a few grand more, and KNOW that my surgeon isn't an incompetant moron, that all the equipment and technology is top notch and that the chance of me getting infections or other complications is much less.  Yes, $4600 is a lot, but its worth every penny, IMO.  As of 9am this morning, 16 hours after my surgery, I have 20/15 in both eyes (better than 20/20), no pain or irritation and I feel great.  I've already talked to the recruiter again, and he said all my papers have gone through (borden?) already, all I need is the form from my surgeon saying my eyes are good to go, and I can get sworn in.  Provided no complications arise, I should be good to go in 3 months. :D
Congrats! I want to get the same thing done, I'm just to young. (cool that rhymed)
Ghost Snake said:
Thanks, but, done and young don't rhyme  ;D

Oh... i thought that a rhyme was that the ending of the 2 words had to have the same sound. and the g in young is silent and..bah I was never good at English. But anyways back on topic, from my research you must be at least 18 but they don't reccomend it until you are 21.
The reason they don't recommend it if you are under 21 is because your eyes may still be undergoing changes. So, for example, if you get LASIK done at 18, in 2 years your vision might naturally worsen, and you're left with imperfect vision after having done the surgery. You can still do it at 18, but you need to make sure that your vision has not changed significantly in at least one year (don't ask me how much is 'significantly' - probably no change at all is preferable).
ya thanks, I read that all up on a LASIK website. I'm in no rush anyways, my vision is not that bad. Cheers
  Hey guys.  Try not to worry about your eyesight. It actually makes it worse due to the added stress. Search on the net about eyesight improvement exercises. Here's what i found, i tried them and my vision is improving but very slowly. At least you should try it




Let me know how your eyesight is improving. Good luck
Acctually glasses make your vision worse. They don't fix the problem. Common guys do those exercises. They help. Keep your glasses away for some time and do them every day!!!
Ok those links don't have too much info. I'm gonna make a new thread soon and post those exercises